[meteorite-list] Rocks-Paper-Scissors - AD
From: Greg Hupe <gmhupe_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 20:24:53 -0500 Message-ID: <B3CDCC2D259F4A6780C2DB88A82C878B_at_greg323a964987> Dear List Members, In the spirit of the Holidays, I would like to try something fun and offer a few select meteorites, including a new Lunar that has never been offered publicly. Here is how this special will work: Rock - I have several great 'meteorites' listed below. Paper - Make me a 'cash' offer, and if acceptable... Scissors - ... I will 'cut' you a great deal! NEW!! - Shisr 161 Lunar - Fragmental Breccia (TKW 57.2g, unpaired) * This is the first time this meteorite has been offered publicly, in fact only one part slice has been sold to a particular Lunatic friend overseas. ** These are the only specimens that will be offered. I am presenting these for the owner, Best Offer over reserve (Please email for reserve). Randy's Lunar web site entry: http://www.meteorites.wustl.edu/lunar/stones/shisr161.htm 4.37g complete slice 55mm x 23mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/shisr161slice_4_370.jpg 350mg part end cut 11mm x 8mm x 4mm http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/shisr161_350mg.jpg 128mg fragment ~4mm x 4mm x 4mm http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/shisr161_128mg.jpg ~1mg two specks in 30mm Gem Jar http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/shisr161_1mg.jpg NWA 4468 Primitive Martian 11.3g part slice (Largest available)(crust along ~50% edge) 41mm x 37mm x 2.5mm http://www.lunarrock.com/ebay/nwa4468/dsc00021.jpg NWA 3163 Lunar Granulite 45.2g complete slice (Largest available)(crust along ~30% edge) 104mm x 55mm x 3mm (Polished BOTH sides!!) 1) front http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/nwa3163_45_2a.jpg 2) back http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/nwa3163_45_2b.jpg NWA 5480 Olivine Diogenite 168.3g complete Slice (Largest available) 122mm x 119mm x 4mm http://www.lunarrock.com/ebay/nwa5480/large/dsc00005.jpg NWA 5480 Olivine Diogenite 87.9g part End Cut 56mm x 58mm x 13mm http://www.lunarrock.com/ebay/nwa5480/endcutprepared/dsc00001.jpg NWA 4932 Lunar Feldspathic Impact-Melt Breccia (Unpaired)(Low TKW) 2.812g Complete Slice 44mm x 20mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/nwa4932/dsc00009.jpg Randy's web site: http://www.meteorites.wustl.edu/lunar/stones/nwa4932.htm Glorieta Individuals: 58g Pallasite (Large crystal, has some flow lines and lip-over): http://www.lunarrock.com/ebay/glorieta10-2-2008/dsc00001.jpg 37.1g Pallasite (Several crystals w/ mostly original crust!): http://www.lunarrock.com/ebay/glorieta10-2-2008/dsc00003.jpg 22.5g Pallasite (Many crystals, difficult to photograph): http://www.lunarrock.com/ebay/glorieta10-2-2008/dsc00007.jpg 26.7g Siderite: http://www.lunarrock.com/ebay/glorieta10-2-2008/dsc00019.jpg 16.2g Siderite: http://www.lunarrock.com/ebay/glorieta10-2-2008/dsc00021.jpg NWA 3171 Martian Shergottite (Last Piece!) 1.51g Part Slice 25mm x 13mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/nwa3171.jpg NWA 2696 Howardite 686g Individual (50% crusted!) http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/nwa2696_686g.jpg NWA 3143 Diogenite 50.5g Part Slice (Largest piece available) 95mm x 48mm x 4mm http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/nwa3143.jpg Ocate, NM IAB Iron 162.8g Complete Slice (Last slice left!) 117mm x 62mm x 4mm http://www.lunarrock.com/ocate/specimens/dsc00009.jpg Meteoritical Bulletin entry: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?sea=ocate&sfor=names&ants=&falls=&valids=&stype=contains&lrec=50&map=ge&browse=&country=All&srt=name&categ=All&mblist=All&rect=&phot=&snew=0&pnt=Normal%20table&code=48976 Ocate, NM IAB Iron 910g End Cut (1 of 2 Pieces left) 117mm x 51mm x 60mm at widest points front http://www.lunarrock.com/ocate/specimens/nm910a.jpg back http://www.lunarrock.com/ocate/specimens/nm910b.jpg another view http://www.lunarrock.com/ocate/specimens/nm910c.jpg