[meteorite-list] Moon Dust
From: Michael Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 09:31:10 -0700 Message-ID: <CA2A09DE.1B1EE%mlblood_at_cox.net> On 6/24/11 6:26 AM, "Met. Michael Gilmer" <meteoritemike at gmail.com> wrote: > hillbilly racism and moon-landing > nutjobbery. Hi Michael, Wonderful description. Oh, so many things are so greatly influenced by the ignorant masses of this country. "Jay walking" Is NOT faked - I know because these people show up In my classes! Newsweek does a yearly "man on the Street" 10 question test in 15 major cities. The AVERAGE Score is 4 out of 10. The questions?... Which country is Closer to the United States: France or Canada? Which Came first, the Civil War or World War II? (Really, ALL the questions are that simple... 4 out of 10! No one seems to get that our educational System is going down the tubes as a result of nit wit, Politically correct, see the student as a customer first Attitudes coupled with a false sense of entitlement And the taboo prevalent throughout the country against flunking non-achievers. Harvard now gives ALL "A"s to all students in All classes. (Parents aren't paying $40,000 per year For their kids to get "B"s - there was a segment on "60 Minutes" about this last year). These people don't just decide elections.... They Are running a lot of things. The lower echelon of them Are the face to face people you deal with in most stores. It is terrifying! They are EVERYWHERE! Let's hide! Michael -- Obama is not a brown-skinned anti-war socialist. You are thinking of Jesus. (Street sign) -- Add two grains of sugar to everything you say And one of salt to everything you hear.Received on Fri 24 Jun 2011 12:31:10 PM PDT |
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