[meteorite-list] Meteorite-list Digest, Vol 72, Issue 79
From: Pizzimenti Luigi <l.pizzimenti_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 13:47:29 +0200 Message-ID: <A2755BC59F204AE4A8417F5093D23F86_at_luigi> I agree with Eric to avoid making fat ebay and paypal, we have to move the purchase of meteorites through our websites. I put a little items from eBay, but I sell on my site. Here's what you must do: small transactions to be known and big sales away from eBay. We have many dealers and collectors lists where sign up and check our prices. Ebay is let him who will start selling today. As a candidate for the board of IMCA will take my proposal to avoid a lot of money go to ebay and paypal. Regards, luigi pizzimenti ----- Original Message ----- From: <meteorite-list-request at meteoritecentral.com> To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 12:51 PM Subject: Meteorite-list Digest, Vol 72, Issue 79 > Send Meteorite-list mailing list submissions to > meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide > Web, visit > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > or, via email, send a message with subject or > body 'help' to > meteorite-list-request at meteoritecentral.com > > You can reach the person managing the list at > meteorite-list-owner at meteoritecentral.com > > When replying, please edit your Subject line so > it is more specific > than "Re: Contents of Meteorite-list digest..." > > > Today's Topics: > > 1. eBWW - Watchers Welcome, Bidders > Encouraged - AD (Greg Hupe) > 2. Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - > September 28, 2009 > (SPACEROCKSINC at aol.com) > 3. Mars Odyssey THEMIS Images: September > 21-25, 2009 (Ron Baalke) > 4. OT eBay (was AD Time to get back to work) > (Mexicodoug) > 5. "flow lines" on weathered irons (was > "question on cleaning > irons") (Piper R.W. Hollier) > 6. Re: AD... Time to get back to work > (Meteorites USA) > 7. Re: "flow lines" on weathered irons (was > "question on > cleaning irons") (Jason Utas) > 8. Re: OT eBay (was AD Time to get back to > work) (Meteorites USA) > 9. New fall in Argentina. (Eduardo) > 10. Happy Birthday Murchison - 40th Anniversary > (Jeff Kuyken) > 11. Happy Birthday Murchison - 40th Anniversary > (bernd.pauli at paulinet.de) > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Message: 1 > Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 22:28:18 -0400 > From: "Greg Hupe" <gmhupe at htn.net> > Subject: [meteorite-list] eBWW - Watchers > Welcome, Bidders Encouraged > - AD > To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> > Message-ID: > <8AC3F6798CC44EC7BAB98E046FB10F5B at Gregor> > Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; > charset="iso-8859-1"; > reply-type=original > > eBWW - (eBay Bidder Watcher Warning), > > Hello One and All, I have 14 excellent eBay > auctions ending tomorrow > (Monday, Sept. 28th), several still at just 99 > cents and many 'Watchers', > who I think, are "Watching" in order to snag or > snipe great deals when they > see them! > > Lots of Planetary and other Achondrite Rarities > can be had by "Watching' > here: > http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZnaturesvault > > Good Luck to All, whether you are an early bird > bidder or a late wandering > Winner!! > > Best regards, > Greg > > ==================== > Greg Hupe > The Hupe Collection > NaturesVault (eBay) > gmhupe at htn.net > www.LunarRock.com > IMCA 3163 > ==================== > Click here for my current eBay auctions: > http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZnaturesvault > > > > > > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 2 > Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 22:44:15 EDT > From: SPACEROCKSINC at aol.com > Subject: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space > Picture of the Day - > September 28, 2009 > To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > Message-ID: <d44.547bd861.37f17cff at aol.com> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" > > http://www.rocksfromspace.org/September_28_2009.html > > > > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 3 > Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 20:35:07 -0700 (PDT) > From: Ron Baalke <baalke at zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> > Subject: [meteorite-list] Mars Odyssey THEMIS > Images: September 21-25, > 2009 > To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > (Meteorite Mailing List) > Message-ID: > <200909280335.n8S3Z7HD020733 at zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii > > > MARS ODYSSEY THEMIS IMAGES > September 21-25, 2009 > > o Proctor Crater (Released 21 September 2009) > http://themis.asu.edu/zoom-20090921a > > o Proctor Crater (Released 22 September 2009) > http://themis.asu.edu/zoom-20090922a > > o Pityusa Patera Dunes (Released 23 September > 2009) > http://themis.asu.edu/zoom-20090923a > > o Russell Crater (Released 24 September 2009) > http://themis.asu.edu/zoom-20090924a > > o