[meteorite-list] OT: Dowsing is real, but exoplanets are dubious?
From: Rich Murray <rmforall_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2010 20:35:10 -0600 Message-ID: <E103145236684544AC1A4BC582C3382E_at_ownerPC> This post by advanced imaginers, shows how some others are tickling the tail of the dragon of The Hard Problem of Consciousness: ----- Original Message ----- From: JACK SARFATTI To: SarfattiScienceSeminars at yahoogroups.com Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2010 7:27 PM Subject: Re: [Starfleet Command] Is Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle responsible for Life and Order in the Universe? Fred Hoyle has explained all this in his 1984 book "The Intelligent Universe." Aharonov and students have formalized it - see the recent Discover Magazine article Back From The Future. Detailed citations in my book free on http://stardrive.org (not in final paperback version of course). On Oct 17, 2010, at 6:23 PM, JACK SARFATTI wrote: Read my book Destiny Matrix 2012 on this topic. On Oct 17, 2010, at 6:19 PM, Jazz Rasool wrote: Hi Jack, Its been a few years since I commented last on how much your intelligence was a little too hot for some people's minds. Perhaps you could fire it up to give me your opinion on a little thought piece I wrote, given below? It takes Shannon's concept of information and its association with probability and links it into Synchronicities and Consciousness. Jaz Rasool Synchronicities are often considered to be surprising because there was thought to be a low probability or expectation or chance of them happening. In Science when computer engineers work with digital information a basic rule applies. The more likely something is the less information it will bring with it when it turns up. The less likely something is the more information, often new information it is likely to bring with it. Familiar events don't tell us much that is new about the world. They don't contain much new information we can be bothered to engage with. Unfamiliar events tell us something new about the world. They bring with them more new information about the world that we are likely to engage with. Synchronicities are events for which there was very little chance of happening. Since unfamiliar or unlikely events carry new information this means that Synchronicities bring new information into the world. Anything that generates Synchronicities is therefore bringing new information into the world. In Nature, Life arises out of molecules arranging themselves into ordered structures. Anything that has Order has it because somehow information has become frozen into it. So for new order to occur in nature new information must come in from somewhere. Since Synchronicities generate information that must mean that they can create order and therefore Life. To create more Life you must increase the creation of synchronicities or the likelihood of them. When life is nurtured by more information and thus more order, the life starts to generate an ever evolving order that eventually is able to order itself in novel ways. This is intelligence or consciousness. Sentience. A man whose life was full of synchronicities would have an existence where there was a lot of traffic of life going into and out of his daily activities. In parallel with this would be a big current of ever changing 'order' or intelligence. More synchronicities would lead to more intelligence and advances in consciousness. This formula is reversible. More consciousness can create more order, more information and therefore more unlikely events and therefore more apparent synchronicities. How often have we seen an incredibly unlikely event and thought it was not natural but maybe we were being manipulated or influenced by some conscious or intelligent force like a human hiding behind the bushes? If there was a device or technology that could create synchronicities then along with that would come new information, knowledge, intelligence and even consciousness not to mention the possibility of new life. Problem though is that if a device could generate synchronicities in a predictable way then they would have a high expectation of occurring and therefore not necessarily bring us any new information, let alone consciousness or Life. The only way the device could bring us genuine synchronicities would be if we weren't expecting what the synchronicities would bring -we didn't know what kind of synchronicities they were going to be. Either we wouldn't know what the synchronicity would bring or when it would likely happen. That would be the rule. Create as many as you like but you cannot know what they will relate to. Bizarrely that rule relating to uncertainty is written into the laws of physics. In Quantum Physics it is otherwise known as Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. Since we have linked that uncertainty to Synchronicities, Consciousness and thus Life we can state that the Quantum Physics rule of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle must be responsible for the emergence of an ordered universe, the emergence of Life and the evolution of consciousness and sentience in the Universe. Remembering that consciousness can create order and thus trigger synchronicities that means as conscious human beings we can bring information into the universe and thus order it into what we observe. With our consciousness we are in effect co-creators of the Universe with Natures built-in Uncertainty Principle. As conscious beings we are in a cooperative process of creation with a simple rule belonging to nature. We are co-creators of the universe with every thought or shift in perception our minds have. These are the logs of the starship NCC-1701-280Z. Its five-year mission to seek out new minds, new quantum realms. To boldly explore physics where no physicist has gone before (in physical, virtual, or quantum worlds)! Starmind(tm) -- Your daily journal to the industry's brightest stars. You get infinite knowledge only with Starmind: All hits. All Physics. All the time. And now in parallel and diverging universes. (Thus proving they don't exist as separate entities --But have we gotten to them yet or not?) ** Patronize any Yahoo! Group Sponsor at your own risk. - - - - - - Message From Starfleet - - - (Read below) - - - - - - - - - - - To change any characteristic of your online membership access, visit via web: http://groups.yahoo.com/subscribe/SarfattiScienceSeminars Join in our ongoing discussions and theoretical science writings: http://groups.yahoo.com/messages/SarfattiScienceSeminars Dr. Sarfatti may be reached at his e-mail or using Internet site: http://stardrive.org http://www.1st-books.com To respond or comment directly to the group's archive, reply via e-mail: SarfattiScienceSeminars at YahooGroups.