[meteorite-list] Way To Go Count!!!!!!!!!!
From: Moni Waiblinger <moni2555_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 08:33:19 -0800 Message-ID: <COL106-W3072C84FCA1496DEB42460CD380_at_phx.gbl> Good morning Count Deiro, and of course Sonny too!! Congratulations and/or herzlichen Glueckwunsch to this miraculous find! This is a wonderful story to keep telling your grandchildren! Thank you for sharing your story with us about your most wonderful day. And thank you Sonny for sharing with us on your web page the images of your successful hunt. We are sure, Count, that you are still on cloud 9 and you were most likely sleeping right next to your wonderful find!? ;-) Best wishes Moni and Bob V. > Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 15:34:37 -0500 > From: countdeiro at earthlink.net > To: gsac at gmx.net > CC: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Way To Go Count!!!!!!!!!! > > Alexander Seidel and List, > > Alexander asked that I share with him and the List the personal experience of having my first find be such a remarkable specimen. I am told by those who should know that this chondrite is the largest intact specimen so far found in Nevada. I would ask the List if this is so. > > Here's an account for those who wish to read about a "newbie" finding his first metorite. > > I began to study meteorites about a year ago as a diversion to take my mind off the two years of radiation and chemo treatments I had been undergoing for stage IV metastized cancer. I had responded well for a 72 year old and was in remission. I needed some new pursuit to get my mental and physical health back. Little did I know that I was about to catch another disease..and this one incurable...the obsession with meteorites. > > After purchasing some sixty different types and classifications, a stereo scope and a cabinet for comparison purposes ...and reading numerous posts on List and dozens of papers, attending Tucson... putting faces on all whom I had met online... I decided I was ready to go into the field. > > I was fortunate to have made acquaintance with Sonny Clary who lives nearby. He had become my mentor, given me samples and shown me some pointers on hunting by taking me on a short local trip to look at an area of interest. We spent maybe two hours in the field. Sonny moves quickly, his acute vision and experience letting him cover a lot of ground in very little time. I found I was more comfortable going my own way and not slowing him up. Neither he, nor I, found anything. > > I have four grandsons and I spent a few hours in some vacant fields in Las Vegas throwing down weathered samples and demonstrating to them the use of the cane and detector. Ten year old , Vincent, was fascinated. The others non-plussed. > > Night before last, May 2nd., Sonny called late and invited me to spend my first full day hunting an area he felt was promising several hours away. We met at his home and loaded up the gear, food and water. Brix, his super Alsatian, whined excitedly knowing we were going on a hunt. Sonny has trained Brix to the point that the dog will bring him rocks in the field. No meteorites yet...but it will happen. > > We arrived in the desert around nine o'clock. The temperature was a pleasant 67 degrees under clear skies and no wind. We saddled up and agreed as to which way each of us would go. Sonny took off to the left and I to the right. Within minutes we were out of sight of each other. We did have a means of communicating electronically in the event of an emergency. Both of us are Nevadans and have spent years in the desert hunting game, Sonny meteorites and in my case, before it became illegal, early man artifacts. > > After several hours with no luck, we met back at the truck and traveled two miles north on the valley floor. After another hour or two of nothing but meteor wrongs picked up from the desert pavement, Sonny decided to expand our search area again several miles west. > > This time we were on excellent ground. Flat, with very little organic growth and hardly any rocks at all. If they were here, the meteorites would stand out prominently. Again, Sonny strode off northwest with Brix roaming in front of him. Brix has received snake avoidance training and a good thing, because the rattlers, including the feared "Mohave Green", are coming out of their dens this time of year to warm themselves, and shed their winter skin, making them ill tempered and aggressive. Sonny hunted with no assistance from cane, or