[meteorite-list] Tucson Group Meteorite Hunt?

From: ensoramanda at ntlworld.com <ensoramanda_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 19:16:15 +0000
Message-ID: <20100117191615.1EZZO.90814.root_at_web02-winn.ispmail.private.ntl.com>

Hi Ruben, All

As part of our tight schedule we intend to be in the Holbrook area on Wed 3rd, So if that fits in with you or any others that would be great....

probably staying somewhere in Flagstaff that night...nothing booked though. Would have liked to have attended one of Geoff's Meteortie Men viewings (one that eve) but it looks like we won't make them now we have out tour around all booked up....wish we had known about all the exciting extra events this year earlier on, then we would have booked our tour around them....so frustrating when you have to book so far ahead.

Anyone know what time the Meteorite Men viewing start's and where? Just trying to make sure I have all options covered before we leave the UK. Desperately trying to see if we can find ways of getting to one them....Geoff?

Also....anyone know any more about the timing of the ASU meteorite exhibition on the 30th eg. is it just for the one evening or will the meteorites still be available to see during the rest of the show?....and anything about the proposed tour up to the telescope which was suggested...quote..
"There will be opportunities to take a *tour* with the Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter on
a different night to *see the telescope on Mt. Lemmon where TC3 was
discovered* by Richard Kowalski.

Has an evening been confirmed?

I don't seem to be having any luck getting replies from Geoff and Dorothy.

Sorry about all the questions via the list but many thanks to all those who have replied with help, advice, maps etc.

Looking forward to seeing many of you in a couple of weeks time.


Graham Ensor, UK

---- Ruben Garcia <mrmeteorite at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have received 6-10 emails in the last week (from list members and
> others) asking if I would host a group hunt during the Tucson show.
> I'm not sure If I can since during this time I will be rushed - as
> most of us will be. However, I just may have time if it were to happen
> on Feb 3rd or 4th.
> So here's your chance. If you have always wanted to find a meteorite
> but didn't know how or where, please contact me. I'll need to know
> where you would like to hunt (Arizona strewnfields/Dry lakes etc...)
> and if the above dates will work.
> Please don't hesitate to email me as I will need to make a decision
> very soon. It doesn't matter If you are a new or old list member or
> whether we have even met. If you want to join in, speak now. There are
> not many chances to learn from an experienced hunter. The more people
> that contact me the more likely I will put aside time to do this.
> So contact me and lets see if we can do this!
> Rock On!
> Ruben Garcia
> Website: http://www.mr-meteorite.net
> Articles: http://www.meteorite.com/blog/
> Videos: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=meteorfright#p/u
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Received on Sun 17 Jan 2010 02:16:15 PM PST

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