[meteorite-list] I thought of an idea on how to get around the price increase on eBay on some items
From: Greg Catterton <star_wars_collector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 10:51:10 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <7110.77789.qm_at_web46413.mail.sp1.yahoo.com> I would like to add in the very subjective DSRs. .5% can ruin your business by leaving poor DSRs. A seller can ship the same day of payment, for the exact cost of shipping and the buyer can in turn leave 1s or 2s and potentially cause the seller to loose the 20% fvf discount. again, less then 1% of buyers can ruin your business. When a buyer who gets the item within 3-5 days of payment, and you can prove it was shipped same day as payment yet they can leave 1s and 2s... thats not right. The DSRs on shipping time and cost are only there to hurt sellers by providing a way for ebay to take TRS status and the rewards that go with it. Sure it was put there for a reason, but it was ill thought. Just like the Top Rated Seller (TRS) and Above Standard Seller (ASS)... who the hell in ebay thought to call a large portion of its sellers ASS? I hate selling on ebay, but cant reach the people that ebay can without it. I love buying on ebay, I cant get the deals I can anywhere else. Thats all from me on the subject, hope all is good with everyone. Greg Catterton www.wanderingstarmeteorites.com IMCA member 4682 On Ebay: http://stores.shop.ebay.com/wanderingstarmeteorites --- On Tue, 3/30/10, cdtucson at cox.net <cdtucson at cox.net> wrote: > From: cdtucson at cox.net <cdtucson at cox.net> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] I thought of an idea on how to get around the price increase on eBay on some items > To: "meteoritecentral" <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>, "G?ran Axelsson" <axelsson at acc.umu.se>, countdeiro at earthlink.net > Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 1:40 PM > Count, > Two sides to every story. > You are spot on? when it comes to talking about the > good aspects of ebay. And you pointed out that the > difference in eBay and other auctions is quite different. > Well, I have to say that there are a whole bunch of bad > aspects of eBay. Which has contributed to the decline of the > company. fees not withstanding. > First and foremost are? the scams. Look no farther > than the recent listing for the Lorton fall. What if it had > a low buy it now price? It may have been snapped up before > we caught it. Yes, we caught them and shut them down but > this is often not the case. eBay has been sued hundreds of > times for misrepresentation of objects they sell. > Yes, it has been ruled that they are the sellers in spite > of the fact that they really aren't. > They dictate the terms therefore they are also at fault. > This mostly for fake stuff or stolen merchandise. > The other clear problem with buying from photos is that > photos can be fixed and subsequently be very deceiving. > Sure, some of us old pros can see? a thief a mile a way > but some cannot. Trick wording like "I'm not an expert". and > Style as in "Victorian style" which is not to be confused > with " Victorian".? Victorian is a clear indication of > a specific time period and therefore age. Style means modern > copy. > Mostly, It is very difficult to buy from and sometimes > foolish to buy from any photo. What if you don't know the > seller? In our field it helps to buy from IMCA members but, > as you said. IMCA are not your sellers or buyers. You want > idiots to bid that do not know the true value of your stuff. > > That is how EBay works. Be careful. > In general it is all about the scams. These are much less > likely in a live auction. I would rather listen to Guido and > Michael live and even pay a bit more knowing that I was able > to touch and examine the item before bidding on potential > crap. > ebay is the one that's a bit like communism. You cannot > vote them out of office. You just have to live with it > because you cannot live without it. At least not yet. > Carl > > -- > Carl or Debbie Esparza > Meteoritemax > > > ---- countdeiro at earthlink.net > wrote: > > G. Axelsson said "eBay is not an ordinary auction > house." > > He is right. It is superior to any auction house! Again > from experience in owning and operating an auction > conglomerate, I say that the price received at auction for > an item is directly related to the number of bidders > participating. The number of bidders participating is > directly related to the number of potential bidders who were > informed of the sale. eBay's format allows anyone to find a > category of item for sale easily and instantly. No auction > company could afford to advertise and promote enough to > reach eBay's market of potential bidders. In other > words...the more bidders...the higher the price. Competition > and emotion drive bids. > > Knowledgeable bidders such as ourselves...are not the > people I want to see buy my goods. Neither, do I want > investors as the high bidders. I want those bidders who are > acting on emotion, are inexperienced in values, and not > buying for investment or re-sale, to be my high bidders. > When I sell to a dealer, or investor I am disappointed > because I know I sold wholesale. You want that bidder with a > pocketful of bucks who wants the item because your > description "hooked" him and he doesn;t care what he pays > for it. Yes, the knowledgeable bidders walk away grumbling > while you dance off to the bank. eBay is where those > "mooches" as we so irrevelantly referred to them hangout. By > the tens of thousands. > > > > Count Deiro? ? ??? > > -----Original Message----- > >From: G?ran Axelsson <axelsson at acc.umu.se> > >Sent: Mar 30, 2010 3:46 AM > >To: meteoritecentral <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> > >Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] I thought of an idea on > how to get around the price increase on eBay on some items > > > >Hi all! > > > >eBay is not an ordinary auction house. It doesn't > handle the goods, it > >doesn't create a catalogue and it doesn't provide an > auction house so > >all buyers can come and examine the goods before the > auction. > >eBay is an automatic system where the seller and buyer > enters all the > >details. As a seller I add all pictures, a description, > starting price > >and so on. The buyer enters his bids. And when the > auction is over the > >seller handles the transaction, packs the goods and > sends it away. > >If eBay would have twice as many auctions the overhead > wouldn't double. > >They would only need some more computers, the software > is the same. It's > >economy by scale. During 2008 goods for over $60 > billion were sold on > >eBay. In Q4 2009 the revenue were over $2 billion