[meteorite-list] Allen West talk at YDB debate 2009 Dec AGU San Francisco, with global evidence by Marie Agnes Courty: George Howard cosmictusk.com: Rich Murray 2010.04.01

From: Rich Murray <rmforall_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 22:44:56 -0600
Message-ID: <C1D6DEBC0C714B978F74BDDEC1E862B8_at_ownerPC>

Allen West talk at YDB debate 2009 Dec AGU San Francisco, with global
evidence by Marie Agnes Courty: George Howard cosmictusk.com: Rich Murray
Thursday April 1, 2010

[ selections -- global airburst barrage is the paradigm that
unifies recent evidence from many professionals and
amateurs ]


January 16th, 2010 Category: Uncategorized 4 comments
Younger Dryas Boundary: Extraterrestrial or Not?
AGU Fall Meeting 2009

I was fortunate to attend the YDB session in San Francisco
at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union....

Here now is the Part I Re-Cap, concerning the presentations
by Drs. Wallace Broecker and Allen West:...

...The lucky few witnessed powerful, multi-disciplinary and
independent presentations of new and old evidence
supporting the YDB hypothesis, an effective refutation of
the recent Surovell and the Gill papers (as far as a comet is
concerned), and some decidedly lackluster presentations
from important critics.

Allen West, the deductive and affable principle publishing
researcher of the YDB event (along with James Kennett)
followed Broecker. His presentation began with a typically
matter-of-fact recitation and augmentation of the catalog of
evidence worldwide for a sudden ET interaction at the
Younger Dryas Boundary, including a well reasoned
discussion of the nanodiamonds as marker evidence, and
a critique of the Surovell and Gil papers -- widely touted in
2009 as having discredited evidence for the Clovis Comet.

It was a careful, comprehensive -- and devastatingly
effective -- presentation of old and new evidence pointing
to a catastrophic ET event as the trigger for the YD....

West agreed with Broecker that the nanodiamonds were
the most important evidence.
He revealed they have now been found on 3 continents at
21 sites within discreet YD stratigraphy -- not above,
not below.
He then noted that identical diamonds are found at the KT
Boundary and appropriate stratigraphy at the Tunguska site,
and those diamonds are accepted as evidence formed from
an impact, suggesting that the YD research is being held to
a higher standard.

He then listed other researchers' alternative explanations for
the formation of the nanodiamonds, notably slow cosmic
accretion and wildfires.
In response, he showed TEM's of the carbon spherules
infused with nanodiamonds, and asked:
If slow accretion were responsible for their presence on
Earth, how could they be found inside carbon spherules
of a terrestrial origin?
And if they are formed by wildfires, why did they not
burn up as would be expected, given the combustion of
diamonds at wildfire temps when oxygen is present?
West proposed that only impact could produce the
hex-diamonds because impact is the only natural process
that produces the three necessary conditions: high temps,
high or low pressures and hypoxic (zero oxygen) conditions.

Perhaps most important and revealing was West's stepwise
explanation of Surovell's failure to find the impact markers
at the YD, and similar shortcomings identified by Gill.

Surovell's sampling frequency was shown by West to be
 ~1000 times less sensitive to the evidence than the work
of Firestone, et al and subsequent papers, and thus fatally
flawed as refutation.
It appears that Surovell sampled the stratigraphy within
a 10-28 cm band.
Whereas West's evidence was obtained by sampling the
wall in .5 to 2cm. band just below the black mat, a more
discreet protocol with a higher temporal resolution.
West estimated that Surovell was looking at one thousand
years of dirt per sample, while the YD samples covered a
fraction of that time...

West then proceeded to commend the Gill paper
(ESA, August 2009) as a good faith effort also, but also
reveal it as fatally flawed as regards the event.
Ironically, Gill's failure was quite the opposite of Surovell's.
Where Surovell tested 1000x more material than needed,
Gill sampled 1000x too little.
The YD team's protocol would require sampling
1000 grams of sediment where you would expect to find
390 cosmic spherules.
Gill, however, sampled only one gram and found
nothing -- as math would indicate is likely -- even if
West's reports were accurate.

He continued on, as fairness would demand, to report the
findings of other independent researchers whose evidence
supports the YD hypothesis.
West began by showing a striking photo of YD Black Mat
stratigraphy -- in Pennsylvania.
As far as I know it was the first presentation of the
black-layer in the eastern US.
Within this layer, identified and investigated by
Demitroff and Lecompte, nearly 10,000 spherules per kg
are being found, the highest yet recorded at any site....
He showed TEMs of a veritable zoo of aluminosilicate
spherules, nano and micro-tektites, and suspected impact
glass, found only in the layer, not above or below it,
and formed at temperatures of 1500 to 1800 C. --
well above temperatures reached in wildfires.

West stressed the melted glass and spherules were
formed from melted terrestrial clay or shale.
This is important....

