[meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world

From: Impactika at aol.com <Impactika_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 19:45:00 EDT
Message-ID: <531bf.5e6e6e9f.3999d5fc_at_aol.com>

Point taken Greg.
But there is another side to this picture.
I was collecting minerals (and still am) long before Alain Carion
introduced me to meteorites. When I started to meet and know dealers I was struck by
comments I kept on hearing coming out of those dealers, something like "I
found a bunch of pieces, but one is so great I am keeping it for myself", and
I am still hearing or reading here that very same comment now coming out of
meteorite dealers.
Except for one dealer: David New. Few of you know him but he was one of the
very first meteorite dealers, with Robert Haag and Alain Carion, and just
as respected. And Dave had a completely different opinion, he used to say "No
I do not collect meteorites because I do not want to compete with my
That made perfect sense to me, and it is only fair. Why should your
customers get second-best anyway?
So I still collect minerals, but not meteorites.
Anne M. Black
_http://www.impactika.com/_ (http://www.impactika.com/)
_IMPACTIKA at aol.com_ (mailto:IMPACTIKA at aol.com)
Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
_http://www.imca.cc/_ (http://www.imca.cc/)
In a message dated 8/15/2010 4:03:18 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
star_wars_collector at yahoo.com writes:
A question I have thought about...

How many meteorite dealers actually collect meteorites? Im not talking
about one or two, Im talking about a nice collection that is not for stock.

For me, I see and am finding out more and more dealers that dont actually
collect meteorites. This is shocking to me. Perhaps this is due to the fact I
am a collector (even if I do sell meteorites, its more to help build my
collection) and have been bitten by the meteorite bug.

Im sure this may draw some heat, I dont mean for it to, but topics like
this seems to bring drama on here...
So... here it goes...

Why do you dealers sell meteorites that dont have collections? To not
collect something implies that you may not have a passion for meteorites that
collectors have.
Is it for the money? What is it that draws you into the meteorite "field"?

I have seen some of the bigger and longtime dealers used to be "treasure
hunters" which leads me to think that meteorites were the next treasure for
you to seek and get paid off.

I ask this not not create problems or drama with this, but out of honest
interest in why some of you sell meteorites that dont collect.

I got into meteorites purely by accident, but it (anything related to
space) was a passion I had since I was a child. Once I found out I could actually
own a real meteorite, let alone pieces of the Moon and Mars, It was
honestly like a dream come true for me.
I only started selling when I quickly found out that without the extra
income, I could not afford this addiction I developed.
the whole reason I started selling is I couldnt afford the $1000 per gram
for the cheapest lunar I could find 3 years ago. Now, its readily available,
many types at less then $300 per gram!

Hope everyone is doing good and no feelings ruffled from this.

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay: http://stores.shop.ebay.com/wanderingstarmeteorites
On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WanderingStarMeteorites
Received on Sun 15 Aug 2010 07:45:00 PM PDT

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