[meteorite-list] 3 adjacent 1 km craters in Moldova, NW of the Black Sea -- possible Holocene air bursts: Rich Murray 2010.11.18

From: Rich Murray <rmforall_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 10:02:04 -0700
Message-ID: <BD7D2B2B996B4FE29512CE37FAD33B5D_at_ownerPC>

3 adjacent 1 km craters in Moldova, NW of the Black Sea -- possible Holocene
air bursts: Rich Murray 2010.11.18
Thursday, November 18, 2010
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 47.328431 27.987854 .282 km elevation,
.120 km above
.162 km el of W downhill side of the middle of three similar adjacent
craters in Moldova, each about 1 km wide.
The placemark is on the top of the sharp edge between the middle and N
crater, displaying bare white rock on its S slope,
very similar to the craters to its N and S.

This could be triple simultaneous airbursts -- seemingly leaving many
of these "pawprint" features on the landscape.

This location is on the W edge of a 6 km wide forrest, very bucollic
in the many ground photos given on Google Earth.

I noticed this area using Google Maps Terrain, using a field of view
of about 10-20 km wide, and was especially attracted by the long sharp
ridges -- good places to examine the rocks for evidence of air bursts,
such as melted and glazed surfaces from high temperatures, and
cracked, fractured, overturned, and ejected bedrocks, leaving a
surface litter of mixed rock types, with sharp edges that testify to a
common Holocene age.

This is about 5 km SE of Hristoforovca, with road E58 curving around
the W, N, and E sides at a 4 km radius.
This terrain type runs about 50 km to the E to road M2.

excellent Google Earth and ground views of shallow oval
craters worldwide, Pierson Barretto: Rich Murray 2010.08.22
Sunday, August 22, 2010
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Impact melt formation by low-altitude airburst processes, evidence from
small terrestrial craters and numerical modeling, H E Newsom & MBE Boslough
2008 Mar 2p abstract: Rich Murray 2010.11.17
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
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Received on Thu 18 Nov 2010 12:02:04 PM PST

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