[meteorite-list] Soltmany is first official fall of 2011
From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 20:53:52 -0400 Message-ID: <CAKBPJW-ffY4EJCh3hBeNGbx-pjDzW0=JNeb8L40kMbpDOdTeVw_at_mail.gmail.com> Soltmany is approved as the first official fall of 2011 - http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=53829 (Some other new meteorites were also added to the Met Bulletin today, including a lunar, two irons, and a brachinite!) Congratulations to Poland! :) Best regards and clear skies, MikeG -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber (Michael Gilmer) Website - http://www.galactic-stone.com Facebook - http://tinyurl.com/42h79my News Feed - http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516 Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone EOM - http://www.encyclopedia-of-meteorites.com/collection.aspx?id=1564 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On 7/18/11, Ron Baalke <baalke at zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> wrote: > > http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/journal_07_18_11.asp > > Dawn Journal > Dr. Marc Rayman > July 18, 2011 > > Dear Residawnts of Vesta, > > Dawn has arrived!! > > After covering 2.8 billion kilometers (1.7 billion miles) on its own, > after traveling for nearly four years through the lonely emptiness of > interplanetary space, after being bound by the gravity only of the sun, > Dawn is finally in orbit around Vesta. To get here, it gently propelled > itself with its ion propulsion system for 70% of its journey, or more than > 2.6 years. Deep in the asteroid belt, far from its planet of origin, well > beyond Mars (which it visited ever so briefly more than two years ago), > where no spacecraft has ever been before, Dawn now resides with a giant. > > While more detailed navigational analyses will be required to determine > the exact time, around 10:00 pm PDT on July 15, as the spacecraft performed > its familiar routine of ion thrusting, its orbit around the sun finally was > so close to that of Vesta that the protoplanet's gravity could take hold of > it. Dawn was only about 16,000 kilometers (9,900 miles) above the ancient, > scarred surface of the alien world. Traveling together around the sun at > more > than 20.5 kilometers per second (46,000 mph), their orbits were so > similar that the cosmic craft was closing in at the leisurely speed of > only 27 meters per second (60 mph). The last time it approached a nearby > destination so slowly was in April 2007. At that time, it used more > conventional propulsion technology: it rode on a truck from Washington, DC > to Cape Canaveral, Florida. > > That may be too many numbers for some readers (and too few for our good > friends the Numerivores). But it all reduces to one cool fact: humankind has > succeeded in delivering an interplanetary spaceship to orbit around one of > the > largest objects in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Indeed, > Dawn is the first spacecraft to orbit any object in the main belt. > > The probe slipped gently into orbit with the same grace it has displayed > during its nearly 1000 days of ion thrusting through the solar system. > Although the unusual nature of the spiral capture has been explained in > detail before, there is one important difference (in addition to some minor > ones) > from previous descriptions: now it is history. > > Dawn has orbited two other bodies. Shortly after it left Cape Canaveral > atop a fiery rocket, the spacecraft spent about 45 minutes in Earth orbit, > waiting > for the proper orbital alignment to begin its ambitious deep-space voyage. > Once > the rocket gave it enough energy to leave the planet behind, Dawn orbited > the sun > as surely as Earth and the other planets do, although, of course, it spent > most of > its time reshaping that orbit. Now it is orbiting Vesta, as surely as > the moon orbits Earth. > > Entering orbit around the protoplanet is essential to Dawn's plans for > comprehensive studies of this exotic world, but simply being in orbit is > not adequate. The craft did not miss a beat as it flew into Vesta's > grasp; it is spiraling around its new master as it aims for its first > science orbit at an altitude of 2700 kilometers (1700 miles). The > intensive scrutiny of Vesta from survey orbit will begin in the second week > of > August. > > It's a noteworthy coincidence that Earth and Vesta will happen to be very > well > aligned then. As they follow their independent orbits around the sun, > occasionally > their paths bring them relatively near to each other. So just as Dawn begins > looking closely at Vesta, so too can residents of Earth. The protoplanet is > the > brightest object in the asteroid belt, and the only one ever visible to > unaided > terrestrial eyes, although binoculars or a telescope make it much easier > to spot, especially under skies that are brightened by the lights of > cities. > > Even when their separation is at its minimum, Earth and Vesta will come > only to within about 1.23 AU (184 million kilometers or 114 million miles) > of > each other. While their closest approach is late at night on July 31, the > geometry > changes slowly enough that there are good viewing opportunities well before > and after. > Go here <http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/news/observing_vesta.asp> for guidance on > how to > find Vesta in the constellation Capricornus. And if you are fortunate enough > to > glimpse that distant point of light, let your imagination add to the scene > the > recent immigrant from Earth, representing you and the rest of humankind > on its mission of exploration. There, far from its erstwhile home and > the beings who urge it on, this ambitious adventurer is translating that > dot of light among the myriad stars into an exciting and fascinating > account of the dawn of the solar system. > > Dawn has spent most of its time since the last log thrusting as usual. The > thrusting > even at the time it was captured by Vesta's gravity was no different. We > have seen > before that, in stark contrast to the tension when other missions enter > orbit, with > ion propulsion, the process is very calm indeed. For that matter, since May > 2010, > Dawn has thrust with its radio transmitter turned off, devoting that > precious power to > accelerating xenon ions rather than generating radio waves. The ship > continued in > silence when it went into orbit on Friday night. Mission control was empty, > there > being no need to monitor the probe's operation. In fact, your > correspondent was dancing, confident that the pas de deux being > performed 188 million kilometers (117 million miles) away would be > executed with graceful beauty and flawless precision. > > Confirmation that Dawn was in orbit came shortly before 11:30 pm PDT on > July 16 (more than 24 hours after it glided into orbit) when its radio > signals were received at the Deep Space Network. > Following its preprogrammed sequence of instructions, the spacecraft > acquired more images of Vesta earlier in the evening and then initiated > communications with Earth right on schedule. Observing that it was in > good health and continuing to perform all of its functions demonstrated > that it had achieved orbit. The choreography was beautiful! > > Reliable as Dawn is, it did experience an unexpected interruption in > thrust recently. On June 27, a cosmic ray, a high energy subatomic > particle traveling through space, apparently managed to strike an > electrical component on the spacecraft in an especially effective way. > The component is used by the ion propulsion system computer controller > to operate valves in the complex > plumbing that transports xenon from the main tank to the operating > thruster. The propellant needs to be delivered at just the right rate > for optimal performance. When the cosmic ray deposited its energy in > that device, it deprived the circuit of the ability to send signals to > the valves, even when directed to do so by the computer. (A cosmic ray > is the most likely culprit, but other explanations for the circuit's > inaction are still being considered.) As a result, when it was time to > open valves to feed a little more xenon into the thruster, the > controller was unable to comply. The computer detected the problem, > followed the appropriate procedure for terminating thrust, and alerted > the main spacecraft computer. That computer correctly responded by > canceling other planned activities and commanding the ship into one of > its safe modes. In this case, because all other systems were healthy, it > was not necessary to invoke the normal safe mode. Rather, the robot > properly chose to make fewer reconfigurations. It pointed its main > antenna to Earth and transmitted its status, awaiting a response from > controllers. > > The Deep Space Network began a routine communications session early on > June 28, and the Dawn team immediately understood the spacecraft > condition. Before the end of the day, they had restored it to its normal > flight mode and made preparations to activate the other controller. > > Dawn had been using controller #1 and ion thruster #3 since December. > With the controller unable to operate valves, engineers instructed the ship > to switch to controller #2, which was in command for most of the thrusting > in > 2010. Its ability to operate the valves was > not compromised. That unit can be used with thruster #2 and #3, but it > was faster to formulate commands to use thruster #2, so in the interest > of time, that was the choice. > > Later this summer, engineers will conduct tests with controller #1 to > assess its health and determine whether its valve signals can be > restored. That controller operates thruster #1 and #3. Mission planners > had long ago decided not to use venerable #1 for the rest of the > mission, as it requires slightly more power than its siblings, so > whether controller #1 will be fully functional or not, Dawn's > extraterrestrial expedition can be completed as planned with controller #2. > > Once the spacecraft had deviated from its intended flight plan by not > thrusting, navigators had to devise a new plan to fly to Vesta. To > ensure there would be enough time to make up for the lost thrust, they > removed one of the navigation imaging > sessions (and the