Oum Dreyga (Amgala) H3-5 Chondrite 136.6g End Cut (nice candidate for cutting) 65mm x 60mm x 20mm front1 http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/oumdreyga1.jpg front2 http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/oumdreyga2.jpg back http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/oumdreyga3.jpg NWA 4446 CV3 (Never offered publicly) 73g Individual w/ Huge CAI 48mm x 35mm x 30mm (CAI is 15mm x 14mm) side1 http://www.lunarrock.com/nwa4446/nwa4446a.jpg side2 http://www.lunarrock.com/nwa4446/nwa4446b.jpg Close-up of CAI http://www.lunarrock.com/nwa4446/nwa4446cai.jpg NWA 4446 CV3 (Never offered publicly) 49.3g Complete Slice http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/dsc00001.jpg NWA 4446 CV3 MAIN MASS (Never offered publicly) 2203g Individual (Awesome!) http://www.lunarrock.com/nwa4446/nwa4446_2203g.jpg NWA 1879 Mesosiderite (Only 2 pieces left!) 1) 63g Complete Slice 91mm x 60mm x 2-4mm (slight wedge cut): http://www.lunarrock.com/nwa1879/dsc00002.jpg 2) 186g End Cut 80mm x 70mm x 13mm: http://www.lunarrock.com/nwa1879/dsc00001.jpg Tagish Lake Ungrouped Carbonaceous Kits 1) 50mg Kit: http://www.lunarrock.com/tagishlake/TagishLakeKit_50mg.jpg 2) 100mg Kit: http://www.lunarrock.com/tagishlake/TagishLakeKit_100mg.jpg Carbonaceous Chondrite (unclassified) 1325g Individual w/ Huge CAI 128mm x 95mm x 50mm (CAI measures 20mm x 15mm!!!) view1 http://www.lunarrock.com/Carbonaceous1325g/dsc00001.jpg view2 http://www.lunarrock.com/Carbonaceous1325g/dsc00002.jpg view3 http://www.lunarrock.com/Carbonaceous1325g/dsc00003.jpg view4 http://www.lunarrock.com/Carbonaceous1325g/dsc00004.jpg Ted Bunch stated in October, 2008: "Greg - probably one of the biggest (CAI's) that I have seen. We did years of work on Allende that had a few whoppers like this one, but we looked at over 1000 sg cm of slices in addition to 6 individuals, the largest was 10 kg. So, you in one stone have the big Kahona. Sometimes your luck amazes me!" Dhofar 1575 Ureilite 34.71g Part Slice 74mm x 70mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/Dhofar1575/dsc00004.jpg Dhofar 1575 Ureilite 122.1g Fragment 55mm x 50mm x 27mm http://www.lunarrock.com/Dhofar1575/dsc00013.jpg NWA 1195 Martian Shergottite 3.326g Complete Slice (1 of only 3 left!) 38mm x 36mm x .5mm(1/2 mm) http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/nwa1195_3_326g.jpg NWA 4301 Ungrouped Enstatite (Just like Zaklodzie!!) 23.5g Complete Slice (Largest I have left!) 83mm x 35mm x 2.5mm http://www.lunarrock.com/nwa4301/dsc00006.jpg NWA 4587 Ungrouped (Paired to NWA 011) 13.7g Part Slice (Largest slice I have) 40mm x 25mm x 4mm http://www.lunarrock.com/ebay/nwa4587/dsc00023.jpg Park Forest Garza Meteorite Impact Kit #121/200 front http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/GarzaKit121.jpg back http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/GarzaKit121b.jpg NWA 3151 Brachinite 14.9g Part Slice (Largest I have) 58mm x 42mm x 1.5mm http://www.lunarrock.com/12-16-2010/nwa3151_14_9g.jpg Alamo Impact Breccia (Nevada) (Trade ONLY on this polished slice! I sent it out for cutting/polishing) 1095g Complete Slice (Polished one side) 22.5cm x 25cm x 1cm http://www.lunarrock.com/AlamoBreccia/dsc00004.jpg If you are interested in any of the above listed specimens, please contact me Off-List with your offers, price requests/offers in case of Shisr 161 or Trade offers for the Alamo Breccia. I will consider offers for a couple days to make sure everyone interested has a chance to go over these. First to offer has the first chance at these! "Thank You" for considering these, I wish everyone a great Holiday Season!! Best regards, Greg ==================== Greg Hupe The Hupe Collection NaturesVault (eBay) gmhupe at htn.net www.LunarRock.com IMCA 3163 ==================== Click here for my current eBay auctions: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZnaturesvault Received on Thu 16 Dec 2010 08:24:53 PM PST |
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