[meteorite-list] Tomorrow at Bonhams: NWA 5717 - "The Extra-Ordinary Chondrite"

From: bernd.pauli at paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: 26 May 2010 19:48:10 UT
Message-ID: <DIIE.000000A600004ADE_at_paulinet.de>

Darryl wrote: "The following is for chondrule lovers..."

Hi List,

Let me assure you that NWA 5717 is not only a "must have" for chondrule lovers
but also an absolute "must have" for any avid meteorite and thin section collector.
When I received my specimen + thin section some months ago, I was almost carried
away and there were lots of "oohs" and "aahs" when I first beheld my thin section in
cross-polarized light. Some of my pictures can be found in the online Encyclopedia of

NWA 5717 is so unique that one of the lead researchers wrote about it the following:

"... this is one of the most significant chondrites to come along in some time ..."

The two equally "primitive" 3.05 lithologies are a feast for the eyes and my thin section
is rich in large BO chondrules. There are also both porphyritic chondrules and pyroxene
chondrules - the latter displaying undulose extinction. Chondrules are crisp and chondrule
boundaries are sharply delineated.

In my thin section I also detected a 1.625 x 1.375 mm BO chondrule with extremely strongly
zoned chondrule olivine. A large, dark cryptocrystalline chondrule (2.5 x 2.5 mm) does not
only display undulose extinction but is moreover composed of several differently oriented
single components (polysomatic).

NWA 5717 is undoubtedly one of my absolute collection hightlights!

Best wishes,


To: darryl at dof3.com
    meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
Received on Wed 26 May 2010 03:48:10 PM PDT

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