[meteorite-list] New Classifications from the Met Bulletin - Irons and more

From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 21:52:24 -0400
Message-ID: <AANLkTikn_2EuGfo4gk5em8+Eo05Q4Q1=p4-o4oYmMNC3_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi List,

Bob King's earlier post about Mifflin finally being published in the
Met Bulletin inspired me to go have a look at the recent updates.

Several interesting meteorites have been approved in the last 3 days,
including several new irons :

One Brazilian iron is massive and weighs 2 metric tons - Campinorte.

One iron (NWA 959) has "yellowish inclusions" and dates back from
2001! It took nine years to go from provisional status to official!
Greg Hupe is listed as the main mass owner. Hey Greg - got any photos
of this one to share? And what is your opinion of the yellow

Another Hupe iron is NWA 968 that also languished in provisional
status for nearly 10 years.

A rare iron IIIE type from Brazil that weighs 200 kilos - Porto Alegre.

Another meteorite that is not an iron is "New Deal" from Texas, an H6
chondrite. I just like the name of this one.

The rest of the newly approved meteorites can be seen at this link -


Best regards,


PS - Hey Greg and Adam, what else have you guys been quietly sitting on? ;)
Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
Received on Thu 26 Aug 2010 09:52:24 PM PDT

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