Russell Crater (Released 25 September 2009) > http://themis.asu.edu/zoom-20090925a > > > All of the THEMIS images are archived here: > > http://themis.asu.edu/latest.html > > NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the > 2001 Mars Odyssey mission > for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, > D.C. The Thermal Emission > Imaging System (THEMIS) was developed by Arizona > State University, > Tempe, in co.oration with Raytheon Santa Barbara > Remote Sensing. > The THEMIS investigation is led by Dr. Philip > Christensen at Arizona State > University. Lockheed Martin Astronautics, > Denver, is the prime contractor > for the Odyssey project, and developed and built > the orbiter. Mission > operations are conducted jointly from Lockheed > Martin and from JPL, a > division of the California Institute of > Technology in Pasadena. > > > > > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 4 > Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 01:41:25 -0400 > From: Mexicodoug <mexicodoug at aim.com> > Subject: [meteorite-list] OT eBay (was AD Time > to get back to work) > To: nwa482 at comcast.net > Cc: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > Message-ID: > <8CC0E15720884CF-3A24-B8D4 at webmail-m085.sysops.aol.com> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; > format=flowed > > "Or...... they are just saving up money from > cashing in all their empty > beer cans. Case in Point........ Sikhote-alin > stamp Buy It Now for $20- > and I have 9 of the left. It has 3 watchers: BTW > the auction has had > only 25 hits since I loaded it !" > > Hi Jim > > You're right: that is a case-in-point. But if > Jughaid is saving > aluminum cans to cash in, he's likely to be a > way more decisive buyer > than what you've described - the can collectors > get my respects for > being hard working and thanks for cleaning up > the environment. > > I would say with 99% certainty that these > case-in-point "The Watchers" > are your direct competitors on the stamps. I'd > also say with 95% > certainty that you already knew that ... and > just posted to let them > know they are ubiquitously annoying Taters. And > with 75% certainty you > could guess exactly who the young 'uns are ! > > The Sikhote-Alin stamps you are selling are > actually really cool and > the brochure that comes with them adds a lot of > value IMO. But while > browsing some of your other auctions, I think > the exquisitely patterned > Esquel slice among others is blinding us to the > facts of life on eBay. > So why even take the time to list minor items if > other stuff you have > is leagues above them - everyone has their needs > and priorities ... > > Rant: eBay is a cruel mutation of a classified > ad, where eBay Inc. > learned to be unethical and call it an "auction" > so they can fool > > people into taking a percent of the sale, rather > than a simple > insertion fee for screwing the seller (since > when did newspapers worry > about the final sale price - printing costs are > the same). > > In fact eBay is not an auction in the sense of > Blood's "English > Auction" at all, since there are no auctioneers > doing any work or > having any responsibility to Sellers, especially > busting their butt > promoting the larger items to earn their fees; > An auctioneer for the > Seller is typically under a consignment > relationship - contradicting > eBay's case. For those complaining about > Watchers being useless to > Sellers, check your basic assumptions. Watching > is a tool for BUYERS, > not Sellers. It is not meant to be especially > useful to Sellers. > > In a real auction, it may well be unethical to > start the bidding and > then pull the item. But in a classified ad, the > Seller has no > obligation to sell the item: no surprise - this > is eBay, love it or > leave it - the Seller actually has no obligation > (bids or not: not > something in anyone's interests to publicize) to > sell and like the > newspaper could care less what happens: eBay. > > So actually the power of the Seller is the power > to sell only when > convenient, and the disadvantage of the Buyer is > that eBay commits him > to pay unless the Seller allows the contrary. If > you look at eBay in > these terms, the protections need to be > structured around the buyer. > Whatever your opinion,20it is wrong to confuse > eBay with most common > auctions just because they call them "auctions". > During (live) "English > auctions", the auction most of us assume when > hearing of "an auction", > there is no "sniping", and other eBay > self-crafted academic auction > crap, the auctioneer simply starts do I hear.... > do I hear.... do I > hear.... once ... twice .... sold cycles until > he is satisfied everyone > had plenty of time to bid and works for the > benefit of the Seller. > > Now I won't get too started on why government > should regulate eBay's > monopolistic and bloated fees just as they > regulate pawn shops gouging > and credit interest rates for consumer > protection - it makes sense > until eBay is forced to be broken up just like > AT&T was: to everyone's > benefit, it is too much power in the hands of > two few billionaires > suckling their cash cow on our backs for too > long. What we need is a > Linux version of eBay linking many independent > auction sites in a > Bit-torrent fashion ... where independent escrow > companies have equal > access to process buyer commitments. That would > introduce the > competition where it is needed and online > selling fees will plummet in > consumers favor and finish eBay as effectively > as AOL died. > > http://joshreads.com/images/08/12/i081223bgss.jpg > (meteorite impacts?) > > Best wishes, > Doug > > PS - Everyone could humor Jim by watching this > auction > http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200387668267 ! > > PPS - Mike Miller' > s point about "spousal" consent was hilariously > true > ... (Loweezy could spend hours gossiping with > Elviney: Has any woman on > the list -or in the known universe- ever had her > husband deny > permission when she wanted to buy herself a > meteorite?) > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Jim Strope <nwa482 at comcast.net> > To: Mexicodoug <mexicodoug at aim.com> > Cc: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > Sent: Sun, Sep 27, 2009 7:47 pm > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD... Time to get > back to work > > Or......? they are just saving up money from > cashing in all their empty > beer cans. > > Case in Point........? Sikhote-alin stamp Buy It > Now for $20- and I > have 9 of the left.? It has 3 watchers:? BTW the > auction has had only > 25 hits since I loaded it ! > > ?http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200387668267 > > Jim Strope > http://www.catchafallingstar.com/ > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Mexicodoug" <mexicodoug at aim.com> > To: nwa482 at comcast.net, > meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2009 11:12:49 AM > GMT -08:00 US/Canada > Pacific > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD... ?Time to get > back to work > > "I have a question that has puzzled me for some > time....... On a cheap > item, $20- buy it now, why would anyone bother > to watch it? " > > Hello Jim ! > > Maybe the IRS. > > $20 is more money than 2/3 's of the current > eBay prices in the > collectibles category. > > Maybe they debate between (grocery=2 > 0shopping and cooking a romantic home > cooked steak dinner for two), or (some old rock > or 40-kopeck (USD > $0.01) postage stamp).... so they put it on a > watch list so it doesn't > get lost. > > Or maybe long on bids and with a fixed perk > budget. Losing other > auctions, he would pounce on the $20 thingy. > > Maybe she is 11 years old and $20 is her week's > allowance and she is > waiting for her "paycheck". Or ditto, retired, > fixed income, unemployed. > > Do you happen to have several of the same items > for $20? Maybe one of > your competitors thinks $10 has been the > standard for whatever the item > is, and he may be thinking, let's see how > quickly Jim sells these at > $20 ! > > My money is on the latter, > > Kindest wishes, > Doug > > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Jim Strope <nwa482 at comcast.net> > To: Meteorite Central > <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> > Sent: Sun, Sep 27, 2009 11:51 am > Subject: [meteorite-list] AD... Time to get back > to work > > > > After playing all summer, I find that I must get > back to work. So I > have > started listing on ebay again. All items so far > are buy it now listings > with > some of them accepting reasonable offers. > Noteable items are a complete > Portales Valley Stone, nice Esquel slices, > complete Millbillillie, > Gibeon, > Planetaries etc, Link is below: > > http://members.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=catchafallingstar.com > > I have a question that has puzzled me for some > time....... On a cheap > it > em, > $20- buy it now, why would anyone bother to > watch it? It is only $20- > and not > an auction where you would want to know where it > ended or wanted to bid > at the > last minuite? What is the logic behind > cluttering your watched item > list with > this kind of cheap item? > > Good luck to all as I have some exceptional > items offered and plan on > adding > more in the next few days. > > Jim Strope > > http://www.catchafallingstar.com/ > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > > > > > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 5 > Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 09:47:08 +0200 > From: "Piper R.W. Hollier" <piper at xs4all.nl> > Subject: [meteorite-list] "flow lines" on > weathered irons (was > "question on cleaning irons") > To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> > Message-ID: > <200909280749.n8S7nAqn046224 at smtp-vbr14.xs4all.nl> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; > format=flowed > > Hi Guido, Jason, Mike, and