[meteorite-list] The Book of of the Stone by Matthias Barmann
From: countdeiro at earthlink.net <countdeiro_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2010 12:35:51 -0700 (GMT-07:00) Message-ID: <31044263.1286134551109.JavaMail.root_at_wamui-haziran.atl.sa.earthlink.net> List, Matthias Barmann, a Lister known to many of us, has written and compiled the most beautiful book of prose, poetry and reflection on stones I have ever laid my eyes on. The Book of the Stone (2003 Jung & Jung). It's full of the thoughts of others written or expressed in various forms over the past five thousand years on the existence and importance of stones to the physical, metaphysical and emotional feelings of man. It's presentations make for an easy mental segue from stone to meteorite. An excerpt: "Steine sind stumme Lehrer; sie machen den Beobachter stumm, und das Beste, was man von ihnen lernt, ist nicht mitzuteilen." Goethe "Stones are mute teachers, they make the observer mute, and the most important thing man learns from them, stays within him." Quoted from Goethe in the "Book of the Stone" by Martin Barmann. (Attempt at interpretive translation by Count Deiro) Many of our friends on List understand German and this diminutive book is written in that language. I would love to see it published in English. But, for now, I wanted to bring it to the attention of those on List who can read it and encourage them to obtain a copy. No one afflicted with our obsession with "the stone" can escape the peaceful contemplation that comes with reading it. Thank you, Matthias Guido Received on Sun 03 Oct 2010 03:35:51 PM PDT |
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