[meteorite-list] Rafael Rant
From: Michael Gilmer <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2011 18:34:32 -0400 Message-ID: <BANLkTimwQ3_81a9QR8=Oi9z5B=R5etdOfg_at_mail.gmail.com> Hi List, I understood the meaning of Rafael's message (mostly), but I think there was some misplaced hostility in it - unless I am missing something in translation. >> *Definitely, the ignorance is bold.* >> I ask to Michael Gilbert (Galactic Stone), can you tell me exactly *(Date)* *which* law prohibits individuals to have samples of lunar rocks brought by NASA. >> You believe everything what others say? >> You know something about it, or also repeat this like a parrot ? >> *PD : *And do not worry about answering;I know that you will do not. >> I suspect that you are smart enough not to continue a discussion that you are not sure of winning. The overall tone of the message seems hostile to me. Those who know me, know that I don't "parrot" things I hear. I've never been one to engage in such behavior. Perhaps he has me confused with someone else. And I certainly don't believe everything I hear. If anything, I have often been accused of being too jaded and skeptical - the exact opposite of his description. And the last part about "not answering" is definitely not me - one thing I have never been accused of is keeping my mouth shut. LOL I think Rafael has strong feelings about the subject at hand (for whatever reason) and my message touched a nerve. However, he is shooting the messenger here. His message should have been sent to NASA or US federal law enforcement, not me or this List. Best regards, MikeG -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber (Michael Gilmer) Website - http://www.galactic-stone.com Facebook - http://tinyurl.com/42h79my News Feed - http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516 Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone EOM - http://www.encyclopedia-of-meteorites.com/collection.aspx?id=1564 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On 6/25/11, MexicoDoug <mexicodoug at aim.com> wrote: > Hi Michael and Rafael > > "3) the grammar was so poor it made the message impossible to discern" > > Michael, please give Rafael a break and be more welcoming, it is > obvious from his thoughts that he is a highly educated person but does > not have the benefit of English as his first language. To attack that > in such a case is a blow below the belt. Today is a good day for me and > I tried to follow a few posts for the first time in basically a year > and a half on the list and I appreciate that you always provide > delicious fodder. Interestingly I had no problem understanding my > Rafael's post, as wrong as I might be in interpretation. > > First, I think he directed only the very the very first thought at you > for your own insightful, never less rant (see P.S.), which was scarier > by far (but which we have to know and love you and do since we are > personally acquainted) about the crisis statement of the state of > ignorance in the USA - how the average person in the USA is a fool and > three paragraphs to support that complete with statistics. > > Now if Rafael just commented to you to hold up a mirror on yourself > first, it might not have been the most courteous answer, but I'm > betting that the English nuances in your Moon Dust titled post (which > was quite far from Moon dust as dust can be) could sound really > aggressive to non-native speakers and provoke such a response within > other cultures where more respect is afforded as the norm although > everyone knows it is protocol/lipservice in some instances. > > The rest of his post, I think, was a different subject within the > thread and very pertinent, and I think you took offense at something > not even directed anywhere near you, it was likely directed to Michael > Gilmer, the "parroting" stuff. The comment itself was a winner. I think > his question was: What law is this that actually makes the Moon rocks > illegal to own. Not having dedicated any thought to this in the past, I > am ignorant on the subject, but respectfully give Rafael his space to > ask - are we all parroting? This has nothing to do with the infamous > theft case where the illegality was students stealing government > property, this has to do only with that residue or gifts which were > never stolen. Is it not the same basic question that we see over and > over in meteoritics when ignorant lawmakers get involved? Is it not > just because as an American taxpayer for many list members, there is a > feeling of entitlement and ownership from which something it is being > deduced outside a legal framework that any gift is illegal? That is > actually a fascinating thought considering when the shoe is on the > other foot there is never a shortage of questioners doing the due > diligence, and rightfully so. Surely there is a Federal Statute someone > can reference? > > It is a crazy world, but I enjoyed Rafael's "post" even though it only > arrived to my inbox only via your posting of it to the list. > > Rafael, if that wasn't a private message, perhaps you are sending rich > text to the meteorite list. It confuses