[meteorite-list] Summary Paper About Scandinavian Impact Structures

From: Paul H. <oxytropidoceras_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 7:46:27 -0500
Message-ID: <20100317084627.067KA.806695.imail_at_eastrmwml41>

Dear Friends,

There is an interesting summary paper about
Scandinavian impact structures that downloaded as
a PDF file. It even has a mps of recognized impact
structures in Scandinavia and discusses the fossil
meteorites found in the Thorsberg Quarry,
southern Sweden, and K-T boundary at Stevns
Klint, Denmark.

It is:

Dypvik, H., J. Plado, C. Heinberg, E. Hakansson, L. J.
Pesonen, B. Schmitz, and S. Raiskila, 2008, Impact
structures and events ? a Nordic perspective.
Episodes. vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 107 -114.

The PDF files can be downloaded directly form:


The link to the PDF file can be in ?Episodes Special
Issue Title: ?Nordic Geoscience and 33rd IGC 2008?? at:



Paul H.
Received on Wed 17 Mar 2010 08:46:27 AM PDT

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