[meteorite-list] Congratulations to all the finders of the Wisconsin Meteorite

From: Brian Cox <searchingforfun_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 01:57:50 -0500
Message-ID: <607EF84408CE4163B2A666E218010A16_at_BrianPC>

Congratulations to everyone that has found a Wisconsin Meteorite and those
that have helped in the promotion of Meteorites as a hobby and have helped
to spread good will and a positive attitude of kindness amongst all of us.

I wish all of those there in Wisconsin now to have patience and to find a
meteorite and to all of those that are planning to go soon to find at least

Also, have a sense of humor and don't let mean spirited, angry, vindictive,
resentful, jealous, bitter, envious, crazy, energy vampires get you down and
take away your sunlight! ;-)

All the best wishes to you and much peace love and harmony.

There are many in this world that don't love themselves and find it
impossible to show love to others.
Received on Sun 25 Apr 2010 02:57:50 AM PDT

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