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rich Murray" <rmforall at comcast.net> To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Cc: "Martin Altmann" <altmann at meteorite-martin.de>; "Steve Witt" <stelor96 at yahoo.com>; "Michael Fowler" <mqfowler at mac.com>; "Matthias B?rmann" <majbaermann at web.de> Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2010 8:15 PM Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] OT: Dowsing is real,but exoplanets are dubious? As a psychic and mystic, independent of conceptual historical frameworks, I mention now, this very present moment in which your awareness automatically translates these little crooked black and white marks into le t t e r s into wo r d s with complex meanings, who has scanned many issues of Scientific American and The Skeptical Inquirer for decades, I want to mention that this moving, ever-changing, evanescent moment of personal awareness is the only "place" in which "evidence", "others", "science", "experience of physical body", and "experience of 'external' reality" exists... a very fundamental paradox, dignified by the appellation, " The Hard Problem of Consciousness"... I can't produce "proof" that is meaningful and accessible to "others", especially if they expertly maintain skeptical views witin the subjective infinities of their awareness -- but I can conduct live, real-time exploratory dialogues on the phone or in person that can lead many people within half an hour into novel epanded states of awareness -- free, and if you record the audio or video, it belongs totally to you only. Lively Communion -- invoking mutual meditative exploration 2001.06.22 2009.12.27: Rich Murray http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rmforall/messages/1 Rich Murray Room For All rmforall at comcast.net 1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 505-501-2298 1. INTRODUCTION: We now join in exploring the co-creation of an open ended process of mutual meditative exploration. We call this Lively Communion. God. That word. May it refer to something real, to our actual experience. As fabled lovers leap from terra firma into abyss, we hold mental hands and fall together into openness, into space, into the intimate unknown, into peace, bliss, and power. Naturally, it is effortless, spontaneous, yet surprising and vigorous, a white water rafting of two souls. We journey, mostly, with open eyes, and open "I's". And, most humanly, we talk and talk -- but mainly about what is happening right now. .. This is Lively Communion. Let us agree to cooperate in allowing it to happen now, in this very writing and reading. 2. FRAMING: "Let's sit together for a while, and join in a mutual process of meditative exploration. We call it Lively Communion. "The idea is to look into each other's eyes or into a mirror together in a relaxed, informal way, while allowing our situation to evolve in its own best way. We just describe to each other, back and forth, some of the things we start to see and experience. "So, let's agree to just relax together and let anything emerge. When something changes in our situation, just let go into it and let it evolve naturally in its own way. We tell each other some of what we experience and see, as it happens. "Have you ever done anything like this before, looking into someone's eyes or into a mirror, and having new and surprising kinds of experiences?" "It's OK to blink, glance away, laugh, react,and have all kinds of feelings and thoughts. This isn't anything rigid, heavy, tight, or serious. The idea is to maintain comfortable visual contact while appreciating the experiences we share. It's fun. It's easy and natural. What you feel and how you happen to be each moment are fine with me." The guide uses these initial suggestions, proposals, agreements, invocations, and reassurances to gently and agreeably frame a new kind of meditative exploration with the partner. The strategy is to invoke, without being very specific, the expectation that somehow something new, pleasant, and interesting will transpire. In fact, LC can within minutes become surprising, exciting, and profound. It is better to let the partner discover this in their actual process, rather than proclaim it at the get-go. The guide adapts to the very unique traits and needs of the partner, as the situation develops from moment to moment. The guide expects the unexpected, always, always, always..... _______________________________________________ Rich Murray, MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology, BS MIT 1964, history and physics, 1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 505-501-2298 rmforall at comcast.net http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AstroDeep/messages http://RMForAll.blogspot.com new primary archive http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aspartameNM/messages group with 148 members, 1,613 posts in a public archive http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aspartame/messages group with 1215 members, 24,105 posts in a public archive http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rmforall/messages participant, Santa Fe Complex www.sfcomplex.org _______________________________________________ Received on Sun 17 Oct 2010 10:35:10 PM PDT |
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