[meteorite-list] Meteorite Victims Will Receive Aids

From: JoshuaTreeMuseum <joshuatreemuseum_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 11:06:22 -0400
Message-ID: <F2354995C57D4355AB6777B2E8B37258_at_ET>

      Oh great, first a meteorite blows up 3 houses and all they get for it
is Aids?


      Meteorite Victims Will Receive Aids

      BERITAJAKARTA.COM - 5/4/2010 5:08:46 PM

      Explosion incident due to meteorite destroying three houses in
neighborhood unit (RT) 1 community unit (RW) 5 Malakasari, Durensawit, East
Jakarta has cause deep condolence from Jakarta Administration.

      To alleviate the victims` suffering, Jakarta Administration will give
aids in the form of building material to rebuild the three houses that
shattered on Tuesday (4/29). The aids collected by Jakarta Social Services
and East Jakarta Administration will be given through the local village

      Jakarta Head of Social Services, Budiharjo, said there is a
verification team which will collect data of all the damaged buildings and
note the necessary materials to rebuild the houses belonging to Sudarmojo,
Kusnadi, and Subari Marjuki.

      "We budget fund worth Rp 10 million, but all funds in the form of
building material such as cement, sand, and others," said Budiharjo.

      The same thing also stated by East Jakarta Mayor, Murdhani. Aids for
the house owners are in the form of building materials. His side has also
provided money worth Rp 5 million from East Jakarta Islamic Charitable
Indonesian Board (BAZIS) which was allocated for the victims.

      The aids from Jakarta Administration are welcomed by the victims.
Because, since the explosion occurred and destroyed those three houses
located Jl Delima 6, the owners have stayed in their relatives.


      Translator: yana


Phil Whitmer
Received on Tue 04 May 2010 11:06:22 AM PDT

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