detector. I used my staff with a circular neodymium magnet screwed on the end. > > I followed Sonny to the west, deciding to make the first leg of my search into the reduced visibility of the sun, so I could make the other two half mile legs with the sun at my side and rear to highlight the ground and prevent squinting. I have special tinted prescription glasses that provide some UV protection, reduce eye strain and sharpen the field of view. > > Sonny and Brix were quickly out of sight. About an hour and a half into things and while walking forward a few paces at a 45 degree angle to the left and then to the right, my scan picked up an irregular shape 50' to my right. It was so out of place as to shape and color that I knew immediately it was a possible. I turned and walked toward it. As I got within a few yards I could see that it had the familiar dark desert patination that I had studied on my Gold Basin samples. It was a three inch high tip sticking out of the ground like a triangular iceberg. I started to laugh out loud as I walked around it in a tight circle. Taking my cane, I carefully placed it close along side dangling it loosely between two fingers. Nevada chondrites tend to have low metal. The cane moved slowly against the rock. So subtle was it's movement that I didn't immediately believe it and had to do the exercise all around the tip. Each time it "clicked" I got a rush of excitement. Before I could contain myself, I reached down and grabbed the exposed tip and pulled. My hand slipped off. > > I began to dig with my hands. Down two inches. Still no movement. Step back. Put scale cube down. Take picture. Three more inches and shove it with your foot. No movement. More pictures and the thought of "How in the hell did I get this lucky?" Frantic digging like a rabid gopher. "How big was this thing?" "Wow" "Wait till Sonny sees this." Then I got greedy. I didn't want it to stop getting bigger, but finally at a depth of about nine inches I was able to go under the edge of the triangular shape. I stood up, put my foot against it and shoved. It came free from it's thousands of years entrapment in the desert floor. I had my first find. > > I called Sonny on cell. At first he thought I was joking, but when I offered a $100 wager if he came and found it was not a meteorite, he started his trek to my location. He arrived in fifteen minutes, the last few yards with a huge grin on his face and his arms out stretched. "Dude" he said. "You the man." We were like a couple of kids for a minute. Literally pounding each others fists and laughing. I have never seen Sonny so animated. Brix immediately went to the meteorite, and curling around it, he laid down on guard. It was his now. > > Count Deiro > IMCA 3536 > > > > > > > Danken Ihnen f?r Ihre Gl?ckw?nsche. Ich spreche ein kleines Deutsch. Ich bin eine erste Generation Italiener/Amerikaner. Mein Vater wurde nahe an Torino geboren und meine Mutter war von Lyon. Ich habe viele Reisen nach Deutschland gemacht und ich habe Freunde in Hamburgs, Berlin, Frankfurten und M?nchen. Ich werde Ihnen meine kleine Geschichte auf Englisch erz?hlen. Ja habe ich viele Verwandte in N?rdlichem Italien und ich besuche jedes Jahr. > > -----Original Message----- >>From: Alexander Seidel <gsac at gmx.net> >>Sent: Mar 4, 2010 10:39 AM >>To: countdeiro at earthlink.net >>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Way To Go Count!!!!!!!!!! >> >>Sogar sehr gut, Count! :-) Wuerdest Du uns.... err, pardon, I should better switch to my bad English, Sir! >> >>Wouldn?t you like to tell us about the details, Guido? I mean, what exactly happened when you parted from Sonny Clary on your own track, how long did it take you to realize there was something strange down there? Did you first stick a magnet to that "pyramid" looking out of the soil? Did you immediately realize THIS IS IT, or was it a second thought? Was Sonny near by, did you call him? Did you extract that whole big stone with your hands (...before Sonny arrived?) or did you have a tool to do it? ... You know, Count, sorts of "story telling" like this, which may enjoy you while writing, and surely enjoys us when reading! So please, Guido, think of the idea of writing this up for me, ...errrr I mean for us, of course! >> >>Oh, by the way, I read you are a real Count. Then again you sign with Guido, which is a first name somewhat common in Germany and Switzerland. Do you have ancestors here, on this side of the Big Pond, while being American