[meteorite-list] MegaThanks to Gary Fujihara

From: Gary Fujihara <fujmon_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 20:27:29 -1000
Message-ID: <A51A4E3E-90AD-4250-B566-376192931C42_at_mac.com>

Aloha Fred,

It was my pleasure to meet you and Larry and both your wives during your visit to the BIg Island. I'm glad you enjoyed the scopes, and I was enthralled by your and Larry's stories of the Elbert fall and other adventures. Maybe I'll come visit you guys on your home turf, perhaps during the Denver show.

Here is a picture of you guys posing in front of the summit ridge with (l-r) Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, Gemini Observatory, UH88 Telescope, United Kingdom Infrared Telescope.



On Apr 29, 2010, at 10:40 AM, debfred at att.net wrote:

> Gary, I want to take this opportunity to try to thank you for arranging tours last month of the NASA and Subaru Telescopes on top of Mauna Kea. I was astounded by the incredible engineering and construction of these beautiful instruments. Larry Johnson, Carol Johnson and my wife Debbie and I can't thank you enough for arraigning for us to join another group on a scheduled tour of these facilities! It made feel very humble and also very proud to be a human and supporter of these endeavors. It was great to hear of the discovery of water ice on the asteroid, perhaps the very day we were there. Again words are insufficient to express my gratitude for your kindness.
> Mahalo! Big Kahuna, Mahalo!
> Fred Olsen, Denver
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Gary Fujihara
Big Kahuna Meteorites (IMCA#1693)
105 Puhili Place, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720
(808) 640-9161
Received on Sat 01 May 2010 02:27:29 AM PDT

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