and > the earning were > >more than 50% of that. > > > >As I see it, there isn't a big difference between eBay > and companies > >providing online stores. > >I had a lot more auctions on eBay before but the > community feeling has > >been lost and the fees is constantly getting higher so > I mostly stay > >away from it. > > > >Somehow every other digital service is getting cheaper > as computer > >science advances, except for paypal and eBay who raises > the fees > >regularly. They can do it because they are big and by > all practical > >means they have a monopoly on online auctions and > payment services. They > >don't need to raise the fees but they can, therefore > they do it. > > > >I have a plan and I'm working on an alternative to eBay > ... if I finish > >it I'll tell you more. > > > >;-) > > > >/G?ran > > > >countdeiro at earthlink.net > wrote: > >> Hello fellow Listees, > >> > >> As some of you know who attended Michael Blood's > Annual Auction at the show in Tucson, I am pretty familiar > with auctions. In fact, my family and I owned and operated > one of the largest and most highly diversified auction sales > organizations in America. Licensed in eight states, we sold > everything from coins to casino/hotels. So, let me just say > this. There isn't a legitimate auction house in the > country...hell in the world!...that will provide the means > to advertise, promote and sell your goods for less than > EBay. Nor will they provide the wide range of seller and > buyer services, protections and payment methods that are a > part of package offered by EBay. It is the best deal I ever > heard of for both buyers and sellers and that's why they > have such tremendous market numbers. > >> > >> Our auction business had a 10% buyer premium AND a > 10% seller fee PLUS consignor/sellers were charged for extra > advertising position, photos, etc. etc. At an average seller > cost of 15%to 20% we still had to beat off sellers with a > stick...because we were cheap compared to Sotheby, Bonhams, > Phillips and Butterfield whose selling costs can float right > up to 40%. > >> > >> Prau that nothing happens to the guys and gals > making the cost decisions at EBay. > >> > >> Regards, > >> > >> Count Deiro > >> > >> -----Original Message----- > >>??? > >>> From: Gary Chase <garychase at live.com> > >>> Sent: Mar 29, 2010 1:13 PM > >>> To: mlblood at cox.net, > photophlow at yahoo.com, > meteoritecentral <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> > >>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] I thought of an > idea on how to get around the price increase on eBay on some > items > >>> > >>> > >>> Good Morning Listees and Bottom Feeders.. > >>> > >>> Isn't this America?? If you want to use a > service pay for it.? Do you go to McDonalds and decide > that the hamburger is too much and try to figure out a way > to cheat them out of their hamburger?? Do you steal > from Walmart if you think they are charging too much?? > Stealing from eBay is no different. > >>> > >>> Why don't all you bottom feeders leave eBay > and go off to your second rate auction sites that have been > mentioned here before.? Leave eBay to the real > dealers. > >>> > >>> Also, could one of you rocket scientists > explain to me how a buyer gets hurt with the higher fees if > an auction starts at a penny or 99cents?? No one is > forcing you to bid any higher than you would pay for the > piece somewhere else. > >>> > >>> Gary > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>>? ??? > >>>> Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 08:30:32 -0700 > >>>> From: mlblood at cox.net > >>>> To: photophlow at yahoo.com; > meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > >>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] I thought of > an idea on how to get around the price increase on eBay on > some items > >>>> > >>>> Hi Shawn and all, > >>>> Actually, I think that would be an > excellent response to the greed > >>>> Of eBay. If everyone in the meteorite > community did that, it would get > >>>> The message across to buyers. Of course, > it would have to be a "sliding > >>>> Scale" application, as the "shipping and > handling" charges would be > >>>> Perhaps only $5 above actual shipping cost > on some items but could > >>>> Go up to hundreds on other items. > >>>> SCREW EBAY -These dudes are making > BILLIONS on nothing > >>>> But their automated system. Not one minute > of additional work or > >>>> Other overhead has been involved in their > 8.75% of cost sellers premium. > >>>> It isn't as though they have had to hire > more help or pay higher rent > >>>> Or deal with increased travel expenses or > ONE THING - they just > >>>> Arbitrarily decided, "hay, we got millions > of sellers now depending on > >>>> Us - we can start sucking them dry!" and, > like the stinking credit card > >>>> Banks jerk people around legally. SCREW > EBAY. > >>>> I think this is a splendid partial > solution. > >>>> Way to go Shawn. > >>>> Michael > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> On 3/28/10 10:36 PM, "Shawn Alan" <photophlow at yahoo.com> > wrote: > >>>> > >>>>? ? ??? > >>>>> Hello List > >>>>>? > >>>>> I have seen this done before on eBay > with items I have bought. The seller > >>>>> would offer the item at buy it now for > $2 and the shipping would be 15. Now if > >>>>> your a seller and offering an item > that isn't that much I could see the > >>>>> seller charging $15 to $40 for > shipping and handling/packaging quote un > >>>>> quote, if they know the item will go > for that rate at buy it now or 5 day > >>>>> auction bid, where it would only go > for $2 to $5 at closing, which the > >>>>> seller would only be charged for the > closing cost and not the shipping and > >>>>> handling cost (that was a long run on > sentence). I guess its worth a try on > >>>>> certain items that sell for a fixed > rate. > >>>>> Just a thought > >>>>>? > >>>>> Shawn Alan? > >>>>> > ______________________________________________ > >>>>> Visit the Archives at > >>>>> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html > >>>>> Meteorite-list mailing list > >>>>> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > >>>>> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > >>>>>? ? ? > ??? > >>>> > ______________________________________________ > >>>> Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html > >>>> Meteorite-list mailing list > >>>> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > >>>> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > ??? > ???????? > ?????? ??? > ? > >>>>? ? ??? > >>> > _________________________________________________________________ > >>> Hotmail is redefining busy with tools for the > New Busy. 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