[meteorite-list] Meteorite 20 Questions - Answer and Share if you Dare. :)
From: Barry Hughes <bhughes_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 08:55:08 -0400 Message-ID: <AANLkTi=jJ_2zRRhM-Q8Cb7FKXGikSWQoNVb4FCcBCyD1_at_mail.gmail.com> Very enjoyable reading! Barry 2010/7/29 Gabriel Gon?alves <gabisfunny_2 at yahoo.com.br>: > 1) When did you start collecting? (how long ago) > Around 4 or 5 years ago. > > 2) What first interested you about meteorites? > My mom teach me to love astronomy, but I've always looked for something more tangible in it. Once, in a meteor shower, I've realised that meteorites could be a way. Then, I've started to learn about meteorites and that I could collect them. > > 3) What was your first meteorite purchase, and from whom? > Well, there were two "first" meteorites. My first "first" meteorite I've bought from a mineral store in a city called Campinas (here in Brazil), but one year later I realise that it was a meteorwrong. My second "first" meteorite is a Bendego that I've bought from a serious brazilian dealer. > > 4) How many meteorites or localities do you currently have in your collection? > 23 and growing (slowly, but growing, hehe). > > 5) If you had to know for insurance purposes, what do you value your > entire collection at? - in dollars - ballpark figure OK, or just say > "none of your business". > I don't know. I think that I'll never stop to calculate how much they could cost, they are priceless for me. > > 6) What is your favorite meteorite and why? > My favorite meteorite from my collection or from all? > In my collection is my Campos Sales - It shows the exact things that I could expect from an stony meteorite, from the crust untill the condrules. > >From all the meteorites in the world it's the Mar?lia meteorite - It's fallen only 30 km from where I live but it'd happened 18 years before I've been born. Its strewfield is the only one I've ever been in. > > 7) Have you ever found a meteorite in the field? > Unfortunately no... > > 8) Did you ever get the deal of a lifetime on a meteorite? If so, what was it? > No. > > 9) Did you ever go through the ordeal of a lifetime to obtain a > meteorite? If so, please explain. > Well, I'm still in a 5 years battle to get at least a small amount of the Marilia from one of the hard-to-deal museums from Brazil. > > 10) Have you ever consumed meteoritic material? (If so, how or under > what circumstances?) > Probably. Last month I was trying to open a small window in a uNWA in my home and it made a lot of dust. Probably some fell over some biscuits near me that I ate after end the work, hehe. > > 11) Does your spouse share your meteorite passion, is ambivalent > towards it, or resents it? > My girlfriend says the they are nice, but doesn't go beyond this. > > 12) Have you ever let a bill go unpaid or late to buy a meteorite? > No. > > 13) A perfectly oriented, fully crusted, baseball-sized, lunar > meteorite crashes through your roof and lands in your lap while you > are reading this. It's the most gorgeous aesthetically-superior > specimen you have ever seen - like Lafayette, but better. It legally > belongs to you. What do you do with it? > Well, first of all, I'd go nuts! After some hours to calm down, I think I'd take some photos and document everything. I'd take the pieces of the roof and of everything touched by the meteorite (less me, of course, hehe) to donate to a museum. I'd cut the meteorite in half and take the front part for me. The other half I'd take to classify and the rest I'd donate to museums and closer friends that collect meteorites (except one slice that I'd swap for a Marilia piece). > > 14) Statistics have caught up with someone. Anne Hodges will no > longer be the only documented person to be struck by a falling > meteorite. Assuming the next person struck could be anyone and you > could pick that person, who would it be? (silly answers only, nothing > mean or political) > If it wouldn't wound anyone, I think I'd choose my daddy. He'd finaly look the meteorites with other eyes, hehe. > > 15) You are awarded the honor of selecting one specimen to keep from > any meteorite collection in the world. What would it be? > OMG, this is really a hard question... All meteorites that I can think of (even the Marilia) are so incredibly beautiful that, if I could get them, I'd put in a museum again... > > 16) Have you ever sold or donated your entire collection, and then had > to rebuild it? > No. > > 17) Summarize what you think about tektites in one sentence. > Interesting material that calls the people attention due its history and that make a nice presence in a meteorite collection. > > 18) Which do you prefer - thin sections, whole specimens, slices, or endcuts? > In order: whole specimens, end cuts, slices and thin sections. > > 19) Do you collect meteorwrongs? > I'm at university by now, I don't have money enought for this and for the meteorites at the same time, hehe. Maybe something for the future... > > 20) Have you ever dropped a tiny crumb of a rare meteorite and lost it? > Fortunately no (yet). > > Nice questions. I laught a lot thinking to answer them! > > > > ______________________________________________ > Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > Received on Thu 29 Jul 2010 08:55:08 AM PDT |
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