[meteorite-list] Dinosaurs rocked!
From: Darren Garrison <cynapse_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2010 20:01:19 -0500 Message-ID: <csl0p51ghllnltgehv7ovm6m9kve8r0kvm_at_4ax.com> Unless they were iced... http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/03/04/BAFS1CADDJ.DTL Settled: Dinosaurs done in by asteroid David Perlman, Chronicle Science Editor Thursday, March 4, 2010 (03-04) 15:09 PST SAN FRANCISCO -- What killed off all the dinosaurs? Thirty years ago, UC Berkeley geologist Walter Alvarez offered his revolutionary answer to that question and incited one of the liveliest controversies in modern science. Now an international team of scientists will report Friday that the issue is settled: Alvarez was right. In 1980, Alvarez and his colleagues at Berkeley theorized that a monstrous asteroid 10 miles wide slammed into Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and dug a crater 60 miles wide and 15 miles deep. The impact sent up a huge cloud of ash, soot, pulverized rock and sulfurous steam that darkened the skies for years like a nuclear winter, dooming more than half the world's life on land and in the oceans - microorganisms, plants and animals. The dinosaurs, those iconic beasts that had ruled the world for 160 million years, also vanished in that long-lasting cataclysm, the Alvarez team maintained. They found worldwide layers of clay containing the rare metallic element iridium that was scattered by the crashing asteroid; they found the crater caused by the asteroid impact just off the Yucatan Peninsula at Chicxulub (pronounced Chic-shoo-loob); and they found tiny spherules of shocked quartz both inside the crater and far beyond the crash site, from Australia to Europe. Scores of other scientists have found supporting evidence over the past three decades and estimated that the asteroid impact set off earthquakes with magnitudes as high as 11 -inconceivably greater than the quakes that have hit Chile and Haiti. The volcano theory But there are disbelievers among other respected scientists who insist that violent volcanic eruptions, not asteroids, caused what was one of the worst mass extinctions in the world's history. Huge layers of volcanic rocks a mile thick and covering nearly 200,000 square miles are still evidence of those eruptions in an area of India known as the Deccan Traps, they say. In Friday's report in the journal Science 41 noted scientists from a wide array of disciplines declare that those espousing the volcano theory are wrong; Alvarez and his team were right, they say. The scientists work in every known discipline - geophysics, paleontology, climatology, geochemistry, microbiology, zoology, botany and more. They have re-worked the Alvarez team's findings, gathered new evidence and agree on their conclusions. In an e-mail interview Thursday, the leader of the group, Peter Shulte, said the Chicxulub crater and its global distribution of shocked quartz form the "fingerprint" backing the asteroid theory, and that the Deccan volcanism actually started 700,000 before the mass extinction occurred. The asteroid, he said, struck a sulfate-rich area that released masses of deadly sulfur aerosols "leading to rapid darkness and cooling of the Earth." "We conclude that a single impact was the ultimate cause for the mass extinctions," said Shulte, a geophysicist at the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg. Kirk Johnson, a paleobotanist at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science who was one of the journal authors, said of Alvarez and his many colleagues: "They got it right; it was an inspired body of work." Scientist unconvinced But Gerta Keller, a Princeton paleontologist and geochemist who is a leading expert on global catastrophes and mass extinctions and a supporter of the Deccan Traps theory, is not convinced. She argued in an interview this week that her team's evidence shows that the Chicxulub impact occurred at least 300,000 years before the start of the mass extinction; that the scientists responsible for Friday's Science article ignored and misrepresented her group's evidence about the timing and effect of the Deccan volcanism. Those volcanoes, she said, emitted 30 times more global life-killing sulfur fumes than any asteroid impact could; that 30 pulses of eruptions and lava flows caused the mass extinction; and that the asteroid impact, whenever it happened, caused no extinctions at all nor any change in the world's climate or environment. The real evidence for the mass extinction and the death of the dinosaurs still lies in the vast basalts of the Deccan volcanoes, Keller insisted. Now Alvarez has moved on to bigger things since he and his team published their theories and added more details to support it. But Friday's report pleases him greatly, he said. "It's wonderful to see that our work is vindicated by such a large collection of the very top people in all those fields," he said in an interview. "It's gratifying indeed, but I've moved away from my love of geology these days, and I'm interested in what we call Big History now - the entire history of the cosmos, Earth, life and humanity. What a wonderful class to teach!" Received on Thu 04 Mar 2010 08:01:19 PM PST |
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