[meteorite-list] (no subject)

From: Paul H. <oxytropidoceras_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 14:47:46 -0500
Message-ID: <20101104154746.W5SQW.545352.imail_at_eastrmwml36>

In relation to ?secret maps? of archaeological sites, E.P. wrote:

"Yes, they exist but their use is restricted to professional
archaeologists. One problem is looting, and even petroglyphs
have been cut from walls with saws. The other problem is

E. P. is correct about maps of archaeological sites do exist.
and are kept by specific federal and state agencies that
have large tracts of land, which they manage and the State
Historical Office for each of the various states in the United
States. They are not "secret" in the sense that it is well
known that such maps exist. It is just that they can be accessed
and consulted only by professional archaeologists and other
people, who have an official need to know the location of
known archaeological sites for either research, land
management, firefighting, or other official purposes.

E.P. also stated:

"So if you want to photograph petroglyphs, Thomas, the only
way to do it will be with the help of a professional archaeologist."

There is nothing wrong in photographing rock art as long
as nothing is done to the rock art. The problem comes is
when people enhance the rock art, i.e. by outlining it in
chalk or applying liquids, in order to make it stand out.
Such actions can very easily and all too often does damage
the rock art.

1. Photographing Rock Art on Archeological Sites and Rock
Walls by Morey Stinson.

2. Rock Art Site Etiquette

3. American Rock Research Association
A Basic Guide for Rock Art Recording, 5 MB

4. Ethics, Eastern States Rock Art Research Association

"You should not apply any substance such as liquid, powder,
plastic, chalk, cloth, soil, or paper to enhance photography
or drawing. Despite the ability to enhance photography,
application of materials to rock art surfaces may forever
alter its integrity. This has been found to be particularly
true in radiometric age estimation of rock surfaces."

E.P. noted:

"FOIA does not apply."

This is true. For a detailed discussion of this topic see:

U.S. Department of Energy, 2008, The Freedom of Information
Act and Confidentiality of Cultural Resources. Environmental
Policy and Assistance Information Brief HS-22-IB-2008-13
(December 31, 2008). Office of Nuclear Safety, Quality Assurance,
and Environment, Washington, D.C.

PDF file at:

"NHPA and ARPA specifically restrict disclosure of certain
types of sensitive information regarding cultural resources.
These statutory provisions may result in information
developed under these acts being withheld from public
disclosure under the FOIA exemption discussed above."

NHPA = National Historic Preservation Act
ARPA = Archaeological Resources Protection Act


Paul H.
Received on Thu 04 Nov 2010 03:47:46 PM PDT

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