[meteorite-list] European Planetary Science Congress 2010

From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 11:14:09 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <201007231814.o6NIE9kh009538_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov>

23 July 2010

Anita Heward
Europlanet Press Officer
+44 (0) 7756 034243
anita.heward at europlanet-eu.org

Eleni Chatzichristou
Europlanet Press Officer
eleni.chatzichristou at europlanet-eu.org

Livia Giacomini
INAF contact at Europlanet Press Office
livia.giacomini at ifsi-roma.inaf.it

19-24 SEPTEMBER 2010

The European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2010 will take place at
the Angelicum Centre -- Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas,
Rome, Italy, from Sunday 19 September to Friday 24 September 2010.

The EPSC is the major European meeting on planetary science and
attracts scientists from Europe and around the World. The 2010 program
will cover a wide range of planetary topics, including new results
from Mars, impact processes in the Solar System, chemical evolution
and early planetary life, comparative planetology beyond the Solar
System, exploring Martian moons and the Rosetta flybys of asteroids
2867 Steins and 21 Lutetia. More than 900 abstracts for oral
presentations and posters have been submitted.

Details of the congress can be found at the official website:

The EPSC has a distinctively interactive style, with a mix of talks,
workshops and posters, intended to provide a stimulating environment
for discussion.? A draft program can be found at:

A full schedule of EPSC 2010 scientific sessions and events will be
released by the end of July. Further information will be circulated a
few weeks before the meeting, including press notices on presentations
that may be of special interest

EPSC 2010 is organized by Europlanet, a Research Infrastructure funded
under the European Commission's Framework 7 Programme, in association
with the European Geosciences Union, with the support of the Italian
National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) and the INAF Institute of
Physics of Interplanetary Space (IFSI) in Rome.

EPSC also promotes dissemination of Planetary Science through a chain
of events for the general public: INAF is organizing three public
conferences in the cloister of San Pietro in Vincoli, the historical
building of Engineering Faculty of the University of Rome, "La
Sapienza". INAF is also arranging an open air exhibition to be located
beside the historical and artistic monuments of Rome.

On the evening of September 18th, to celebrate the beginning of EPSC
2010, a Moon Watch Party will take place in the historical centre of
Rome. The event, promoted by NASA, will be organized in Italy by INAF
with the support of Italian Union of Amateurs Astronomers (UAI).

Media Registration

Media representatives are cordially invited to attend. Press room
facilities will be available for the duration of the conference --
from 9 am on Monday 20 September through to 3 pm on Friday 24
September. The venue has a wireless network. Media registration is
free. Any bona fide media delegates can pre-register online or by
e-mailing media.centre at europlanet-eu.org (advance registration is not
essential but encouraged).

Europlanet Research Infrastructure

The Europlanet Research Infrastructure (RI) is a major (?6 million)
program co-funded by the European Union under the Seventh Framework
Program of the European Commission.

Europlanet RI brings together the European planetary science community
through a range of Networking Activities, aimed at fostering a culture
of cooperation in the field of planetary sciences, Transnational
Access Activities, providing European researchers with access to a
range of laboratory and field site facilities tailored to the needs of
planetary science data, information and software tools, through the
Integrated and Distributed Information Service.?? These programs are
underpinned by Joint Research Activities, which are developing and
improving the facilities, models, software tools and services offered
by Europlanet

Europlanet Project website:
www.europlanet-ri.eu <http://www.europlanet-ri.eu>

Europlanet Outreach and Media website:
www.europlanet-eu.org <http://www.europlanet-eu.org>


The Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) is the
principal the co- organizer of EPSC 2010. INAF is the main Italian
Research Institute for the study of the Universe which promotes,
implements and coordinates research in these fields both nationally
and internationally. INAF is present throughout Italy with 19 research
facilities; one of these is the Institute for Interplanetary Space
Physics (IFSI) which is located in Rome. IFSI is the main department
involved in the event.

INAF website:
www.media.inaf.it <http://www.media.inaf.it>
Received on Fri 23 Jul 2010 02:14:09 PM PDT

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