[meteorite-list] Just like the Old Days - Part Two of Two (ad)

From: Kevin Kichinka <marsrox_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 10:39:16 -0600
Message-ID: <5bb98d571003140939l50aac8eco28df9b13aaee5f77_at_mail.gmail.com>

Herein is a nice lot of nine different meteorites for sale (and a
Moldavite) with
some real "keepers"- and no "Bessey Specks" or undesirable examples.
My similar offering of last week sold in a second so let's see if
anyone wants these at an even better bargain price.

The set includes a carb chondrite, a diogenite and one really low TKW
ordinary chondrite. And there's no NWA's, all of these mets go by
friendly first names. All were purchased by me from Blaine Reed to
originally be packaged with my book, "The Art of Collecting
Meteorites", but with only fifty copies of 1,100 left to sell, this
will be unneccesary.

I had fun "playing" with these rocks, looking up their histories, and
I hope you will, too. You will find the price to be fair for the
quality and variety of material. Blaine told me yesterday that he is
"out" of a couple of those listed here and knows of no other source
(they presently "reside" at TCU). This is also my last sale of these
until August or September.

Payment by Paypal.

Don't try to call me, I'm in Costa Rica surrounded by smoking
volcanoes, and any second, likely to be fleeing from the lava.

And it's not an "ala carte" offering, it's "Winner-take-all" for the
soon-to-be described material.

First email to me at MARSROX _at_gmail.com, confirmed with Paypal payment
in a reasonably short time, will receive the goodies. I'll be back in
FLA Tuesday, March 16 and will ship the package before the week is

1. A Moldavite (tektite) - Used in jewelry applications, 6x6x2mm,
0.2gms., translucent, green fragment.

2. Dalgetty Downs L4, find 1941 (Australia) - Widely distributed,
16x14x5mm slice, 1.65 gms., clean surfaces w/o oxidation.

3.Etter L5, find 1965 (Texas), CRE (cosmic exposure age) of only 1.7
Ma (Alexeev, 1998), 11x6x3mm slice, 1.30 gms, polished on two sides.

4. Aldama (b) H5 find 1996 (Mexico) - Low TKW of +2kg. and basically
unavailable. 11x5x3mm cut frag, 0.6gms.

5. Huckitta PAL find 1924 (Australia) - The 1,084 gm specimen first
recovered had been transported about fifty miles from the main 1,411
kg mass discovered later in 1937. 15x10x7mm, 2.25 gms., typical
terrestrialized fragment with nice cut face.

6. Odessa IAB Iron find 1922 (Texas) - Aparently somewhere within this
piece lurks silicate inclusions similar to Campo and Toluca (Ted Bunch
et al, 1970) and native copper (Nininger and Huss, 1966). Not to be
confused with Odessa H4 (Ukraine). 10x5x4mm, 0.95 gm. untumbled
individual as recovered.

7. Tulia (b) L6 - Found 1917 (Texas) - Joins Tulia (a) H3/4, Tulia (c)
H5-6, Tulia (d) H6, and Tulia Iron as all common to the "Lubbock Super
Cluster" region of west-central Texas. Tulia (b) has a small TKW of
4.4kg. 8x6x3mm, sliced frag of 0.35gms with a very "busy" metal
matrix. Who among us has all the "Tulias"?

8. Tatahouine DIO (Tunisia) fell 27 June, 1931. A rare, unbrecciated,
green diogenite 6x5x3mm, 0.50 gm. cut frag w/interior face.

9. North Branch (Kansas) found 1972. 19x10x3mm, 1.90gm cut frag w/polished face.

10. Allende CV3 (Mexico) fell 8 Febrero, 1969. The most-studied
meteorite in history, this 8x8x5mm, 0.50 gm frag w/CAI's.

First buyer with US $40 (plus $5 US shipping/$13 foreign) confirmed by
email to me at MARSROX at gmail.com ?takes it all.

Gracias para su tiempo y tiene un bien dia.

Kevin Kichinka


Received on Sun 14 Mar 2010 12:39:16 PM PDT

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