[meteorite-list] [meteorite-list} URGENT
From: Michael Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 15:00:33 -0800 Message-ID: <CB110D91.20F42%mlblood_at_cox.net> Greetings all, Today your congressmen and women are debating a bill To CENSOR the internet! No, not about "kitty porn" or even about bomb making.... It is about corporate lobbying $. The want to censor anything That may not benefit their ability to make MORE MONEY. Please help to stop our country from becoming totally BY BIG BUSINESS FOR BIG BUSINESS instead of by the People, for the people! Democracy ONLY works if THE PEOPLE take an active Role. Please read below and, if you are a US citizen SIGN THE PETITION ! This most definitely effects the meteorite community. --- This week Congress is debating whether to grant themselves the power to turn off parts of the Internet. Fun sites such as YouTube, Informative sites like Wikipedia, etc, etc, etc! If enacted, new laws would force Internet Service Providers to block websites that any corporation suspects violates a copyright or suspects doesn't monitor it's users' content close enough for copyrighted materials. That means that any website, foreign or based in the U.S., could be wiped out on suspicion and made unavailable to everyone in the world. And this would just be getting the foot in the door. You can be certain Should this cluster of laws pass, be certain that censorship would Continue to expand. We have seen censorship become so absurd That many school districts and even states are defacing and watering Down MARK TWAIN! (Replacing the "N word" with "slave" instead Of dealing with discussions as to the significance of that word being Used within the context of the book). Once the foot is in the door, There will be no end to censorship (There is a movement to bar the Recent TV show about American Muslims - because "It gives the Wrong impression that Muslims are not part of a movement to Destroy the American way of life." There will be no end of justifications To turn the internet onto a "politically correct" format and to limit Entirely what has been up to now a free market, free information And free interactive voice in the world. This week there will be a historic filibuster of the Internet Censorship Act where the names of every person that signs a petition against Internet censorship will be read. I added my name. Please add yours too. http://pol.moveon.org/nointernetcensorship/?r_by=-9483161-2FGPQSx&rc=pac_noi nternetcensorship_letter.email.g0 Thanks! - Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS season!Received on Fri 16 Dec 2011 06:00:33 PM PST |
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