[meteorite-list] R: Re: I: Re: Writing on Gebel Kamil iron
From: Martin Altmann <altmann_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 20:06:12 +0200 Message-ID: <006d01cb33ff$b9d54530$6502a8c0_at_name86d88d87e2> No Elizabeth, it isn't. I think you should rather ask Giancarlo to deliver the evidence and the proofs that something illegal happened. e.g. - Names - evidence, that that collecting happened; - proof, that the dealers had no export permits; - the wordings of the laws, which forbid the export - the very decree that the zone isn't allowed to be trespassed by civil persons. - Etc. Cause reason, education, politeness...(ooops, we can even let aside these) ...the list rules require that the statements done here have to be backed. Else we would have here a standard and a culture, where everyone could point with the finger on Giancarlo, claiming that his mother would be a bad cook* :-) All the best! Martin (disclaimer: I'm not dealing with Ghebel Kamil.) *one of the mightiest insults in Bavaria PS: Elizabeth, we had also in past such accusations in meteoritics, where people where blamed to be criminals, and where it turned out, that this was untrue. As civilized people, we should certainly accept the common standard, that not the accused has to proof his innocence, but the accusant his guilt. (Italy might be a strange country too, but I think this rule is common practise there too.) -------------- Well, this is very unfortunate! Once I saw that several reputable dealers had them, I didn't hold back from buying a sample. But I feel guilty... Where did the dealers get their stock from? I think that from now on, not only will I look for the IMCA number but also a statement that the samples (for whatever meteorite) were acquired legally, etc. I would have thought that the association with IMCA would drive the dealers to make sure that they are acquiring materials through a legal pipeline. I certainly hope that the pieces I got originated legally .. Elizabeth Received on Wed 04 Aug 2010 02:06:12 PM PDT |
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