[meteorite-list] Open Court
From: cdtucson at cox.net <cdtucson_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 16:28:04 -0500 Message-ID: <20110222162804.YFBZ7.986830.imail_at_fed1rmwml4101> Richard, I assume you are interested so, I will try to bring you up to speed. The law suit you refer to has little to do with the farmer that is upset in the video. The suit is against Steve for an alleged breech but, that has not been discussed here. And the suit is non issue for most of us. What we have been discussing is how to stop all of this bad press generated by this farmer from continuing. Because this is an issue. And what should our good friends Steve and his crew do to make this mess go away. like Dana said. Making this farmer happy would go a long way here. This list seems to be putting a bit of pressure on Steve but, he is a man. He can take it. And he as one who makes the press , we would like to see him do and say the right things. I have been enjoying this thread. Nobody has picked any fights. Just friendly conversation and a lot of good info about rusters. Carl -- Carl or Debbie Esparza Meteoritemax ---- Richard Kowalski <damoclid at yahoo.com> wrote: > Ok, Judge Judy just ended, Judge Alex is on now, but I'll take a minute to post. > > There are so many interesting threads on this list and one extremely boring one filled with nothing but gossip and opinions. Well like the other thing that everyone else has, I have an opinion too. > > I see one angry framer. OK > I see Steve's response. OK > > Who do I believe? > > I haven't seen the contract. > I haven't seen a transcript of the meeting where they came to an agreement. > I wasn't there. > > The parties involved are in court as I write this. Since I have no involvement in the case and don't have anywhere near all of the facts, I'll sit and wait to see what the court decides. I'm just surprised that the meteorite hunter is automatically considered to be at fault by many in the community. > > Ohh, People's Court is on too! > Gotta go. > > -- > Richard Kowalski > Full Moon Photography > IMCA #1081 > > > > ______________________________________________ > Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-listReceived on Tue 22 Feb 2011 04:28:04 PM PST |
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