list, > > At 22:33 27-09-09, Jason wrote: >>Regardless of how well you cleaned your Nantan, >>whatever you found >>under the surface was not flow lines. > > It appears that the layers of taenite and > kamacite do not always > oxidize at the same rate at the surface of a > buried iron. This would > make sense intuitively, since the proportion of > nickel is different. > Just as nitol has a differential effect on > taenite and kamacite in > the lab, some conditions of soil chemistry might > produce an analogous > result in the strewn field, albeit much more > slowly. What is > sometimes left after a long period of weathering > is a pattern of > parallel grooves on the outer surface that might > be (mis)interpreted > as flow lines. > > This is an effect that I first noticed on a > thick slice of Toluca > from Alain Carion's collection that was on > display at a wonderful > exhibition at the Ecole des Mines in Paris in > 1998. The > correspondence between the shallow ridges on the > oxidized edge of the > slice and the Widmanstaetten pattern of the cut > surface was rather obvious. > > There might be something about the specific soil > chemistry at the > site that could make this effect more pronounced > at some localities > (e.g. Nantan or Toluca) by enhancing the > difference in oxidation rate. > > Piper > > > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 6 > Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 01:03:47 -0700 > From: Meteorites USA <eric at meteoritesusa.com> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD... Time to get > back to work > To: Michael Blood <mlblood at cox.net> > Cc: Meteorite List > <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> > Message-ID: <4AC06DE3.5090300 at meteoritesusa.com> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; > format=flowed > > Hi Michael, > > Agreed... Though I don't think I have to say > some people tend to blur > the line and confuse and extend the policy to > include "any" item listed > rather than simply applying the rule to an item > that has bids for which > it was originally designed. Obviously ending an > item which has bids is > unethical "IF" it's solely to resell the item > somewhere else or to > garner a higher price. There is however, one > valid reason I can think of > to end an auction "after" it has bids and that's > if the item being sold > somehow gets destroyed or stolen before the > auction ends. Of course the > seller then has the obligation to contact the > high bidder (before ending > the item) and let them know about the > circumstances and offer a > solution. I believe the seller also has the > obligation to provide a > reasonable replacement, or offer of credit or > discount on another like > item to make it fair for the buyer. If the buyer > wants to purchase the > piece in a broken state then that's their > prerogative, and they should > realize that just because a seller ends an item > does not mean that > seller is doing bad things. People are becoming > way too paranoid in > suspecting that many honest sellers are a > fraudsters. Ebay is > propagating this hysteria by scaring buyers into > thinking it's not safe > to buy off their site. > > Just my opinion... > > Regards, > Eric > > > > Michael Blood wrote: >> Hi Eric and all, >> As long as no bid has been placed, it >> is entirely ethical to remove >> An item from an auction. Once ANY bid has been >> placed, removing >> that item is very much an illegal action and, >> more importantly, an >> unethical action (who would prosecute it as a >> crime given the eBay >> venue?). In a live auction, the auctioneer is >> legally bound to continue >> To the conclusion any auction item upon which a >> legitimate bid has >> been placed. >> Best wishes, Michael >> >> >> On 9/27/09 4:22 PM, "Eric Wichman" >> <eric at meteoritesusa.com> wrote: >> >> >>> Ebay is ONE sales OUTLET of many sales outlets >>> businesses use to boost >>> their online sales. I list items in many >>> places online and offline. If I >>> get a buyer for an item from one place (other >>> than ebay) and that item >>> just happens to be listed on eBay too, do you >>> think I'm going to tell my >>> buyer "Sorry, but I can't sell you that item >>> because it's listed on >>> eBay."