[meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

From: Linton Rohr <lintonius_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 10:48:52 -0700
Message-ID: <A1C02142EAF847449BDC3BDE45609C06_at_D190TH71>

Oh dear.
Looks like an old toilet plunger that's been melting in the hot desert sun!
Good luck with your rejection letter.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam Hupe" <raremeteorites at yahoo.com>
To: "Adam" <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 10:40 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

> Dear List,
> The "four million dollar meteorite" showed up that I mentioned yesterday.
> The sad thing is that these people actually convince themselves that these
> are real meteorites and that they are worth millions. This guy thinks his
> is exactly like Sonny's find that he saw on TV, only bigger. He says that
> he did his research, went to the neighborhood and found it, figuring a
> professional must have missed it. He wrote to me that he sealed it in a
> coffee can and smelled it a couple of days later. He stated that he could
> detect the unmistakable smell of Murchinson that only carbon type
> meteorites give off. I believe this object is made out of tar and that is
> what he is smelling or he has been sniffing the sauce (drinking too much
> alcohol). Either way, this is another heartbreak in the making.
> Now, I have the unpleasant task of returning it to him with the bad news
> that he is not the latest millionaire and that the funds for his
> granddaughter's medical bills will have to come from somewhere else..
> Here are some images for those who may be interested:
> Link one:
> http://themeteoritesite.com/NevadaMeteorite-a.jpg
> Link two:
> http://themeteoritesite.com/NevadaMeteorite-b.jpg
> Best Regards,
> Adam
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Received on Wed 31 Mar 2010 01:48:52 PM PDT

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