[meteorite-list] Meteorite 20 Questions - Answer and Share if you Dare. :)
From: Barry Hughes <bhughes_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 00:11:00 -0400 Message-ID: <AANLkTikxZjG=BDYrRk9hLQ4-hhC57JfzCsGeKdohFK27_at_mail.gmail.com> I'm going to do this I guess...;) > 1) When did you start collecting? (how long ago) >RIGHT AFTER I FOUND MY FIRST LUNAR METEORITE..OF COURSE IT'S NOT TESTED YET....ABOUT 6 MONTHS AGO.....:) > 2) What first interested you about meteorites? >I'VE ALWAYS BEEN INTERESTED, JUST NEVER KNEW YOU COULD ACTUALLY OWN ONE. > 3) What was your first meteorite purchase, and from whom? >FIRST PURCHASE WAS AN ETCHED NWA 859 FROM MIRKO GRAUL..GERMANY...NICE > 4) How many meteorites or localities do you currently have in your > collection? >I HAVE AROUND A HUNDRED (OR MORE), I'M EMBARRASSED TO SAY... > 5) If you had to know for insurance purposes, what do you value your > entire collection at? - in dollars - ballpark figure OK, or just say > "none of your business". >THAT' NONE OF MY WIFE'S BUSINESS... > 6) What is your favorite meteorite and why? >I LIKE THE WHOLE UNCLASSIFIED ORIENTED...LARGER THE BETTER > 7) Have you ever found a meteorite in the field? >A LUNAR...I'M CONVINCED... > 8) Did you ever get the deal of a lifetime on a meteorite? If so, what was > it? >A JOHN HIGGINS POLISHED BEAUTIFULLY WHOLE WITH END CUT.....I STOLED IT AND APOLOGIZED... > 9) Did you ever go through the ordeal of a lifetime to obtain a > meteorite? If so, please explain. >YES...AND I REALIZED... TRUST IN PEOPLE 'YOU KNOW' IS MOST IMPORTANT..... > 10) Have you ever consumed meteoritic material? (If so, how or under > what circumstances?) >YES..GOT ALL OVER MY CIGARETTE... > 11) Does your spouse share your meteorite passion, is ambivalent > towards it, or resents it? >NO FOR ALL THREE...SHE IGNORES IT FOR THE MOST PART.... > 12) Have you ever let a bill go unpaid or late to buy a meteorite? >WE'LL SEE, MY TAX TIME IS COMING UP!!!!! > 13) A perfectly oriented, fully crusted, baseball-sized, lunar > meteorite crashes through your roof and lands in your lap while you > are reading this. It's the most gorgeous aesthetically-superior > specimen you have ever seen - like Lafayette, but better. It legally > belongs to you. What do you do with it? >HIDE IT > 14) Statistics have caught up with someone. Anne Hodges will no > longer be the only documented person to be struck by a falling > meteorite. Assuming the next person struck could be anyone and you > could pick that person, who would it be? (silly answers only, nothing > mean or political) >SMALL ONE..MY WIFE AND IT BOUNCES...LARGE ONE REAL FAST..GLEN BECK...THAT'S NOT POLITICAL IS IT > 15) You are awarded the honor of selecting one specimen to keep from > any meteorite collection in the world. What would it be? >MY LUNAR I FOUND > 16) Have you ever sold or donated your entire collection, and then had > to rebuild it? >NOT YET > 17) Summarize what you think about tektites in one sentence. >PRETTY, NOT MY CHOICE > 18) Which do you prefer - thin sections, whole specimens, slices, or > endcuts? >WHOLE!!! > 19) Do you collect meteorwrongs? >NO ON PURPOSE > 20) Have you ever dropped a tiny crumb of a rare meteorite and lost it? >NEVER HAD ONE Received on Fri 30 Jul 2010 12:11:00 AM PDT |
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