[meteorite-list] Colorado fireball/meteor 6/6/10

From: Michael Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2010 00:24:41 -0700
Message-ID: <C8309B49.F00A%mlblood_at_cox.net>

Happy Birthday, Henry!
        The universe has sent you a birthday fireworks.

On 6/6/10 12:19 AM, "hxmendoza" <hxmendoza at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi folks!
> Was driving home with the family after watching Ironman 2 for my birthday
> tonite, when I saw a bright fireball/meteor come down. I was heading east. The
> meteor appeared at the top left corner of my driver side of the windshield and
> shot down at a sharp 65 to 70 degree angle east to southeast. It was
> approximately 12:20 AM MST. What I saw of it from inside the car lasted only a
> second to a second and a half. It was bright but it did not flash or detonate.
> I was so caught off guard by it that all I could yell out to my wife and kids
> was "Whoa, whoa, whoa!!" and point. But they all thought I was freaking out
> about something on the road ahead of the car and therefore no one else got to
> see it. I had been hoping on seeing a fireball, so I guess I got overly
> excited that I actually got to see one. I haven't seen a bright fireball since
> I was a kid in New Jersey about thirty plus years ago.
> Shame that it just burned up and diminished. Would have been even more
> exciting if it had detonated and flashed. Ohh well.
> Have a nice morning!
> Regards,
> Henry Mendoza
> Sent from my iPod
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Received on Sun 06 Jun 2010 03:24:41 AM PDT

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