[meteorite-list] Meteorites fund terrorism questions

From: Michael Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 08:24:18 -0700
Message-ID: <C7E0A032.CF7F%mlblood_at_cox.net>

Hi Matt & all,
        Yes - that is what they are counting on.

PS: Of course, I notice we are all driving cars using oil
Coming from these countries without a second thought.

On 4/6/10 8:22 AM, "mail at mhmeteorites.com" <mail at mhmeteorites.com> wrote:

> All:
> I must admit, when I buy NWA meteorites and wire thousands, 10s of thousands
> of dollars to Morocco, I become a bit "paranoid" and wonder if those of us
> that buy frequently show up on some "list" that the world governments keep.
> Maybe I am just creeped-out by all this monitoring by the government, but
> sending cash to people I do not know (at all) in foreign countries, does
> concern me. Furthermore, there are no receipts for the material receive, no
> proof of what we buy. I am not defending this website in any way, but the way
> the world is post-9/11, the thought of where the money goes and if such
> transfers wave a red flag, is a legitimate one.
> Matt
> Matt
> ------------------------
> Matt Morgan
> Mile High Meteorites
> http://www.mhmeteorites.com
> P.O. Box 151293
> Lakewood, CO 80215
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Galactic Stone & Ironworks" <meteoritemike at gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 11:11:07
> To: Michael Blood<mlblood at cox.net>
> Cc: Meteorite List<meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites fund terrorism questions
> Hi Michael, Greg and List,
> Despite my silly comments, I do want to briefly say something about
> this NWA-terrorism page.
> I know this has been discussed at length previously, but for the
> benefit of those newcomers who might not be aware, I will say it again
> :
> I also encountered this webpage during my first days as a meteorite
> collector. I was doing my homework and combing the search engines for
> more information about NWA meteorites and the meteorite market in
> general. I read the claims and enjoyed the cartoon illustrations that
> accompanied the essay. But, I was very suspect of the author's claims
> because there were apparent contradictions in the work and the claims
> being made were very broad and sweeping in nature. So, I proceeded to
> ask some veteran meteorite collectors and dealers about this issue. I
> discussed this NWA issue with several long-time meteorite
> personalities, in private, and in a candid way. I will not mention
> names, but surely some of them are reading this and might recall those
> discussions.
> The general consensus amongst people who have more experience and
> credibility than the Pelissons, is that these claims are unfounded.
> In addition, there is an agenda at work behind these claims, and that
> agenda is obviously not rational and is counter-productive in all
> ways. The Pelissons are not helping science or the meteorite world at
> large - they are only trying to help themselves. And the reason they
> do not remove this webpage, despite plentiful evidence that their
> claims are baseless, is because they actually believe their own
> propaganda. One would have better luck convincing a termite not to
> eat wood.
> I do not think the Pelissons are members of this list, or if they are,
> they do not post. I would welcome them to come and explain their
> claims and back them up, here on the list. But I don't think they
> would receive a supportive audience here.
> Best regards and happy huntings,
> MikeG
> On 4/6/10, Michael Blood <mlblood at cox.net> wrote:
>> Michael and all,
>> I doubt very much these folk ever saw the light of LSD.
>> Worst "Buy from US only!" ad I have ever seen.
>> We went over this in great detail three or 4 years ago.
>> Simply boycott the bastards.
>> Best wishes, Michael
>> On 4/6/10 5:57 AM, "Michael Gilmer" <meteoritemike at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Greg and List,
>>> That NWA-terrorism web page is the result of two things :
>>> 1) delusion
>>> 2) LSD use
>>> All meteorite dealers should get together and file a class-action suit
>>> for libel/slander against these whackjobs.
>>> Best regards,
>>> MikeG
>>> On 4/6/10, Greg Catterton <star_wars_collector at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all, hope everyone is doing well.
>>>> I have a question... I was looking up the subject "NWA meteorites" and
>>>> the
>>>> first page I get is this site:
>>>> http://www.saharamet.com/meteorite/data/Sahara/Nwa.html
>>>> While I know this site has been discussed before, has anyone tried to
>>>> talk
>>>> to them to get it removed?
>>>> The most common meteorites are NWAs and it seems to me that if a simple
>>>> search turns this up, it may discourage people who simply dont look more
>>>> into the story.
>>>> Are they a member of this list?
>>>> What is this guys intentions of doing this anyway? Does anyone know? He
>>>> looks to be a dealer of NWAs... strange.
>>>> Greg Catterton
>>>> www.wanderingstarmeteorites.com
>>>> IMCA member 4682
>>>> On Ebay: http://stores.shop.ebay.com/wanderingstarmeteorites
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Received on Tue 06 Apr 2010 11:24:18 AM PDT

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