[meteorite-list] Tr : Tr : AW: nwa 5400 pairing to nwa 5363
From: habibi abdelaziz <azizhabibi_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 02:17:13 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <901478.60264.qm_at_web62001.mail.re1.yahoo.com> hi all, albert wrote today to me. he said, ''''''''''''''''''''''''' I did write to Norbert. He has the data now. . """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" thanks albert for your effort and your help ; and thanks norbert for helping this issue to move on to ?the good way. do we have this? data now all the best aziz habibi > ----- Message transf?r? ---- De : Norbert Classen <riffraff at timewarp.de> ? : >habibi abdelaziz <azizhabibi at yahoo.com>; meteorite list ><meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Envoy? le : Mer 29 septembre 2010, 23h >11min 20s Objet : AW: [meteorite-list] nwa 5400 pairing to nwa 5363 Dear Aziz & >All, You wrote: > he said too that he has given all the data that confirm > the >pairing including the isotope to norbert classen in > end june where they talk >abaout this and as i asked him > to do so. Maybe there's a slight >misunderstanding here. I actually emailed with Dr. Jambon in June, and we also >intended to meet at the Ste. Marie Show at the end of June where Dr. Jambon >wanted to show me all the data (including the O-isotope data). However, >unfortunatelly we missed each other at the show, and so the meeting didn't take >place. Don't get me wrong, I have no reason to doubt Dr. Jambon's word on this - >I just wanted to get the facts straight. Maybe you misunderstood Dr. Jambon? But >up to this day I haven't seen the O-isotope data for NWA 5363. All I have seen >is a writeup on NWA 5363 which didn't include the O-isotope data. Again, that >doesn't mean much, and I'm also looking forward to the official publication of >NWA 5363. This will hopefully answer all the questions. We all need to remember >that meteorite classification (including the voting process on new meteorites at >the NomCom of the Meteoritical Society) takes time. So we as collectors should, >IMHO, be patient, and wait with conclusions until the scientific work has been >done and published. All the best, Norbert -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- hi >all and i m happy that this issue is becoming a very polit and civilised >discussion; well 3 months that i do not want to get caught inside this >discussion any more, but well this is becoming repeated to a point that we >forget what the debat is about, for nwa 5363; i get a talk on albert jambon >mobile , i asked him that many dealers or collectors still think that nwa 5400 >is not paired to nwa 5363 and he answered me this. he said that he have submited >to the nomcom all the information, and he coudln't have said that they are >paired if he haven't done isotope so clearly he? indicate that he has done >isotope and have submited them to the nomcom dr wisberg or so , its on the >phone. and? he said he is surprised why the nomcom didn't pubilsh them yet, he >said too that he has given all the data that confirm the pairing including the >isotope to norbert classen in end june where they talk abaout this and as i >asked him to do so. so i ask here do we have any guy from the nomcom here , >please end this torture and tell us if you have this data or not,and why you >didn't publish them. thanks aziz habibi >______________________________________________ Visit the Archives at >http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html Meteorite-list >mailing list Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list -- Albert JAMBON UPMC Univ? Paris 06 (UMR 7193) Institut des Sciences de la Terre Paris Laboratoire Magie? 46-0 4eme ?tage, Case 110 4 place jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex O5 France Tel: 33 (0) 144 27 51 35 FAX: 33 (0) 144 27 39 11 Vient de para?tre : G?ochimie : g?odynamique et cycles http://www.dunod.com/auteur-dunod-9782100516124-76933-albert-jambon.html Parcours de Plan?tologie d'Ile de France http://www.aerov.jussieu.fr/themes/APACHE/PlanetoIDF/index.html Site du master SDUEE http://www.master.sduee.upmc.frReceived on Thu 30 Sep 2010 05:17:13 AM PDT |
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