[meteorite-list] My Meteorite hunt in Nevada end of June 1st of July
From: R N Hartman <rhartman04_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2010 19:39:46 -0700 Message-ID: <D0DF595247CE47969EC9D1C44F680283_at_DBZC5NB1> How did you get them classified so rapidly? Are these data available somewhere? ----- Original Message ----- From: <ontheroad at usairborne.com> To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2010 6:14 AM Subject: [meteorite-list] My Meteorite hunt in Nevada end of June 1st of July Hi Meteorite gang, I'm new to the list & fairly new to meteorite hunting. Last winter in So Cal deserts my wife & I found a few in our spare time while we roamed to desert in our 4x4 side by side. I haven't done much hunting since then. I make my living teaching folks to fly light sport aircraft, paragliding & Paramotoring and import one of the best microlights from the land down under. I also do documentary films . Monday June 21st I was working in the office doing e-mails and the meteorite men were on Sci channel. Well, I spent all day watching the adventures of Steve & Jeff and I was totally blown away, all I wanted to do was go hunt & find some more space rocks. I ordered up some 1 inch x 1 inch magnets on e-bay the very next day. Then I found a nice deal on a new X terra 70 by minelab. By that next weekend I found myself with 6 days off around the end of June & 1st of July. I let my wife know I had to head out to Nevada to go hunt meteorites. By the way my wife thinks I lost my mind but she backs me in every thing I do in life. She wanted to go with me but had to stay home with the bird, dog and Airpark. I had done my research for meteorite hunting locations and I was wanting to go down south on a few remote dry lake beds in Nevada. I also had some help from a very nice meteorite hunter out of Southern Idaho, John Harrison on a new location that I wanted to find. With a few good locations to check out, I decided to go for it by myself. I took off the lance camper we use on our Dodge 4x4 for airshows because I would be driving out on some unknown lakebeds and did not want the extra wt of the camper to possibly get me stuck in soft sandy soil. I packed my bags and loaded up my truck with all the goodies I needed for 5 to 6 day road trip. I headed out on the long 750 mile drive southeast. Our airpark the Eagles Nest is in the southeastern corner of WA, State and I had to drive through Idaho and 1/2 of Nevada to get to location #1. On my way through southern Idaho I stopped into see my new Meteorite friend John and he gave me 4 throw downs to use as a guide at location 1. I made it just at dark and drove onto the lake bed looking for my starting point. I hit some real soft soil and was sinking so I had to ram it into 4x4 to stay moving. I was really in the middle of nowhere and did not want to get stuck out here, so I kept my speeds near 40 mph to stay on top of the soft soil. All of a sudden I hit hard pan soil and I hit the brakes hard stopping in a skid before getting into more soft stuff again. Lucky that I didn't bring the camper or I would have been big stuck, big time. The next A.M. I was at it early. It was Monday the 28th of June, 1 week from the time I had watched the Meteorite marathon show with Jeff & Steve, the 21st of June. By noon I had over 25 meteorites and a few meteor wrongs. My biggest was a 194 1/2 gram rock. I was totally excited. The noon heat was kicking in so I rested under my truck in the shade and breeze. About 3 o'clock I headed out and hunted till sunset. The clouds were building and virga was falling from the bottoms, with rays of sun coming through them. Wow, what a sunset it was. I felt alive with excitement and could barely sleep. The next day I was up at 5 A.M. and hunting again by 5:30. The winds were blowing up dust and the clouds looked like pending rain. I hunted hard till about noon. By then the blowing dust and possible rain had me packing up my gear and getting ready to run off the lake bed before it rained. I counted my space booty and had 99 meteorites and some meter wrongs. Mother nature was in charge here and I formed my next plan to drive all afternoon 280 plus miles to my hunting location 2. I was hoping the weather was better over there. The drive was windy and every dry lake bed I saw along my route was a rage of dust. I stopped in a old NV mining town and had a few Whisky 7 with the local boys before heading into the huge # 2 lake bed location. I got there just at dark and found this lake bed was all hard pan