? Hell no... I'm going to end my auction >>> (if it doesn't have bids) >>> or store item and sell the item to my buyer! >>> >> >> >> >> > > > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 7 > Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 01:45:44 -0700 > From: Jason Utas <meteoritekid at gmail.com> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] "flow lines" on > weathered irons (was > "question on cleaning irons") > To: Meteorite-list > <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> > Message-ID: > <93aaac890909280145o334d0d2cndd776eee9e5ac774 at mail.gmail.com> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 > > Hello Piper, > Of course - hence the differential weathering > rates of Campos ("old" > versus "new"), to name one of many examples. > Perhaps the best example of such weathering can > be seen on irons from > Gibeon. I unfortunately don't have a copy of > Buchwald here, but if > anyone does have access to the second volume, if > they could flip > through the Gibeon section, they would find a > photograph of a > beautiful mass of Gibeon (I forget the name of > the mass) on display in > a museum in Germany. It displays beautiful > fusion crust and > smooth-edged, shallow regmaglypts - it looks as > fresh as many Sikhotes > on the market today. Compare it to many of the > larger Gibeons on ebay > today and you'll see little-to-no resemblance. > If anyone out there > can scan a picture of said page, I'd be much > obliged. It really is a > good example. > There are, however, a few common irons which I > would never expect to > have fusion crust: Canyon Diablo, Toluca, > Odessa, and Nantan, to name > a few. I've seen hundreds, if not thousands of > examples of each, and > I have never seen a single one of any of them > that came close to being > "fresh" enough to retain a trace of fusion > crust. > Nantan is one of the most corroded and least > stable iron meteorites I > have ever known, though Dronino's turning out to > be about as bad. > People need to learn more in order to clear up > the misconception that > all meteorites show signs of a hot, violent > entry through the > atmosphere; I see NWA's on ebay all the time > that are nothing but old > weathered fragments coated with desert varnish. > Check out this > seller: > > http://myworld.ebay.com/eegooblago/ > > Almost all of his stones are covered in a > 'glossy fusion crust.' Oh > wait - those are just desert varnished fragments > that have been > weathered to hell. Most of the melt features > the seller notes are due > to sandblasting and corrosion, and s/he goes so > far as to say that the > cracks in his stones formed when they hit the > ground! Anyone remotely > familiar with meteorites and weathering > processes knows that over > thousands of years, meteorites fracture and > break apart, in a manner > completely unrelated to their having impacted > the Earth. > This seems like a very similar misconception; > Guido even notes finding > flow lines on the inside of the meteorite, > having broken it open. > There's no way there would have been any flow > lines on the surface of > the iron, never mind the inside of it. It > simply isn't possible. > Regards, > Jason > > On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 12:47 AM, Piper R.W. > Hollier <piper at xs4all.nl> wrote: >> Hi Guido, Jason, Mike, and list, >> >> At 22:33 27-09-09, Jason wrote: >>> >>> Regardless of how well you cleaned your >>> Nantan, whatever you found >>> under the surface was not flow lines. >> >> It appears that the layers of taenite and >> kamacite do not always oxidize at >> the same rate at the surface of a buried iron. >> This would make sense >> intuitively, since the proportion of nickel is >> different. Just as nitol has >> a differential effect on taenite and kamacite >> in the lab, some conditions of >> soil chemistry might produce an analogous >> result in the strewn field, albeit >> much more slowly. What is sometimes left after >> a long period of weathering >> is a pattern of parallel grooves on the outer >> surface that might be >> (mis)interpreted as flow lines. >> >> This is an effect that I first noticed on a >> thick slice of Toluca from Alain >> Carion's collection that was on display at a >> wonderful exhibition at the >> Ecole des Mines in Paris in 1998. The >> correspondence between the shallow >> ridges on the oxidized edge of the slice and >> the Widmanstaetten pattern of >> the cut surface was rather obvious. >> >> There might be something about the specific >> soil chemistry at the site that >> could make this effect more pronounced at some >> localities (e.g. Nantan or >> Toluca) by enhancing the difference in >> oxidation rate. >> >> Piper >> >> ______________________________________________ >> http://www.meteoritecentral.com >> Meteorite-list mailing list >> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >> > > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 8 > Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 02:01:03 -0700 > From: Meteorites USA <eric at meteoritesusa.com> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] OT eBay (was AD > Time to get back to > work) > To: Mexicodoug <mexicodoug at aim.com> > Cc: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com, > nwa482 at comcast.net > Message-ID: <4AC07B4F.8000405 at meteoritesusa.com> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; > format=flowed > > Hi Doug, List, > > Respectfully I disagree with the statement, > though only somewhat... > > "...For those complaining about Watchers being > useless to Sellers, check > your basic assumptions. Watching is a tool for > BUYERS, not Sellers. It > is not meant to be especially useful to > Sellers..." > > Not