[meteorite-list] Best Meteorite hunting handheld MD??

From: michael cottingham <voyagebotanica_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 10:50:56 -0600
Message-ID: <BAY148-w92C75EAB5ED5BD2F6844CD1FF0_at_phx.gbl>

I agree, indeed a miracle to find any sometimes...
Best Wishes

> Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 09:48:12 -0700
> From: skyrockmeteorites at yahoo.com
> To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Best Meteorite hunting handheld MD??
> For the ~250miles I walked over the 18 days I hunted. I think I only used the detector for maybe 50miles. The only time I swung it was in the tall grass or in dense trees that were filled with weeds.
> As for it being a miracle finding one with a MD, I think it is a miracle to find one at all.
> Best Wishes,
> Joe Kerchner
> http://illinoismeteorites.com
> http://skyrockcafe.com
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: michael cottingham
> To: skyrockmeteorites at yahoo.com; meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
> Sent: Sun, May 16, 2010 11:39:51 AM
> Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Best Meteorite hunting handheld MD??
> Hello,
> Considering the amount of walking that was needed per stone find, it was probably felt by most hunters that a metal detector was at best wishful thinking. However, you found one with a metal detector and even though I consider that a miracle....it just goes to show you that miracles do happen.
> For a fall like this one... metal detecting would make sense if you were in a tight cluster of stones and there was a lot of high grass and such. It would only seem prudent to hunt where stones were being found, but not rely on a metal detector to straight up try and find them. I do not know what the average miles per stone was for everyone, but the 3 stones I found were about 75 miles of walking per stone. I personally, was glad I was not swinging a metal detector for the 225 miles of walking I did in 15 days.
> Best Wishes
> Michael Cottingham
> ----------------------------------------
>> Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 09:20:21 -0700
>> From: skyrockmeteorites at yahoo.com
>> To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Best Meteorite hunting handheld MD??
>> I use the Minelab Xterra-70. I believe it is the best meteorite hunting hand-held. I can set it to discriminate everything except for meteorites. When I have it set to find only meteorites, I get very very few signals from other iron, once in a while I will get a signal for iron that has chrome on it, not sure why.
>> While in WI, I used it quite a bit in the trees and tall grass, and hay fields. I only got a couple signals the entire time. While other detectors got many many signals. If I didnt have mine to double check the others, they may have spent all day digging. Even though not many hunters up in WI are using detectors, I was part of the time. After all, if I wasn't using it, I would not have found my 332g stone, it was completely buried, with no sign of disturbance at the surface.
>> I know a few people who had Gold Bugs up there, but didnt use them because of all of the iuron junk in the ground up there, I used mine and found less than 5 pieces of scrap iron(fencing, old cans, much more).
>> I was wondering what others use.
>> I VERY HIGHLY recommend using the Xterra-70(now the Xterra 705) for meteorite hunting, it is very light weight, has changeable coils, very highly tuned discriminating options, very accurate. I love this thing. One of the other guys I was with this last trip was wishing he had an Xterra.
>> There were very few hunters using detectors at all in WI, not sure why with all of the forest, tall grasses, and hay fields in the heart of the strewnfield. I think if more people would have been using an Xterra or another good discriminating MD there would have been many more finds made, I am sure of it.
>> Best Wishes,
>> Joe Kerchner
>> http://illinoismeteorites.com
>> http://skyrockcafe.com
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Received on Sun 16 May 2010 12:50:56 PM PDT

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