[meteorite-list] Workshop and Field Excursion: Damage to Target Rocks During Impact Cratering
From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 15:42:22 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <201004112242.o3BMgMdJ021016_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> http://folk.uio.no/stephaw/cdws.html Damage to target rocks during impact cratering Oslo, Norway Workshop: June 6-8, 2010 Field Trip: June 9-11, 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MEETING LOCATION AND DATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The workshop will be arranged at PGP (Physics of Geological Processes) <http://lux.uio.no/pgp/> at the University of Oslo <http://www.uio.no/>, June 6-8, 2010, with an immediately following excursion to the Ritland impact structure, southwestern Norway on June 9-11. ! Please, be aware that June is high touristic season in Oslo, and it can be difficult to find (inexpensive) housing. Make your bookings as early as possible! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCIENTIFIC FORMAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The workshop will be organized in plenary sessions of presentations that focus on: 1. Distribution and characterisation of rock damage measured in specific craters 2. The process of rock failure itself - how do current models incorporate rock mechanics and what are the pros and cons of different methods? 3. Meso-/micro scale damage e.g. shatter cones (length scale meters), planar deformation features, broken crystals, and pore space destruction 4. Local scale - fracture-fragmentation zone near crater-origin 5. Regional scale - the influence of pre-existing fault patterns on the crater shape 6. The relationship between fragmentation of rocks in the vicinity of impact craters and their observed geophysical signature. We intend to have oral presentations and workshop/discussion sessions. The detailed program will be announced later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR ABSTRACTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We invite you to send your contribution in LPSC-style <http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2010/lpsc2010.templates.html> abstract format. Please send your abstracts and the registration form <WSCDregistration.doc> to Stephanie.Werner(a)fys.uio.no . There are no fees for the workshop itself. *ABSTRACT DEADLINE is April 15th* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIELD EXCURSION TO THE RITLAND CRATER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The excursion will take three days (June 9-11, 2010). This event includes one day travel from Oslo to Hjelmeland near Stavanger (9^th of June), one full day in the field (10^th of June) and the return to Oslo via Stavanger on the 11^th of June. The costs for the excursion will be about 3300 NOK, depending on the number of participants. The amount should cover transportation, two nights in a hotel (breakfast included), two dinners and a field-lunch on June 10^th . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONVENERES: Stephanie Werner - Galen Gisler - Henning Dypvik - Elin Kalleson - Boris Ivanov - Thomas Kenkmann - Kai W?nnemann ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1st Announcement <http://folk.uio.no/stephaw/cdws2.html> Received on Sun 11 Apr 2010 06:42:22 PM PDT |
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