the server running it, like a > photon getting lost inside the Sun, when it comes out or gets otherwise > consumed we never know. I can almost be 100% sure no one is editing > anything you say here, as you suspected. On the contrary this place has > a reputation of being a real mugrero, and that is why many love it and > hate it at the same time. You must send plain text messages only to the > list. > > *** > > So that will be 2 centavos for the unsolicited translation and no > warranty is made on its quality... > > Kindest wishes > Doug > > PS: Captain Blood's original post under the thread titled "Moon Dust": > > Michael B wrote: > > Oh, so many things are so greatly influenced by > the ignorant masses of this country. "Jay walking" > Is NOT faked - I know because these people show up > In my classes! Newsweek does a yearly "man on the > Street" 10 question test in 15 major cities. The AVERAGE > Score is 4 out of 10. The questions?... Which country is > Closer to the United States: France or Canada? Which > Came first, the Civil War or World War II? (Really, > ALL the questions are that simple... 4 out of 10! > > No one seems to get that our educational > System is going down the tubes as a result of nit wit, > Politically correct, see the student as a customer first > Attitudes coupled with a false sense of entitlement > And the taboo prevalent throughout the country > against flunking non-achievers. > > Harvard now gives ALL "A"s to all students in > All classes. (Parents aren't paying $40,000 per year > For their kids to get "B"s - there was a segment on > "60 Minutes" about this last year). > > These people don't just decide elections.... They > Are running a lot of things. The lower echelon of them > Are the face to face people you deal with in most stores. > > It is terrifying! They are EVERYWHERE! > > Let's hide! > > Michael > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Michael Blood <mlblood at cox.net> > To: Rafael Navarro <rafael.navarro7 at gmail.com> > Cc: Meteorite List <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> > Sent: Sat, Jun 25, 2011 3:22 pm > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Rafael Rant > > > Hi Rafael, > It would be far easier to respond if I had any idea what you > Were talking about. > Since you: > 1) did NOT include the text to which you seam to be referring... > 2) left the subject box "moon dust" (?) > 3) the grammar was so poor it made the message impossible to discern > All combine to make it pretty much beyond reasoning to try to infer > what it was you intended to say. HOWEVER, I did pick up some key > Phrases, such as "ignorance," "repeat like a parrot," some biblical > reference, "ignorance is bold," and much ranting about the scarcity > lunar > meteorite finds... All of which lead me to guess you are one of those > people > who have decided they have found a lunar meteorite (sometimes a half > dozen of them - sometimes in their own yard). But I could be wrong, as > your post was, for the most part, incoherent due to 1, 2 & 3 above. > Whatever it was about, it doesn't belong on the list. If you have an > Issue with me, post me directly. Please try to use English grammar > sufficient to be understood, and I will write you back. > But not on the list. > Michael > > > > On 6/25/11 11:06 AM, "Rafael Navarro" <rafael.navarro7 at gmail.com> wrote: > >> Well ,Michael Blood you can not talk about the speck in your > brother's eye, >> when you do not see the beam in yours, (the eyes not see to inward). >> I had the suspicion that NASA gave lunar rock samples (Apollo 11) > without >> having studied, hize a research about it and wanted to share my > findings >> with members of Met-list, but the editors of the list, censored my > posts >> by be suspect and out of place. >> *Definitely, the ignorance is bold.* >> I ask to Michael Gilbert (Galactic Stone), can you tell me exactly > *(Date)* >> *which* law prohibits individuals to have samples of lunar rocks > brought by >> NASA. >> Or you only repeat those words because you've heard to someone say it? >> Also, you believe that among all the samples collected on the moon > only >> arrived two microscopic meteorites? >> You believe everything what others say? >> You know something about it, or also repeat this like a parrot ? >> *Yes in truth, It is terrifying! They are EVERYWHERE!* >> * >> * >> Rafael Navarro >> >> *PD : *And do not worry about answering;I know that you will do not. >> I suspect that you are smart enough not to continue a discussion that > you >> are not sure of winning. >> * >> * >> * >> * > > > -- > Obama is not a brown-skinned anti-war socialist. > You are thinking of Jesus. > (Street sign) > -- > Add two grains of sugar to everything you say > And one of salt to everything you hear. > > > > > > > > ______________________________________________ > Visit the Archives at > http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > ______________________________________________ > Visit the Archives at > http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >Received on Sat 25 Jun 2011 06:34:32 PM PDT |
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