[meteorite-list] Meteorite Top Sites 100 List - Update
From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:22:24 -0400 Message-ID: <AANLkTin2NxYhmkkk4rRumbeib97oxDfZB7irqwcm0p3O_at_mail.gmail.com> Hi Listees (and especially webmasters), The Meteorite Top Sites list is taking shape and we now have 11 websites participating. As expected, all of the sites are receiving much more traffic than they are sending to the list. The tally would be even higher, but I have manually re-ranked the list several times in the last week while making changes to the look and settings of the list itself. We have a nice mixture of meteorite information sites and dealer websites, and I would like to see more participation. From my recent research for my page rank report, I know there are easily over 90 different meteorite-related websites on the web, and about half of these are dealers. If you have a meteorite site and you could profit from more visitors, then please join the Meteorite Top Sites list. This is not a mailing list, it is a "Top 100 List" script which ranks sites according to traffic counts (which are reset weekly to give everyone a chance of ranking high), and it allows visitors to post ratings or comments for sites - but it is not a discussion board and it is not meant to replace or compete with Art's Met List, the IMCA, or any other established meteorite entity - in fact, the purpose is the increase traffic (and success) for all sites that participate. As sponsor of the list, I charge no fees and I make no money from advertising - this is 100% non-profit and being done on my own time. The only thing I am getting from this, personally, is a bit more traffic. (the same as everyone else who is participating). The Top List is now indexed on Google and Bing, and traffic is starting to increase. If the list ever swells past 20-30 members, we should really see a strong increase in traffic for participating sites. So I cordially invite everyone with a meteorite-related website to sign up for the list. Here is what's involved : 1) you go to the site via the join or add-site link. You give your name, the website address, and your email address for verification purposes - your email address is kept 100% confidential. You are sent a verification email, and you click on that to activate your account. 2) after verifying and activating your account via email, your site goes into an approval queue, where I personally approve or deny the site - this is to keep out spammers and scammers. After I approve your website, you will receive instructions on how to exchange links between the list and your site. 3) Upload a banner for your website to the list, and sit back to watch your traffic start to increase. It's that easy. Join here - http://meteorite.gotop100.com/members/signup.php See the list here - http://meteorite.gotop100.com/ If you have any questions about the list or how to join, feel free to contact me off-list at - mike at galactic-stone.com And I promise this won't become a regular appeal for members. I just wanted to put this out there again to help get it off the ground. So far only 10 sites besides my own have signed up, so the ratio is pretty small. With more participation, this could be a viable (and free) traffic generator. Best regards, MikeG -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites http://www.galactic-stone.com http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone ------------------------------------------------------------Received on Tue 24 Aug 2010 04:22:24 PM PDT |
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