[meteorite-list] LOTS OF MOON ROCKS GONE?
From: almitt2 at localnet.com <almitt2_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2011 01:17:50 -0500 Message-ID: <20111209011750.y2zrs9iqlpss0o84_at_webmail.localnet.com> Greetings, There is an article that says there are something like 517 or more missing Moon Rocks that NASA has loaned out in fourty years. I think my problem with this is when they shake down little old ladies for small bits of dust that was given to their husbands for working on projects yet they can't keep track of the big stuff. http://www.france24.com/en/20111208-hundreds-nasas-moon-rocks-missing-audit --AL Mitterling Quoting "Benjamin P. Sun" <bpsun2009 at gmail.com>: > I do believe quite a bit of Apollo lunar material has been lost or > stolen. Which is unfortunate. But not surprising or unexpected, given > human nature. > Though it may not be as much as the article makes it seem. The article > doesn't say how much(weight-wise) is missing. > You have to consider that a certain amount of the Apollo lunar > material was destroyed by scientists when they analyzed some samples. > This may not have been all accounted for. Also, did they save all the > cutting/chipping dust and fragments from the samples since 1969? > > http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-12-misplaced-nasa-moon-space.html > > one of the responses from the article above: > > "This is an intriguing story at this time of many intrigues in science > and politics. > > A special investigator from NASA showed up at my lab at the University > of Missouri in ~1972 and accused us of losing Moon samples. > > I showed him receipts for every sample received, every sample > melted/vaporized/analyzed, and every sample returned to the Lunar > Curator. > > We sent him back to Houston, but he never told us if he found out why > he had been sent on this "wild goose chase." > > With kind regards, > Oliver K. Manuel > Former NASA Principal > Investigator for Apollo" > ______________________________________________ > Visit the Archives at > http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > Received on Fri 09 Dec 2011 01:17:50 AM PST |
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