[meteorite-list] WI School Display RSVP

From: Michael Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 16:26:01 -0700
Message-ID: <C815CD19.E6F3%mlblood_at_cox.net>

Several donations have come in already,
        However, no one has contacted me about material:
1) We will be willing to pay the going price of $100 for small
Specimens - preferably in the 1 to 3g range, but whatever
We can get. If you WANT to donate a portion - say $90/g
Or $75/g, that would be very welcome, but is not a requirement.
Those with stones, please contact me with weights, prices
And JPG attachments.

2) ALSO, we would like to get at least one decent sized slice or
Partslice showing nice brecciation/moddling. At least
30mm X 30 mm - larger even better. Didn't someone offer slices
A few days back at $60/g. Please contact me that person
Or anyone else with slices. Please include JPG attachments,
Weight and price.
        Thanks, again, Michael

On 5/16/10 2:34 PM, "Michael Blood" <mlblood at cox.net> wrote:

> Greetings all,
> Thanks to the several people that contacted me off list to
> Donate $10 or $20 to the "Get Local Meteorite for the kid's
> School Meteorite Display" campaign. People asked me if they
> Should send the money to me.
> So here is the deal. OK, I will coordinate it - handle the
> Funds, purchases and coordinate the actual donation to the
> school.
> 1) PayPal me (at: mlblood at cox.net ) your donations of$10,
> $15 or $20 (or more, if you like) - BUT, click the section
> where is says "what for" and you usually click "goods" or
> "services" - instead go to "PERSONAL" - then, "gift" so
> that we don't loose $ in fees to PayPal that could have gone
> to the school specimen. (Do NOT use this function in buying
> or selling - that is not what it is for and you could loose your
> PayPal account) and please type "SCHOOL DONATION" in the
> subject box.
> 2) ANYONE with whole stones of 1 to 3 grams, please contact
> Me (again, off list) and I will work out a deal with you. If someone
> Wants to partially donate the stones, anything under $100/g
> Is legitimately a tax write off - or, if you are not a dealer, just
> The satisfaction of giving. (you do NOT have to offer a discount,
> Just let me know of any 1 to 3g stones you have available - though
> I won't go over $100/g on this project - it would also be VERY
> Cool if we end up being able to afford an additional nice slice that
> shows the Cool matrix of this fall to go with a few whole stones)
> 3) I would like to raise at least $400 or $500 and buy 1g to 3g
> Whole stones for the school meteorite display. However, I will
> Be limited to: 1 - how many people donate and 2 - what people
> Make available in stones.
> 4) when it is done, I will: 1- contact someone to give the stones to
> The school for display and 2 - send an accounting of all $ received
> And all $ spent to the entire list (no names - this will strictly be
> #s, so, your satisfaction is strictly humanitarian, you won't get any
> Public "glory" from your generosity - the gratification will be
> Personally yours)
> To summarize, send me PayPal $ - use the "Personal - Gift"
> Selections, and "SCHOOL DONATION" in the subject box,
> Contact me if you have small stones to sell, sell/donate
> Or purely donate - or a nice mottled slice - (please send photos).
> That's about it, except I will also take suggestions of who should
> Present these to the school.
> RSVP off list.
> Thanks, Michael
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Received on Sun 16 May 2010 07:26:01 PM PDT

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