[meteorite-list] Lido di Venezia, NomCom and other
From: M come Meteorite <info_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 08:00:01 +0200 Message-ID: <L45A01$ACFA866870E04EB6792351010910B1B4_at_aruba.it> Lido di Venezia are the first meteorite I have found in the 1999, the meteorite are analyzed from 2 laboratory, they have sent for many times all info to NomCom for put the meteorite in the Bulletin, and after 11 yers pass they not have published nothing. Why? Some articles on meteorite reviews are write on this meteorite, I do not what they waith to put this meteorite in the Met.Bulletin. The strange is when a USA find arrive, this appear in the bulletin immediatly, for other meteorites find outside USA the time its long, many strange. Another question, I want inform the NomCom and Met.Society Marvin Killgore, after have sent my 4 pieces for analyzed in the University of Arizona, he not have never analyzed this after years, he not answer to my emails for have back my material, in few words its a scandal, its this the system of work for USA laboratory? I hope no, but for the moment my meteorites are not back and I not have any type of analysis. I ask to NomCom to take measures with Killgore or I start to pass the voice around other laboratory's Matteo M come Meteorite Meteoriti info at mcomemeteorite.it http://www.mcomemeteorite.it http://www.mcomemeteorite.org Mindat Gallery http://www.mindat.org/gallery-5018.html ChinellatoPhoto Servizi Fotografici http://www.chinellatophoto.com Received on Thu 17 Jun 2010 02:00:01 AM PDT |
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