citizen? Well, just curious... :-) >> >>All my best, ganz herzliche Gruesse an Dich, >>Alex from Berlin >> >> >> >>-------- Original-Nachricht -------- >>> Datum: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 10:27:51 -0500 (EST) >>> Von: countdeiro at earthlink.net >>> An: Alexander Seidel <gsac at gmx.net> >>> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Way To Go Count!!!!!!!!!! >> >>> Thank you, Alex >>> >>> Alles gut est.... >>> >>> Guido >>> >>> -----Original Message----- >>>>From: Alexander Seidel <gsac at gmx.net> >>>>Sent: Mar 4, 2010 4:52 AM >>>>To: countdeiro at earthlink.net, wahlperry at aol.com, >>> meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com, nakhladog at comcast.net >>>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Way To Go Count!!!!!!!!!! >>>> >>>>That?s fabulous, Count! You are da bomb! :-) >>>> >>>>Best, >>>>Alex >>>>Berlin/Germany >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>-------- Original-Nachricht -------- >>>>> Datum: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 23:14:45 -0500 (EST) >>>>> Von: countdeiro at earthlink.net >>>>> An: Rob Wesel <nakhladog at comcast.net>, >>> meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com, wahlperry at aol.com >>>>> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Way To Go Count!!!!!!!!!! >>>> >>>>> Can you imagine the feelings that course through you when your on your >>>>> first full day of hunting after 10 months of study and you have to dig >>> with >>>>> your hands to unearth this 28 pounder? Your first meteorite? I almost >>> messed >>>>> myself. I am emboldened now to say that I have graduated and I, for >>> one, >>>>> will no longer refer to myself as a newbie. >>>>> >>>>> My best wishes to everyone who shares the obsession with these visitors >>>>> from space. Thank you Sonny. >>>>> >>>>> Guido >>>>> >>>>> -----Original Message----- >>>>>>From: Rob Wesel <nakhladog at comcast.net> >>>>>>Sent: Mar 3, 2010 9:45 PM >>>>>>To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com, wahlperry at aol.com >>>>>>Subject: [meteorite-list] Way To Go Count!!!!!!!!!! >>>>>> >>>>>>Holy cow! >>>>>> >>>>>>Nice one guys and to The Count....Is it in the city limits????? >>>>>> >>>>>>Really nice find, congratu-frickin-lations. Must have been something >>> to >>>>> find >>>>>>that peak and have to keep digging and digging and digging >>>>>> >>>>>>Rob Wesel >>>>>>www.nakhladogmeteorites.com >>>>>>www.facebook.com/nakhladog >>>>>>------------------ >>>>>>We are the music makers... >>>>>>and we are the dreamers of the dreams. >>>>>>Willy Wonka, 1971 >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>----- Original Message ----- >>>>>>From: <wahlperry at aol.com> >>>>>>To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> >>>>>>Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 6:30 PM >>>>>>Subject: [meteorite-list] I hate Count (Guido) Diero ! : ) >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>> Hi List, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> I bet you could call this beginners luck. I took Guido out meteorite >>>>>>> hunting. I turned left and he turned right. To check out what he >>> found >>>>>>> scroll to the bottom of the meteorite hunts page. More to come >>> later. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>> http://www.nevadameteorites.com/nevadameteorites/METEORITE_HUNTS.html >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Sonny >>>>>>> >>>>>>> ______________________________________________ >>>>>>> Visit the Archives at >>>>>>> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >>>>>>> Meteorite-list mailing list >>>>>>> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>>>>>> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >>>>>> >>>>>>______________________________________________ >>>>>>Visit the Archives at >>>>> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >>>>>>Meteorite-list mailing list >>>>>>Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>>>>>http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >>>>> >>>>> ______________________________________________ >>>>> Visit the Archives at >>>>> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >>>>> Meteorite-list mailing list >>>>> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>>>> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > ______________________________________________ > Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. 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