[meteorite-list] NYT Story – Overseas and Local Distribution
From: Paul H. <oxytropidoceras_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 6:48:33 -0500 Message-ID: <20110407074833.O0X65.28280.imail_at_eastrmwml37> ?Overseas list members, if you have the opportunity, please peruse the International Herald Tribune to see if they picked up the story and run it in its entirety.? By searching the International Herald Tribune web site, I found that it was published in this newspaper on April 4 at: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/05/science/05meteorite.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=meteorites&st=cse The entire story also appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald as ?Souvenirs from space,? April 7, 2011, http://www.smh.com.au/world/science/souvenirs-from-space-20110406-1d4g9.html Also, it appeared at: 1. rssbroadcast,com, April 4, 2011 http://rssbroadcast.com/?p=40828 http://rssbroadcast.com/?p=40742 2. WA.today, Australia, April 6, 2011. http://www.watoday.com.au/world/science/souvenirs-from-space-20110406-1d4g9.html 3. Yahoo News http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NorthAmexemObservers/message/10634 4. Daily Comet, Lafourche Parish Louisiana http://www.dailycomet.com/article/NY/20110405/ZNYT03/104053033/1225/news100?Title=Black-Market-Trinkets-From-Space 5. A version of the New York Times story, ?Il mercato nero dei meteoriti? appeared in the ?Post? on April 6, 2011, http://www.ilpost.it/2011/04/06/il-mercato-nero-dei-meteoriti/ This entire text of this article is making the rounds of the Internet. This is something that definitely needs to be considered in any response. It certainly will make preparing an effective response to the article quite difficult as it is being reprinted, in some cases under different titles and in different languages, in a wild range of media outlets. To further complicate matters, the link to this article is being posted a number of web sites. For example; 1. Egyptology News at: http://egyptology.blogspot.com/2011/04/black-market-trinkets-from-space.html 2. environmental reporting at: http://word.emerson.edu/sprg11jr364/2011/04/04/black-market-trinkets-from-space/ and 3. American Scientist http://www.americanscientist.org/science/pub/-1875 Yours, Paul H Received on Thu 07 Apr 2011 07:48:33 AM PDT |
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