and not the soft broken up stuff I had just left. This was one huge mother. I woke up early at 5:30 and drove to the northern end of the massive lake bed. I hunted the shores by truck as I drove to where I wanted to start my hunt by foot. I was getting a lot of Meteor wrongs or stuff I felt was not what I wanted so the good stuff went into my left cargo pocket and the other went into my right side. Well my meteor wrong side filled up much faster then the other side. I hunted for 14 hrs that day and really wore my butt down. I had a huge pile of rocks (Meteor wrongs) & 4 that I felt for sure were meteorites. I packed up my gear at dark driving north for home. I would get home the next day by noon. Here are a few pics of my goodies. Since I got home I have found 3 more good sized meteorites in my Meteor wrong pile. So at location 1 I got 99 space rocks and location 2 I have 7 of them fellas, they are 3 different types. I have been floating on cloud nine for days and now my wife is excited to go with me on my next hunting expedition. We are both trying to get time off to head over to Beaverhead and look for some shatter cones in the next few weeks I live in WA. State where there have been very few finds. Right now I am hunting the 2008 winter meteor fall. http://www.kndu.com/global/story.asp?s=7892965 I also have other exciting news . My Airpark is on the wheat farm I grew up on as a kid .And I have researched information from some old timers in the area that there is a rumored meteorite crater not far from me. They say it was formed long ago and the impact crater is filled with water now. I guess there is a spring under it that keeps it filled year around with water. Anyways it's on private property and the land owner will meet me there tomorrow . Terri (my wife) and I will get a chance to look over this possible impact site to see if we can spot any tell, tell signs of a real impact. I am not a pro, but will get lots of pics. It would really be exciting if I found that it is really an impact crater. I flew over it a few days back taking some pics of it. My Dad cleaned it out with his D-8 for the owners back in the 80s and shoved some of the rocks out of the bottom of it then. I could see huge rocks all over the place when I flew over it. But this is rock country and rocks grow here in this part of the state. I grew up picking rocks from all of our wheat fields. So I will be taking my x-terra 70 out to hunt all of the rock piles on all the local farms in the area. The 99 meteorites I got from lake bed hunt spot 1 are classified as a H4 S2 W3 Fa18.5?0.2 (n=7) low-Ca pyx Fs16.3Wo2.2 (n=2) provisional name pending. The 7 meteorites from my Lake bed #2 are possibly H-4, H-5, H-6 L-6 CV3 h3.8 h4/5 As that is what has been found at this location before. I do have a lot of Meteor wrongs that are possibly rites. I have one big boy that's a funny one. Its got a reddish rusty crust on part of it and warn off on a lot of it. I will add a pic of it also. We have lived and played on dry lake beds for years and years teaching flight on there smooth surfaces & playing in the skies around them. So over this next 10 years I will be using my light sport aircraft & paramotor as a tool to locate & fly into remote un roaded areas to hunt meteorites. I love to now have a new passion for something other then flying . So mixing the two passions will be a joyous adventure in life. I doubt if there are to many WA, State meteorite hunters but If any of my fellow meteorite hunters from across the globe are in my area stop in at Eagles nest and say Hi. We spend our winters in Southwestern deserts teaching flying . So we will for sure be out hunting all winter long in CA, AZ & NV. So hope to see and meet y'all. Here is location of a few of the pictues I took on club space rock web site http://meteorites.ning.com/forum/topics/my-meteorite-hunt-in-nevada Best Regards Scott Johnson U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC Eagles Nest Airpark Sport Pilot C.F.I WSC-L WSC-S www.usairborne.com info at usairborne.com Office 509-780-0554 Cell 509-780-8377 Scott Johnson U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC Eagles Nest Airpark Sport Pilot C.F.I WSC-L WSC-S www.usairborne.com info at usairborne.com Office 509-780-0554 Cell 509-780-8377 US Airborne Paraglider and Ultralite training, Sales & Service ______________________________________________ Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Sat 17 Jul 2010 10:39:46 PM PDT |
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