really what I meant... I suspect "watching" > (when referring to > sellers) doesn't benefit buyers at all. What I'm > referring to is not the > buyers "My Ebay" section. I'm referring to the > number of watchers that > is displayed in the sellers "My Ebay" section. > The buyer cannot see this > number, though they need not see it at all to > watch an item. I > understand the reason behind watchers watching > and I use it to watch my > competition too as do most sellers. Please > explain to me though, what > use the number of watchers is to the seller > other than to show how many > people are "thinking" about buying or watching > their competition without > also giving the seller the opportunity to > contact the watcher with an offer. > > I agree with you 100% on your description of the > proverbial monopolistic > mass that is Ebay. There does need to be a free, > or nearly free system > created to compete with Ebay. They are ripe for > a competitor. > > Craigslist was the closest and still does tear > away at some of Ebay's > market share. But wait, doesn't Ebay now own 25% > of Craigslist? Yup! > They sure do... Some unknown shareholder of > Craigslist sold Ebay a lions > share of the company. What better way to defeat > your enemy than to know > your enemy from the inside out. Then within a > short period of time Ebay > creates Kijiji... A free worldwide classifieds > ads website. Imagine > that... ;) lol > > Hmmm... Ebay also owns it's own payment getway > company Paypal, they own > 25% of their biggest online competitor, and they > force sellers to use > their own gateway thereby increasing sellers > costs! Don't people see a > problem with this? > > Buyers should be pissed about this too. Why? > Because of what happens > when sellers incur more costs. They raise prices > to compensate! This in > turn not only allows Ebay to earn even more from > final value fees, but > it cost the buyers money too. Though in an > indirect way. > > How much? Paypal charges from 1.9% to 2.9% > processing fee plus a .30 > charge per transaction. We have hundreds of > transactions in a busy month > and though we are Powersellers there are many > people who sell much more > than us. Some Ebay sellers have 100's of > thousands of feedback and > transactions, most of which go through Paypal > now that Ebay requires all > sellers to accept Paypal. > > 2.9% doesn't sound like much does it? Let's put > that number into > perspective. > > Ebay processes millions of transactions per day > and receives millions of > payments through their Paypal service each day. > > Even if there's only $1 Million dollars worth of > transactions per day > (there really is much more that that), that > equates to $29,000 in fees > that SELLERS have to pay each day. > > Paypal fees collected by total sales per day: > (not counting the .30 per transaction charge) > > $2 Million in transactions = $58K fees > $3 Million in transactions = $87K fees > $4 Million in transactions = $116K fees > $5 Million in transactions = $145K fees > PER DAY!!! > > $2 Million in transactions = $58K fees x 365 > Days = $21,170,000.00 yr > $3 Million in transactions = $87K fees x 365 > Days = $31,755,000.00 yr > $4 Million in transactions = $116K fees x 365 > Days = $42,340,000.00 yr > $5 Million in transactions = $145K fees x 365 > Days = $52,925,000.00 yr > > I don't know about you, but I think that's a > whole lot of money! And > buyers are paying for it through higher prices > charged by sellers! > > Are we seeing a pattern here? Ebay is perhaps > the biggest monopoly > online right now, and the only thing that will > change it from becoming > bigger is to create something they can't compete > with. Craigslist had > it, then they sold 25% of their company (which > by the way only employs > about 30 people or so) for an undisclosed amount > of money and keeps the > shareholder secret... > > How this email turned into an Ebay rant I don't > really know, but buyers, > you should really think twice before buying on > Ebay, considering Ebay is > raising prices indirectly and you're paying for > it! Their practices are > so blatantly unethical it's ridiculous but we > forget about it because of > the great deals and excitement of the auction > atmosphere. > > You know what, there are a lot better deals on > Craigslist! Why do you > think Ebay bought 25% of the company? You think > it's just because they > like their business, or they want to be friends? > Ebay is run by sharks, > sharks that eat money for breakfast. They drink > melted gold from > platinum goblets and smile their diamond smiles > all the while dreaming > up new ways to drain sellers of their hard > earned money through endless > fee increases and unfair and unethical business > practices. Buyers you > pay for it too whether you realize it or not. > > Regards, > Eric > > > > > Mexicodoug wrote: >> "Or...... they are just saving up money from >> cashing in all their >> empty beer cans. Case in Point........ >> Sikhote-alin stamp Buy It Now >> for $20- and I have 9 of the left. It has 3 >> watchers: BTW the auction >> has had only 25 hits since I loaded it !" >> >> Hi Jim >> >> You're right: that is a case-in-point. But if >> Jughaid is saving >> aluminum cans to cash in, he's likely to be a >> way more decisive buyer >> than what you've described - the can collectors >> get my respects for >> being hard working and thanks for cleaning up >> the environment. >> >> I would say with 99% certainty that these >> case-in-point "The Watchers" >> are your direct competitors on the stamps. I'd >> also say with 95% >> certainty that you already knew that ... and >> just posted to let them >> know they are ubiquitously annoying Taters. And >> with 75% certainty you >> could guess exactly who the young 'uns are ! >> >> The Sikhote-Alin stamps you are selling are >> actually really cool and >> the brochure that comes with them adds a lot of >> value IMO. But while >> browsing some of your other auctions, I think >> the exquisitely >> patterned Esquel slice among others is blinding >> us to the facts of >> life on eBay. So why even take the time to list >> minor items if other >> stuff you have is leagues above them - everyone >> has their needs and >> priorities ... >> >> Rant: eBay is a cruel mutation of a classified >> ad, where eBay Inc. >> learned to be unethical and call it an >> "auction" so they can fool >> >> people into taking a percent of the sale, >> rather than a simple >> insertion fee for screwing the seller (since >> when did newspapers worry >> about the final sale price - printing costs are >> the same). >> >> In fact eBay is not an auction in the sense of >> Blood's "English >> Auction" at all, since there are no auctioneers >> doing any work or >> having any responsibility to Sellers, >> especially busting their butt >> promoting the larger items to earn their fees; >> An auctioneer for the >> Seller is typically under a consignment >> relationship - contradicting >> eBay's case. For those complaining about >> Watchers being useless to >> Sellers, check your basic assumptions. Watching >> is a tool for BUYERS, >> not Sellers. It is not meant to be especially >> useful to Sellers. >> >> In a real auction, it may well be unethical to >> start the bidding and >> then pull the item. But in a classified ad, the >> Seller has no >> obligation to sell the item: no surprise - this >> is eBay, love it or >> leave it - the Seller actually has no >> obligation (bids or not: not >> something in anyone's interests to publicize) >> to sell and like the >> newspaper could care less what happens: eBay. >> >> So actually the power of the Seller is the >> power to sell only when >> convenient, and the disadvantage of the Buyer >> is that eBay commits him >> to pay unless the Seller allows the contrary. >> If you look at eBay in >> these terms, the protections need to be >> structured around the buyer. >> Whatever your opinion,20it is wrong to confuse >> eBay with most common >> auctions just because they call them >> "auctions". During (live) >> "English auctions", the auction most of us >> assume when hearing of "an >> auction", there is no "sniping", and other eBay >> self-crafted academic >> auction crap, the auctioneer simply starts do I >> hear.... do I hear.... >> do I hear.... once ... twice .... sold cycles >> until he is satisfied >> everyone had plenty of time to bid and works >> for the benefit of the >> Seller. >> >> Now I won't get too started on why government >> should regulate eBay's >> monopolistic and bloated fees just as they >> regulate pawn shops gouging >> and credit interest rates for consumer >> protection - it makes sense >> until eBay is forced to be broken up just like >> AT&T was: to everyone's >> benefit, it is too much power in the hands of >> two few billionaires >> suckling their cash cow on our backs for too >> long. What we need is a >> Linux version of eBay linking many independent >> auction sites in a >> Bit-torrent fashion ... where independent >> escrow companies have equal >> access to process buyer commitments. That would >> introduce the >> competition where it is needed and online >> selling fees will plummet in >> consumers favor and finish eBay as effectively >> as AOL died. >> >> http://joshreads.com/images/08/12/i081223bgss.jpg >> (meteorite impacts?) >> >> Best wishes, >> Doug >> >> PS - Everyone could humor Jim by watching this >> auction >> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200387668267 ! >> >> PPS - Mike Miller' >> s point about "spousal" consent was hilariously >> true ... (Loweezy >> could spend hours gossiping with Elviney: Has >> any woman on the list >> -or in the known universe- ever had her husband >> deny permission when >> she wanted to buy herself a meteorite?) >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: Jim Strope <nwa482 at comcast.net> >> To: Mexicodoug <mexicodoug at aim.com> >> Cc: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >> Sent: Sun, Sep 27, 2009 7:47 