[meteorite-list] Brix's meteorite hunting training video Part 2

From: Dave Myers <whitefalcons007_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2010 16:05:55 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <366542.76253.qm_at_web110104.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>

Hi Adam and list,

You know your?right Dogs are amazing. My cousin on his farm in ohio has a Golden
Retriver with a heck of a nose. While hunting the past 2 weeks there?I would
play fetch with a stick, even when he lost sight of the direction, He would?put
his nose to the ground and circle the area until he found it.

This dog diggs up around?6-8 moles a year that are 6 -10 in deep in the ground.

So I was thinking last week, could I train this dog to find meteorites?
I think I will Take out 2 unwa next trip, wash them, put on gloves and play

Then heat one rock up?in the oven, (that will give off a very strong rock smell)
then bury the rock about 10 in. deep, in the ground, walk him around and see if
he finds it.

If that works in a day of testing, Then I will try cold rocks! It will be fun.



----- Original Message ----
From: Adam Hupe <raremeteorites at yahoo.com>
To: Adam <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Sat, November 27, 2010 6:31:31 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Brix's meteorite hunting training video Part 2

Dogs are amazing. I had a Rottweiler that took to rocks naturally.? A long time
ago, I received a package of Saharan meteorites from the Labennes, laid one out
on a table and my dog made off with it and buried in the back yard.? I gave him
another one, he took it and tried to bury it as well.? This is how we found
where he buried the first one.?

I could pick up any rock, observe its unique characteristics and throw it into
the river. My dog would then go after it and not return until he had found the
exact same rock I had thrown among thousands of others.? I do not know how he
was able to do this since it seems unlikely that a dog could smell anything
submerged in water. It was like magic watching him retrieve these rocks.? I have

no explanation for this.

A trained dog seems like a natural tool to use in meteorite hunting. I am
curious to how this works out. Who knows?? Maybe Brix will be the first dog in
history to make a cold find.

Happy Hunting,

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Received on Sat 27 Nov 2010 07:05:55 PM PST

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