[meteorite-list] PA Fireball Jul09 - Search Update

From: Mike Hankey <mike.hankey_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 23:21:19 -0500
Message-ID: <f0a794131001192021k5e7d2b0v7249c640fd2140a7_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hello List,

I just posted a pretty big update on the PA Fireball search (yes I'm
still searching).


Most of the post is about some AMAZING and very interesting work Rob
Matson did with the fireball data back in November.

The highlights are:
 - improved 3d trajectory based on analysis of high quality videos
 - 12 radar returns detected and back plotted
 - new wind blown coordinates calculated with real jet stream &
surface windspeeds
 - maps of estimated strewn field, observer angles & ground track
 - how to unscientifically plot a fireball using google earth

I came into this new information in November and between the snow and
holidays I have barely scratched the surface on the search area.
Conditions are currently the best they will ever be to hunt down these
meteorites. The majority of the fields are still un-plowed, we have
really good access to these fields until early May. They will start
plowing more than 1/2 of the fields in mid March.

If anyone is still interested in hunting this down or reviewing the
trajectory info contact me and I will send you the Google KMZ and
share all my info with you.

I really want US to find this thing and I haven't given up yet.



PS I'll be in Tuscon between Feb 2 and Feb 7. If anyone wants to meet
up shoot me an email.
Received on Tue 19 Jan 2010 11:21:19 PM PST

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