[meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - March 22, 2010
From: Richard Kowalski <damoclid_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 12:47:34 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <296900.24096.qm_at_web113608.mail.gq1.yahoo.com> Eric Actually The Onion is a humor site: http://www.theonion.com/articles/chickenshit-asteroid-veers-away-at-last-minute,2722/ I think we are in agreement about the emphasis of the value of meteorites in the episodes, but I disagree about how important that is to get and keep an audience. I predict those values, realistic or not, will become very dated, very quickly, but the science will not become dated, or wrong any time soon. I've watched each episode at least twice, have them all on DVD, and continue to often have it on when they air as background, but more and more I find myself paying less and less attention to the comments about the quoted values. The comments and interactions between Geoff & Steve, Dr. Garvey, their mannerisms and expressions, their techniques, comments, and on and on are much more interesting... To me at least. Of course if there was more science, that would be better still. Much... There will always be those excited by value, but those viewers will come and go rapidly. A long term sustained and growing base of viewers has to come from those interested in the science. If not, Geoff, Steve, the production company and Science channel and their parent, Discovery, will have missed a huge opportunity. Cheers -- Richard Kowalski Full Moon Photography IMCA #1081 --- On Mon, 3/22/10, Meteorites USA <eric at meteoritesusa.com> wrote: > From: Meteorites USA <eric at meteoritesusa.com> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - March 22, 2010 > To: "Richard Kowalski" <damoclid at yahoo.com> > Cc: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > Date: Monday, March 22, 2010, 12:17 PM > Hi Richard, List, > > I don't think you're actually disagreeing with me totally. > ;) The > Science Channel is in fact about science, but... > > Your comment "...However, to say that the producers had to > emphasis the > monetary value of meteorites as much as they do just to get > the ratings > is non-sense. IMHO..." > > Read this: > http://www.theonion.com/articles/science-channel-refuses-to-dumb-down-science-any-f,2897/ > > I know TheOnion.com is an opinion site, but that's what > this is my > opinion. I do think it's about ratings. That what TV is > for. Good > ratings pulls higher advertising sales which results in > higher profits > for the network. The secondary is to educate. Unless you're > a public > non-profit and get government funding which the Science > channel is not. > They have to pay for their overhead, as well as make enough > to continue > to educates. It's is after all a business. > > The Science Channel is AWESOME in my opinion, I watch it > everyday. There > are LOTS of great shows I record on my DVR and watch over > and over > again. Just like a good book you learn something new each > time. There > are lots of great shows, Cosmic Collisions, Killer > Asteroids, and other > astronomy related shows I can't get enough of. > > My comment used the word "Most". "...Most of this can all > be summed up > in one word. Ratings...." > > What I was referring to is the entertainment and interest > value of > proclaiming over inflated prices on all the stones they > found, as well > as the adventure type theme playing a big part in keeping > people > interested. People in the meteorite world know the prices > are not > totally realistic, but it "sounds good" to viewers and > makes it more > interesting to those that would normally tune out. Those in > the die hard > science community may look at the show as a money maker, > and they are right. > > I'm not disagreeing with you Richard, I think there should > have been > more science, I think more emphasis needed to be made on > the importance > of recording find locations, and I believe that the > constant, > "cha-ching" relationship with each find was a little > overplayed. Perhaps > next season will produce a more balanced show with more > hard science. > With of course a good mix of adventure and treasure > hunting! ;) > > Meteorites are after all a treasure in more than once sense > of the word. > > Regards, > Eric Wichman > Meteorites USA > > > >Received on Mon 22 Mar 2010 03:47:34 PM PDT |
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