communications period that followed it) from the > schedule and another routine communications session. Of course, as > experienced interplanetary explorers, Dawn's mission team had always > recognized that glitches could interfere with any activity, so more > imaging and more communications had been planned than truly were > required. Doing without a few to allow time for some compensatory > thrusting was easily accommodated. > > In order to resume thrusting quickly, controllers chose not to optimize > the plan but rather simply to devise a plan that was adequate. The > consequence was that they ended up giving Dawn /more/ time to thrust > than it really even needed. The entire episode beginning with the balky > controller cost 1.2 days of thrust, and the revised plan added 1.8 days > of thrust at other times. As a result, the insertion into orbit shifted > 15 hours earlier. Such flexibility is another of the many differences > between missions that use ion propulsion and those that use conventional > propulsion. > > Before restarting its powered flight, however, the team was eager to > allow Dawn to conduct its first planned observation of Vesta throughout > one full rotation of the protoplanet on its axis, a Vestian day of 5 > hours 20 minutes. (This and other activities during the approach phase > were described last year.) Thanks to the fleet and flawless work of the > team, that was carried out on schedule on June 29-30, and all the planned > images were acquired. The visible and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIR) > also peered at Vesta to provide additional information for use in setting > instrument parameters for the science observations in survey orbit. > After it acquired two excellent sets of data, its internal computer > detected an unexpected condition, so it did not complete the rest of its > activities. As the camera's images were beaming back to Earth on June > 30, engineers verified that VIR was in good condition, and they will > study its telemetry further as they continue to plan for its important > measurements of the minerals that compose Vesta's surface. > > In the original itinerary, ion thrusting would recommence after the > communications session on June 30. And that is exactly what occurred, > even with the unplanned thrusting hiatus in the preceding days. Dawn > continued closing in on Vesta with the gentle pressure of thruster #2, > just as it still is today. > > As a reminder, an easy way you can have the same otherworldly view of Vesta > as Dawn is to visit here > <http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov//multimedia/vesta_dawn_gallery.asp>. > These logs generally will not provide interpretations of the rich bounty of > images > (but they are fantastic, aren't they?) or other fascinating measurements. As > the > data are assessed by Dawn's team of planetary scientists from four > countries, > news of the results will be distributed by NASA's and JPL's news > organizations. And for more frequent updates on the progress of the > mission than are provided in these logs, readers may want to go here > <http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/status.asp>, where your correspondent > abandons > his idiolect to provide extremely brief reports much more often (with much > less, > ahem, color). > > On July 9-10, the spacecraft's agenda included another pause in > thrusting. This time, in addition to acquiring its second set of images > while Vesta completed a full rotation, Dawn photographed the space > around Vesta in search of moons. Remote observations with the Hubble > Space Telescope and other observatories on Earth had not found any, but > that did not rule out their presence. As no moons had been detected yet, > however, they would have to be small and therefore faint. In order to > try to discover whether there might be any, the camera used different > exposures, some as long as 4.5 minutes. (For photographers, the > effective shutter speed for the pictures of Vesta that reveal its > surface features is 1/125 of a second.) The spacecraft pointed its > camera around Vesta and acquired 72 images. Three hours later, it imaged > the same locations, and then another nine hours after that, it repeated > the sequence once again. The pictures are being scrutinized for points > of light that shift position from one set of images to another, > betraying the orbital motion of natural satellites of Vesta. > > Although those results are not yet available, we now know with certainty > that Vesta does have a moon. Its name is Dawn! > > Dawn is 11,000 kilometers (6,800 miles) from Vesta, closer than many > terrestrial satellites are to Earth. It is also 1.25 AU (187 million > kilometers or 116 million miles) from Earth, or 470 times as far as the > moon and 1.23 times as far as the sun today. Radio signals, traveling at > the universal limit of the speed of light, take 21 minutes to make the > round trip. > > ______________________________________________ > Visit the Archives at > http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >Received on Mon 18 Jul 2011 08:53:52 PM PDT |
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