[meteorite-list] A case not only for Bob

From: Ted Bunch <tbear1_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 10:30:48 -0700
Message-ID: <C779E8D8.104EF%tbear1_at_cableone.net>

Bevan rules!

On 1/18/10 10:25 AM, "Martin Altmann" <altmann at meteorite-martin.de> wrote:

> Hello list,
> just recovered by a member of the German meteorite forum:
> http://kuerzer.de/diletto
> Don't we get finally sick and tired with that Australian idiocy, do we?
> Aren't there any persons, researchers, meteorite people with reason to be
> found on that continent, who feel the same pain how meteoritics is getting
> fully destroyed there?
> In the German meteorite forum we painted a graph for the find rates in
> Australia, USA ect.
> In Australia from 1900 until ca 1960 the find rates were relatively constant
> and higher than in the 19th century. Then a promising ascent followed until
> the end of the 1980ies (while in USA the find rate dropped a little bit),
> and then a real boost happened, wherefore not only Bevan's expedition in
> 1991, Euromet 1992 and 1994 were responsible.
> 1995 then - and it is really concussive - we observe the COMPLETE breakdown
> of the Australian find rates, not only to the level of the 1960ies, not down
> to the level of the 1900-1950, but down to the level of the 1800ier years!
> And that lasts until today.
> WHILE PARALLELY the find rates in the U.S. - which have less suitable
> hunting grounds but which aren't punished by such paranoid meteorite laws
> like Australia - exploded to a level like Australia had in his very best few
> years, shortly before the Australian meteorite laws came finally into force.
> I can't help myself - why nobody in Australia of the meteorite world is
> taking action to abolish these laws, which led to that disaster?
> It must be in the very best interest of every Australian meteoricist,
> that Australia has to turn back from ZERO to find rates, like they are
> common in each desert country.
> Is there any initiative taken by you, the Australian scientists, to modify
> the unhandy laws?
> I mean, if there are almost no meteorites found there, less than 1 per year,
> neither official expeditions are undertaken, wouldn't there be a danger,
> that some meteorite departments could be simply closed down?
> Martin
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Received on Mon 18 Jan 2010 12:30:48 PM PST

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