[meteorite-list] POP QUIZ ANSWER
From: Shawn Alan <photophlow_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 12:36:56 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <410134.22401.qm_at_web35404.mail.mud.yahoo.com> Hello Listers, I am hoping everyone is enjoying the afternoon and would like to post the answer from the POP QUIZ. Quetion Please tell me the name of the first meteorite that was etched? Answer KRASNOJARSK (1804 by William Thomson) I would like to congradulate James B being the 10th Lister to send me the correct answer. He will be getting a 120mg Saratov meteorite fragment that fell in 1918 in Russia. And for those of you that would like to read up on the Krasnojarsk meteorite, here is an excerpt from Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni (1756?1827) and the origins of modern meteorite research By Ursula B. MARVIN For the next 130 years, from 1808 to 1939, von Widmanst?tten was credited as the earliest discoverer of the metallurgical patterns that are named for him in iron meteorites. The first intimation of a possible rival arose indirectly in 1939 when Robert T. Gunther (1869?1940), the Oxford historian and antiquary with a special interest in the Naples area, examined a mineral collection that contained numerous fine specimens marked ?Dr. T.? Gunther (1939) had no clue to the identity of Dr. T. until he came upon a sample of Vesuvian lava that had been worked into a commemorative medal honoring the French geologist, Diodato Dolomieu (1750?1801). The back of the medal was impressed with the name and date: ?G. Thomson Anglus 1805.? Seeking further information, Gunther contacted Professor Alfred Lacroix (1863?1948), at the Mus?um National d?Histoire Naturelle in Paris, who found a letter in the archives that had been sent in 1801 from Naples in to the paleontologist, Georges Cuvier (1769?1832), by ?G. Thomson, gi? Professore di Anatomia ? Oxford.? *** Gunther?s offhand statement of Thomson?s anticipation of the Widmanst?tten figures elicited a letter to Nature from Max Hey (1905?1984) of the Department of Mineralogy of the British Museum (Natural History). Hey looked up the 1808 issue of the Atti dell?Accademia delle Scienze di Siena that contained Thomson?s article on the Krasnojarsk meteorite, which, he noted, was dated ?February 6, 1804.? Hey remarked that the article is of particular interest to us because it shows that Thomson studied the action of dilute nitric acid on the nickel-iron and fully described and pictured the etch figures, thus anticipating the work of von Widmanst?tten which, was carried out in 1808 and published first in 1812 (by K. A. Neumann). Although he documented Thomson?s priority of publication, Hey made no suggestion that the etch figures should be renamed for him. Here the matter rested for two more decades. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1996M&PS...31..545M Shawn Alan IMCA 1633 eBaystore http://shop.ebay.com/photophlow/m.html [meteorite-list] POP QUIZ FRIDAYS Shawn Alan photophlow at yahoo.com Fri Jun 10 18:11:40 EDT 2011 Previous message: [meteorite-list] Willimette? Next message: [meteorite-list] AD- Meteorite Auctions Including New Ungrouped Achondrite! FREE SHIPPING!!!!!!!!!!! Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Listers, I hope everyone is staying cool from the heat and if not your out and about hunting for meteorites. As for me, I am stuck in the BIG APPLE and if anyone knows of any strewn fields in Central Park, let me know and ill go meteorite hunting :) Till then, I have a POP QUIZ today. The name of the GAME Be the 10th Listers to email me off the LIST with the correct answer and you will win a free 120mg Saratov fragment from a 1918 meteorite fall in Russia. QUESTION: Please tell me the name of the first meteorite that was etched? Shawn Alan IMCA 1633 eBaystore http://shop.ebay.com/photophlow/m.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous message: [meteorite-list] Willimette? Next message: [meteorite-list] AD- Meteorite Auctions Including New Ungrouped Achondrite! FREE SHIPPING!!!!!!!!!!! Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More information about the Meteorite-list mailing list Received on Sun 12 Jun 2011 03:36:56 PM PDT |
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