[meteorite-list] regarding post of NWA 001 question PLUS carelessIMCA member
From: Dan Furlan <danfurlan_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 10:08:21 -0400 Message-ID: <BANLkTimza_UYmpw+QbNu1BKYSegUbhzMYw_at_mail.gmail.com> Who is dragging you into anything you are the one who started this.. im the one who got ripped off not you.. you are the one who chose to call it ironic that this happend at the same time i re-applied.. i had no problems keeping my personal business personal but you seemed to have the need to bring it up in public for no reason and you could of asked me for some facts which i have provided you with off the list... before trying to discredit me and my good name you could of simply emailed me off the list but you chose to respond in an unprofessional manner .. not very professional behavior from the Vice President of IMCA.. it is very serious when there are people abusing their IMCA memberships you and i both know i never abused anything and i decided to stand behind my policy five years ago knowing full well that my membership was going to be taken away, i chose to stand behind my policy and that was my choice five years ago., me not getting my membership and being treated poorly as well as unfairly is one thing.. but having people selling fakes is very serious and this is not something new Jeff, IMCA has been aware for some time.. but now when lab reports proof all the claims that have been made something is being done... anyways i would like to inform everybody that Bryan Scarborough has offered me a full refund and has provided me with good customer service, this still does not justify his careless behavior and i personally will never buy anything for him again or sell him anything either. And i will let the people in the community decide whether or not your post in response to my original post is appropriate as i have done nothing wrong except bring up an issue of getting ripped off I will continue to defend myself especially when falsely accused by the vice president of IMCA of "possibly" making this up and i will copy and paste your exact words so there is no confusion and i quote you directly insinuating that i may be making this stuff up because i am holding a grudge against IMCA quote: "I'm wondering if this has something to do with you being removed from the IMCA in the past and denied re-entry again last week? It would seem to me that the timing is ironic. " those are your words not mine Jeff and you phrased what you are trying to say very eloquently and i have provided you with the information you needed to prove i am telling the truth and i think you owe me an apology for bringing up my IMCA application in public and i want to drop this issue i just dont want people to think i am the bad guy in this whole ordeal, the only reason i am knocking IMCA is because you insinuate i am a liar and you bring up my business from five years ago in public to discredit me and my good name and you mention my re-application which is a completely separate issue and off topic.. and the reason you mention these things is to say I am complaining about getting ripped off because i didn't get a membership.. that doesn't make sense Jeff and maybe i am not understanding your original post. But if you ask me you acted in haste and responded to a serious post inappropriately and i am not afraid to point out the facts and clear up any misunderstandings. As we have cleared up most of this issue privately already i still feel you need to make a public apology for insinuating things about me and suggesting i may have ulterior motives in making a legitimate claim. I am leaving the choice to you as i am done talking about this but i will continue to defend myself if necessary. Daniel Furlan collector and Dealer Received on Wed 15 Jun 2011 10:08:21 AM PDT |
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