[meteorite-list] Meteorites are very powerful stones!

From: Richard Montgomery <rickmont_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 18:09:51 -0700
Message-ID: <3A455951D64549958A73D12DF6F1925E_at_bosoheadPC>

Hmmm....this one is weirdo, Listoids. On my top shelf of my main display
cabinet, for the last few years, I have experienced and documented
incremental movement by many of my specimens relative to each other. My
neighbor called me wacko, after I told him about it...how we can see the
trail in the dust on the glass shelf....so for days we'd measure the
distance between a standing CD and an idividual 340 gram Seymchan siderite,
and over 5 weeks they eventually moved 5 cms and ended up touching. (The CD
moved toward the Seymchan which never moved at all.) All the while a tall
standing slice of NWA3118 did a 180 and stopped in it's new place. There
was also an oriented Sikhote that did a quarter turn and stopped. A Micro
West, TX moved over two inches, like desert rocks on the salt flat, leaving
a dust trail....meanwhile all other specimens stayed exacly in place. The
dust trails were distinct! (This cabinet can't be opened without
self-standing slices falling over and leaving dust evidence of disturbance,
so I've ruled out a boogie-man-woman opening the blocked cabinet door.)

(NO, I don't have blood DNA in a martian meteorite with little red arrows
pointing selling on eBay.)

We figure it's the house settling or micro movement in the foundation.

Wooooga Woooga!!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Meteorites USA" <eric at meteoritesusa.com>
To: "Galactic Stone & Ironworks" <meteoritemike at gmail.com>
Cc: "Meteorite-list" <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites are very powerful stones!

> Hi Mike, List,
> I think you misunderstand my meaning of 'all'... I was certainly not
> referring to my "particular brand" of beliefs at "all". ;)
> On the contrary, I subscribe to no specific orthodox religious, dogmatic,
> or doctrinal belief system. I study religions and scientific theory
> equally, and dismiss nothing without careful analysis, logical
> consideration, reason, and personal spiritual meaning. I take into account
> and weigh everything with regard to my own personal beliefs. I also don't
> preach... Much... ;)
> You asked "How would you feel if I started pointing out things that I
> thought were silly about your religion?" Again, read above... It makes no
> difference as I'm completely and 100% open minded to considering all
> belief systems (including yours) as possible methods of explaining
> anything and/or everything, just as I see science as a perfectly viable
> tool to explain everything.
> "...And what's with the warning?..."
> No warning... I was referring to mistakenly grouping all religions neatly
> into a self imposed ideological neatness. Religion (not personal belief)
> is an historical system of accepted beliefs based in supernatural,
> superstitious, cultural and generational oration, myth, legend, and
> subjective interpretations of observations of the natural world since the
> beginning of humanity. There are natural and scientific reasons for
> everything. Religion by definition, is also an institutional invention
> created by subjective human interpretations of natural observations which
> are simply not completely explainable by science nor religion, yet.
> Religion itself is merely a word. Your belief is yours personally...
> "...Does your particular brand of superstition somehow deserve special
> consideration, despite an equal lack of scientific evidence?...'
> No... Because I have no superstitions. Maybe OCD, but not superstitions...
> ;)
> I believe that religion and science will one day realize an epiphany that
> both are trying to explain the same things from different intrinsic and
> very human perspectives. Science by evidenced observation, and religion by
> faith. I do not attack one nor attach to either individually, but rather
> weigh everything as a whole. It is, after all, only naturally open and
> tolerant to do so.
> Regards,
> Eric
> On 7/2/2010 11:34 AM, Galactic Stone & Ironworks wrote:
>> Hi Eric and List,
>> I am merely making a point. All religious systems are equally valid
>> under the eyes of science.
>> And what's with the warning? Does your particular brand of
>> superstition somehow deserve special consideration, despite an equal
>> lack of scientific evidence?
>> How would you feel if I started pointing out things that I thought
>> were silly about your religion?
>> America is supposed to be about tolerance. That is the only point I
>> was trying to make.
>> I'll shut up now before I come across to mainstream religious folk the
>> same way you came across to non-mainstream religious folk.
>> Best regards,
>> MikeG
>> PS - at least New Agers have a deep respect for all things natural.
>> You don't see crystal-rubbers out trashing our environment.
>> On 7/2/10, Meteorites USA<eric at meteoritesusa.com> wrote:
>>> Be careful with the word 'all'.
>>> Eric
>>> On 7/2/2010 11:20 AM, Galactic Stone& Ironworks wrote:
>>>> Hi List,
>>>> There is an equal amount of scientific evidence to support all
>>>> religious belief systems.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> MikeG
>>>> On 7/2/10, Meteorites USA<eric at meteoritesusa.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mike, Attempts to be philosophical by quoting "Spies Like Us" is
>>>>> one
>>>>> thing. Implying we don't understand "new age" belief systems is quite
>>>>> another.
>>>>> Ignorance mistakes the natural for supernatural. - Me
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Eric
>>>>> On 7/2/2010 10:34 AM, Galactic Stone& Ironworks wrote:
>>>>>> We mock what we do not understand. While I personally do not
>>>>>> subscribe to these beliefs - many people do. I have several
>>>>>> customers
>>>>>> who purchase meteorites for New Age purposes - and their money is
>>>>>> just
>>>>>> as green as everyone elses. Please send all such customers my way
>>>>>> where they will be greeted with a smile and an open mind.
>>>>>> On 7/2/10, Meteorites USA<eric at meteoritesusa.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> "...Meteorites should NOT be used in elixirs at all..."
>>>>>>> http://pagan-writing.blogspot.com/2010/07/meteorites.html
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Eric Wichman
>>>>>>> Meteorites USA
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Received on Fri 02 Jul 2010 09:09:51 PM PDT

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