[meteorite-list] OT: Listening To Fermi

From: John.L.Cabassi <John_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 19:44:40 -0700
Message-ID: <000d01cb5612$4775e5a0$a166fea9_at_anitak9bz49jy2>

G'Day Mike, Phil and List
We are not unique. The universe is unique. Listen, Observe, Learn


-----Original Message-----
From: meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of
Galactic Stone & Ironworks
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 7:29 PM
To: JoshuaTreeMuseum
Cc: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] OT: Listening To Fermi

I think there is life out there somewhere, but I doubt they are
broadcasting their presence using primitive technologies like radio or
anything else we would recognize. This is not unlike aliens trying to
detect us by looking for our carrier pigeons.

On 9/16/10, JoshuaTreeMuseum <joshuatreemuseum at embarqmail.com> wrote:
> Interesting point Eric. My question is: how many years of complete and

> total silence would it take to reach the conclusion there's just
> nobody out there? 1,000? 10,000? a million years? a billion? a
> googlezillion? You could listen for eternity, hear nothing and say,
> well we just need a little more time. I don't buy the argument of
> time scale. If there are aliens out there transmitting at anywhere
> near the rate of Earth's output, surely in 50 years we would have
> heard one little bit of Morse Code by now.
> ------------------------------------------------
> Phil Whitmer
> I might agree with that sentiment if there were enough information to
> support it. However, I've got an interesting question about
> perspective and time.
> If a child looked out the window of a house for a mere 32/1000th of a
> second and formed a conclusion that horses do not exist, would you say

> he's correct?
> Eric
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Received on Thu 16 Sep 2010 10:44:40 PM PDT

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