"This is absolutely terrestrial geochemistry,
there is no hint of ET material.
So the best explanation is this is impact material.
So we think this refutes ET accretion.
We don't see any ET signature at all.
And the temperatures required to produce this are extreme,
to melt this well beyond any wildfire"
-- Allen West, AGU Fall Meeting, 2009

West returned to his big blue world map and pointed to the
work of Marie Agnes Courty, a French soil scientist, and
probably one of the few people who have spent as much
time as West looking at dirt in transmission microscopes.
M. Courty presented very similar evidence as West in three
far flung corners of the earth -- specifically the Caspian Sea,
the coast of Peru, and Atlantic Coast of France.
As West recounted, her findings -- as excerpted from her
abstract below -- were a stunning multi-continent
confirmation that something quite extraordinary happened
at 12,900 BP:

"The three sequences display one remarkable layer of
exogenous air-transported microdebris that is part of a
complex time series of recurrent fine dust/wildfire events.
The sharp debris-rich microfacies and its association to
ashes derived from calcination of the local vegetation
suggest instantaneous deposition synchronous to a
high intensity wildfire.
The debris assemblage comprises
microtektite-like glassy spherules,
partly devitrified glass shards,
unmelted to partly melted sedimentary and igneous clasts,
terrestrial native metals,
and carbonaceous components.
The later occur as grape-clustered polymers,
vitrified graphitic carbon,
amorphous carbon spherules with a honeycomb pattern,
and green carbon fibres with recrystallized quartz and metal

Evidence for high temperature formation from a heterogeneous
melt with solid debris and volatile components derived from
carbonaceous precursors supports an impact origin from an
ejecta plume.
The association of debris deposition to total firing would trace
a high energy airburst with surface effects of the fireball.
In contrast, microfacies and debris composition of the
recurrent fine dust/wildfire events would trace a series of a
low energy airburst."

-- Field-Analytical approach of land-sea records for
elucidating the Younger Dryas Boundary syndrome
T. Ge 1;
F. Guichard 3
1. Geoarcheology, INRAP, Pessac, France.
2. Prehistory -IPHES-ICREA, CNRS-MNHN,
Tarragona, Spain.
3. Paleoocenography, CNRS-CEA UVSQ,
Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
[ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2009AGUFMPP31D1390G ]

...West closed by noting this type of exotic terrestrial
impact flash-trash has been identified by his team at nine sites
(6 sites in NA, 2 Europe, 1 Syria), and at ten sites by 3rd
party independents (7 sites NA, 1 site SA, 1 site Europe,
1 site Syria).
For a total of nineteen sites on four continents where a
synchronous discreet layer has been found showing
evidence of a widely dispersed hell....

March 29th, 2008


Field-Analytical approach of land-sea records for
elucidating the Younger Dryas Boundary syndrome

Ge, T.; Courty, M. M.; Guichard, F.
American Geophysical Union,
Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #PP31D-1390

Linking lonsdaleite crystals, carbon spherules and
diamond polymorphs from the North American dark layers
at 12.9 cal yr B.P. to a cosmic event has questioned the
nature and timing of the related impact processes.
A global signal should trace the invoked airshocks and/or
surface impacts from a swarm of comets or
carbonaceous chondrites.
Here we report on the contextual analytical study of debris
fall events from three reference sequences of the
Younger Dyras period (11-13 ka cal BP) :

(1) sand dune fields along the French Atlantic coast at the
Audenge site;

(2) A 10 m record of detrital/bioorganic accumulation in
the southern basin of the Caspian Sea with regular
sedimentation rate (0.1 to 3 mm per year)
from 14 to 2-ka BP cal;

(3) the Paijan sequence (Peruvian coastal desert) offering
fossiliferous fluvial layers with the last large mammals and
aquatic fauna at 13 ka BP sealed by abiotic sand dunes....

Their record is expressed in the Audenge sequence by a
series of water-laid laminae of charred pine residues
formed of carbonaceous spherules wrapped by
carbonaceous polymers that includes lonsdaleite crystals
as detected by high resolution in situ micro-Raman analysis.

This association suggests recurrent flash forest wildfires
ignited by hot spray of carbon-rich debris,
followed by heavy snow falls.

The record from the Peruvian desert suggests a possible
linkage between the repeated debris fall/wildfires during the
Younger Dryas and the following irreversible aridity along
the Peruvian cost.

In contrast the Caspian record of the Younger Dryas period
indicates more gradual changes, possibly buffered by the
hydrological functioning of the Caspian sea in
a complex region.

The Audenge context offers the amplified signal needed to
understand at local to global scales the spatio-temporal
pattern of impact-airburst events....

ground views of over 100 .1-.5 km shallow (ice comet
fragment bursts) craters, Bajada del Diablo, Argentina
(.78-.13 Ma BP) [42.87 S 67.47 W] Rogelio D Acevedo
et al, Geomorphology 2009 Sept: Rich Murray 2010.03.28
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dennis Cox, amateur extraordinaire, with 6 views given via
Google Earth by Rich Murray of 360 m high mountain E of
Fresno, CA, with uphill and then downhill ejecta melt flows
-- informative book with 92 color images: 2010.03.25
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dennis Cox, Fresno, California

George Howard, Raleigh, North Carolina

Pierson Barretto, Brazil

Thornton H. "Tim" McElvain, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Michael E. Davias

Rich Murray, MA
Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964, history and physics,
1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
505-501-2298 rmforall at comcast.net


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