[meteorite-list] Mark Boslough poster and video re Libyan Desert Glass -- simulation of geoablation from meteor air burst 29.5 Ma: Rich Murray 2011.02.27
From: Rich Murray <rmforall_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 01:15:38 -0700 Message-ID: <AANLkTik-sFRjaXX_nKz-iobY1qz7_eNKL=Ohfzc1K88f_at_mail.gmail.com> Mark Boslough poster and video re Libyan Desert Glass -- simulation of geoablation from meteor air burst 29.5 Ma: Rich Murray 2011.02.27 http://rmforall.blogspot.com/2011_02_01_archive.htm Sunday, February 27, 2011 [ at end of each long page, click on Older Posts ] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/astrodeep/message/81 [you may have to Copy and Paste URLs into your browser] ____________________________________________________________ [ Thanks to Dennis Cox http://craterhunter.wordpress.com/ ] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2268163/DesertGlass.pdf 2 page Computers and Information Sciences Red Storm [ supercomputer, Sandia Labs, Albuquerque, New Mexico ] High performance computing provides clues to scientific mystery Enigmatic silica glass in the Sahara desert has survived nearly 30 million years. How did it form? (Left) Libyan Desert Glass is found in an area spanning 6500 km2, in the Great Sand Sea of the Western Desert of Egypt, near the border with Libya. In 1998, an Italian mineralogist showed that a carved scarab in King Tut?s breastplate was made out of this glass. Red Storm was used to simulate the airburst and impact of a 120-meter diameter stony asteroid. Most natural glasses are volcanic in origin and have chemical compositions consistent with equilibrium fractional melting. The rare exceptions are tektites formed by shock melting associated with the hypervelocity impact of a comet or asteroid. Libyan Desert Glass does not fall into either category, and has baffled scientists since its discovery by British explorers in 1932. The 1994 collision of Comet ShoemakerLevy 9 with Jupiter provided Sandia with a unique opportunity to model a hypervelocity atmospheric impact. Insights gained from those simulations and astronomical observations of the actual event have led to a deeper understanding of the geologic process of impacts on Earth and presented a likely scenario for the formation of Libyan Desert Glass. High-resolution hydrocode simulations, requiring huge amounts of memory and processing power, support the hypothesis that the glass was formed by radiative heating and ablation of sandstone and alluvium near ground zero of a 100 Megaton or larger explosion resulting from the breakup of a comet or asteroid. Using Sandia?s Red Storm supercomputer, we ran CTH shock-physics simulations to show how a 120-meter asteroid entering the atmosphere at 20 km/s (effective yield of about 110 Megatons) breaks up just before hitting the ground. This generates a fireball that remains in contact with the Earth?s surface at temperatures exceeding the melting temperature of quartz for more than 20 seconds. Moreover, the air speed behind the blast wave exceeds several hundred meters per second during this time. These conditions are consistent with melting and ablation of the surface followed by rapid quenching to form the Libyan Desert Glass. These simulations require the massive parallel processing power provided with Red Storm. The risk to humans from such impacts is small but not negligible. Because of the low frequency of these events, the probability and consequences are both difficult to determine. The most likely scenario that would cause damage and casualties would not be a craterforming impact, but a large aerial burst similar to the one that created this unusual natural glass. This research is forcing risk assessments to recognize and account for the process of large aerial bursts. [ supercomputer simulation images in color of vertical impact torch hitting ground from air burst with very complex curling flows 3.80 sec frame 205 in Part 5 of NG video documentry 4.00 sec frame 210 torch hits ground 5.00 sec 7.49 sec frame 228 9.99 sec frame 232 ~5 km ground radius, gives expansion velocity ~800 m/sec after hitting ground at 4 sec, to 6 sec later at 10 sec. ] Ablated meteoritic vapor mixes with the atmosphere to form an opaque fireball with a temperature of thousands of degrees. The hot vapor cloud expands to a diameter of 10 km within seconds, remaining in contact with the surface, with velocities of several 100 m/s. Simulations suggest strong coupling of thermal radiation to the ground, and efficient ablation of the resulting melt by the high-velocity shear flow. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTRY In February, 2006, Mark Boslough participated in an expedition to the site of the Libyan Desert Glass (LDG). The glass has a fission-track age of about 29.5 Ma. There is little doubt that the glass is the product of an impact event, but the precise mechanism for its formation is still a matter of debate. This lively discussion was a featured element of the documentary. Evidence for a direct impact includes the presence of shocked quartz grains and meteoritic material within the glass. However, the vast expanse of the glass and lack of an impact structure suggests the possibility of radiative/convective heating from an aerial burst. "Ancient Asteroid" will be shown on the National Geographic Channel on Sept. 21, 2006. [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAmzCR_RSpo 5 parts Christian Koeberl, geologist Rarouk El-Baz John Wasson, UCLA In Part 5, Frames 205-232 show these 5 images, while other views are at 149-200, 242-257, 312-328 ] [ 7 images ] Camp was set up in ?corridor B? in the southern part of the Great Sand Sea, within the area of LDG concentration. Corridors consist of quaternary gravel and alluvium and are separated by linear dunes. The lower photograph is looking southeast. Geologic setting is shown by inset map. LDG sits on silica-rich weathered remains of Upper Cretaceous Nubia-Group sandstones. The main area of concentration is 20 km across. Left: 120-meter asteroid explodes over the Egyptian desert in 2006 National Geographic documentary Ancient Asteroid. Right: Documentary animators used Red Storm simulation to visualize the effect of an asteroid explosion in the atmosphere above the city of London. Sandia National Laboratories Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy?s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. For more information: Technical Contact: Mark Boslough, Ph.D. 505-845-8851 mbboslo at sandia.gov Science Matters Contact: Wendy Cieslak, Ph.D. 505-844-8633 wrciesl at sandia.gov _______________________________________________ 24.673243 24.95889 .564 km el crater for Libyan Desert Glass http://www.tektitesource.com/Libyan_Desert_Glass.html Impact melt formation by low-altitude airburst processes, evidence from small terrestrial craters and numerical modeling, H E Newsom & MBE Boslough 2008 Mar 2p abstract: Rich Murray 2010.11.17 http://rmforall.blogspot.com/2010_11_01_archive.htm Wednesday, November 17, 2010 [ at end of each long page, click on Older Posts ] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/astrodeep/message/73 [you may have to Copy and Paste URLs into your browser] 3 times more downward energy from directed force of meteor airburst in 3D simulations by Mark B. E. Boslough, Sandia Lab 2007.12.17: Rich Murray 2010.08.30 http://rmforall.blogspot.com/2010_08_01_archive.htm Monday, August 30, 2010 [ at end of each long page, click on Older Posts ] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/astrodeep/message/63 [you may have to Copy and Paste URLs into your browser] [Extract]\ oslough%22,+impacts&hl=en&as_sdt=10000000000 [ Extracts ] "Dr. Boslough has also shown that an LAA from a ~100 meter diameter NEO melted sand into glass across a region about 10 km in diameter during Libyan Desert Glass impact ~35 million years ago. During this event the LAA's fireball settled onto parts of Egypt and Libya for about a minute with temperatures approaching 5,000 K. Its hypersonic blast wave extended radially for about 100 kilometers." NEO Survey: An Efficient Search for Near-Earth Objects by an IR Observatory in a Venus-like Orbit Submitted to the Primitive Bodies Subcommittee of the Decadal Survey Harold Reitsema 2, Robert Arentz 1 Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp. ABSTRACT In 2003 NASA commissioned a Science Definition Team 3 (SDT) to study the threat posed by Near-Earth Objects (NEOs), to recommend solutions for efficiently detecting NEOs down to a much lower diameter than before, and to study techniques for mitigating an impending impact. Subsequently, the United States Congress directed NASA to investigate ways to implement many of the SDT's results. At this time Congress also set the goal of compiling a catalogue complete to 90% by 2020 of all NEOs larger than 140 meters in diameter. This 90%, 140 meter, 2020 set of goals was named in honor of George E. Brown, and is henceforth called the GEB requirement. The SDT concluded that: the thermal infrared (~5 to ~11 microns) is the most efficient spectral regime for an efficient NEO search; that any IR aperture from about 50 to 100 centimeters is sufficient; and that locating a NEO-finding observatory in a Venus-like orbit (approximately a 0.7 AU semimajor axis) is ideal. The SDT had to make assumptions about future advancements in detector technology and deep-space compatible processing power, and assumed that diffraction-limited optical systems with no chromatic aberrations were doable within the constraints of a flight mission. Since then, NASA and its industrial partners, of which Ball Aerospace is one of many, have flown several deep-space missions, two of which are very relevant here -- the infrared Spitzer Space Telescope (SST), and the recently launched Kepler mission, as discussed later. In this paper we present a high reliability, credibly costed, high-heritage design that meets the GEB requirements for about $600M (USD). For no additional cost, this design will detect about 85% of all >100 meter diameter NEOs, about 70% of all >60 meter diameter NEOs, and about 50% of all >50 meter diameter NEOs. These smaller NEOs constitute a newly recognized threat regime that cannot be efficiently detected from the ground. ...Recent work by Dr. Mark Boslough 4 shows that the impact physics of NEOs in the 30-100 meter range has been misunderstood due to a process he calls a Low-Altitude Airburst (LAA), which is a newly recognized threat regime that has been previously underestimated. In an LAA event the main body of the NEO comes apart at high altitudes (~80 km to ~10 km), but the object's mass and kinetic energy are conserved as a fast moving, loosely aggregated, collection of particles which entrain a column of air reaching the ground in what might be termed an "air hammer." Dr. Boslough's work shows that the "air hammer" from NEOs as small as 30 meters inflicts significant damage, as was seen in the 30-meter-class Tunguska event. Dr. Boslough has also shown that an LAA from a ~100 meter diameter NEO melted sand into glass across a region about 10 km in diameter during Libyan Desert Glass impact ~35 million years ago. During this event the LAA's fireball settled onto parts of Egypt and Libya for about a minute with temperatures approaching 5,000K. It's hypersonic blast wave extended radially for about 100 kilometers. Dr. Boslough has also shown that the interaction of the LAA with the ocean's surface is much different from a large object's strike, and that any ensuing tsunami is not yet well modeled. Therefore any survey instrument capable of searching well below 140 meters is quite valuable. Derating the estimate of the Tunguska object's size from ~60 meters to today's ~30 meters greatly decreases the impact interval from ~1,000 years to ~200 years. Given that Tunguska happened 101 years ago, the expected time until the next impact is ~100 years.... 4. Boslough, Mark. The nature of Airbursts and Their Contribution to the Impact Threat. Proceedings of the First Annual Planetary Defense Conference, April 27-30, 2009, Granada, Spain. _______________________________________________ I haven't yet found detailed public information about temperatures, pressures, and durations of the complex turbulent blast jet on the surface. _______________________________________________ Rich Murray, MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology, BS MIT 1964, history and physics, 1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 505-501-2298 rmforall at comcast.net http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AstroDeep/messages http://RMForAll.blogspot.com new primary archive http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aspartameNM/messages group with 118 members, 1,618 posts in a public archive http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aspartame/messages group with 1226 members, 24,280 posts in a public archive http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rmforall/messages participant, Santa Fe Complex www.sfcomplex.org _______________________________________________ Received on Sun 27 Feb 2011 03:15:38 AM PST |
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