[meteorite-list] [AD] Announcing Two New Lunar Meteorites and a New Bencubbinite
From: Dave Gheesling <dave_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2010 07:49:36 -0500 Message-ID: <9C2B0F73230A42B2B43C5630E9425EA4_at_meteorroom> I'M POSTING THIS FOR LUC, WHO IS HAVING TROUBLE DOING SO FROM HIS WEB INTERFACE IN TUCSON: Hello everyone, I am announcing to the list two new lunar meteorites and a Bencubbinite launched for the 2010 Tucson show. I discovered the Shi?r 166, my 10th piece of the Moon in Oman, a 128.8g lunar feldspathic impact-melt breccias in April 2008. The circumstances of finding are quite funny because I find it in the desert at night using my head lamp around the camp. The Led head lamp offer a very good contrast at night so this is a possibility for everyone to extend the time of hunting in place with high potential of finding in white flat desert area like Oman. So, times to times a meteorite is just waiting you at night! Hunting during the night, we do that since most than 10 years now, is very exciting and it?s most of the time the best thing to do in the desert at night with thousands of stars and sometimes the Moon inspiring you. Don?t forget, to keep few hours to sleep? Anyway, here is a video take mainly by my brother few minutes after I pick up the lunar. Sorry for the poor quality video but we used a small camera in our car. Again sorry, we speak French in this video but you can easily understand the excitation when I used sand paper on this stone and discovered the typical breccias of a lunar? http://www.meteorites.tv/content/108-new-lunar-meteorite-classified-by-Randy-Korotev Just few pieces available, less than 10g are for sale, the main mass was acquired by a Museum for public display. http://www.meteorites.tv/444-lunar-meteorite-shisr-166 Here is the end cut with photos and a nice 360? display if you have flash enabled http://www.meteorites.tv/233-lunar-meteorite-shisr-166.html I found the Dhofar 1528, a 213g stone, in a ?sub-normal? circumstance, not a night!, and after a full day with no meteorite in Oman which is quite exceptional. This lunar was just waiting me since long time in the desert, a nice lunar classified Anorthosite (highland) breccias that contains a wide variety of lithologies The end cut and some slices are available, smaller slices are available at the InnSuite: http://www.meteorites.tv/457-dhofar-1528-lunar-meteorite To finish my best surprise of 2010! The Minera Escondida (name pending) a new This 598g meteorite was found during a trip in Chile on Imilac with my brother in 2004. From the exterior and the ?skin? so typical of iron from Chile, I supposed first it was a silicated iron meteorite. So, since 2004, I used this meteorite as a nice meteorite paperweight, because the particular shape round and flat. I tried to sold this iron at the Sainte Marie aux Mines show in France in June 2009 as an unclassified iron. It was not sold, so I decided to remove a sample for classification in September 2009. and discover the real nature of it?a new bencubbinite? This CB was found near the famous Minera Escondida one of the largest mine for copper. I have full and part slices and a small end cut for sale in Room 118 at the InnSuites (Now Tucson City Center Hotel): http://www.meteorites.tv/la-escondida-bencubbinite/267-minera-escondida-name-pending-bencubbinite.html http://www.meteorites.tv/458-la-escondida-bencubbinite With best wishes to all, Luc Labenne Labenne Meteorites Meteorites for Science, Education & Collectors http://www.meteorites.tv labennemeteorites at hotmail.com luclabenne at meteorites.tv Dave Gheesling IMCA #5967 www.fallingrocks.com Received on Wed 03 Feb 2010 07:49:36 AM PST |
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