pm >> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD... Time to get >> back to work >> >> Or......? they are just saving up money from >> cashing in all their >> empty beer cans. >> >> Case in Point........? Sikhote-alin stamp Buy >> It Now for $20- and I >> have 9 of the left.? It has 3 watchers:? BTW >> the auction has had >> only 25 hits since I loaded it ! >> >> ? >> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200387668267 >> >> Jim Strope >> http://www.catchafallingstar.com/ >> >> ----- Original Message ----- >> From: "Mexicodoug" <mexicodoug at aim.com> >> To: nwa482 at comcast.net, >> meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >> Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2009 11:12:49 AM >> GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific >> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD... ? Time to >> get back to work >> >> "I have a question that has puzzled me for some >> time....... On a cheap >> item, $20- buy it now, why would anyone bother >> to watch it? " >> >> Hello Jim ! >> >> Maybe the IRS. >> >> $20 is more money than 2/3 's of the current >> eBay prices in the >> collectibles category. >> >> Maybe they debate between (grocery=2 >> 0shopping and cooking a romantic home >> cooked steak dinner for two), or (some old rock >> or 40-kopeck (USD >> $0.01) postage stamp).... so they put it on a >> watch list so it doesn't >> get lost. >> >> Or maybe long on bids and with a fixed perk >> budget. Losing other >> auctions, he would pounce on the $20 thingy. >> >> Maybe she is 11 years old and $20 is her week's >> allowance and she is >> waiting for her "paycheck". Or ditto, retired, >> fixed income, unemployed. >> >> Do you happen to have several of the same items >> for $20? Maybe one of >> your competitors thinks $10 has been the >> standard for whatever the item >> is, and he may be thinking, let's see how >> quickly Jim sells these at >> $20 ! >> >> My money is on the latter, >> >> Kindest wishes, >> Doug >> >> >> >> >> >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: Jim Strope <nwa482 at comcast.net> >> To: Meteorite Central >> <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> >> Sent: Sun, Sep 27, 2009 11:51 am >> Subject: [meteorite-list] AD... Time to get >> back to work >> >> >> >> After playing all summer, I find that I must >> get back to work. So I >> have >> started listing on ebay again. All items so far >> are buy it now listings >> with >> some of them accepting reasonable offers. >> Noteable items are a complete >> Portales Valley Stone, nice Esquel slices, >> complete Millbillillie, >> Gibeon, >> Planetaries etc, Link is below: >> >> http://members.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=catchafallingstar.com >> >> >> I have a question that has puzzled me for some >> time....... On a cheap >> it >> em, >> $20- buy it now, why would anyone bother to >> watch it? It is only $20- >> and not >> an auction where you would want to know where >> it ended or wanted to bid >> at the >> last minuite? What is the logic behind >> cluttering your watched item >> list with >> this kind of cheap item? >> >> Good luck to all as I have some exceptional >> items offered and plan on >> adding >> more in the next few days. >> >> Jim Strope >> >> http://www.catchafallingstar.com/ >> ______________________________________________ >> http://www.meteoritecentral.com >> Meteorite-list mailing list >> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >> >> >> >> >> ______________________________________________ >> http://www.meteoritecentral.com >> Meteorite-list mailing list >> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 9 > Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 06:56:15 -0300 > From: "Eduardo" <info at mineralesyfosiles.com.ar> > Subject: [meteorite-list] New fall in Argentina. > To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com, > nwa482 at comcast.net > Message-ID: <B0000044169 at webmail.abaco.net.ar> > > Yesterday, 19:22hs local time a fireball with > explosion and Earth shake > was seen and felt betweeen Mendoza and La Pampa > provinces in Argentina. > > Please remember the Argentine law about > meteorite falls. NO EXPORT IS > ALLOWED. If anywone want to came and search for > it is OK but you can't > take the meteorites out of Argentina. > > Some news (in spanish sorry): > http://www.mdzol.com/mdz/nota/162536-Un-meteorito-cay%C3%B3-en-General- > Alvear/ > > http://radio1alvear.com/ > > http://www.diariotextual.com/index.php? > option=com_content&view=article&id=2779 > > http://www.mediamza.com/nota/index/id/8850 > > http://www.laarena.com.ar/la_ciudad-%C2%BFmeteorito_o_basura_espacial_- > 39284-115.html > > Eduardo > > P.S. 25 years without falls in Argentina and > just after the new law 3 > falls in less than two years. That's not fair > :-( > > > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 10 > Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 20:34:21 +1000 > From: "Jeff Kuyken" <info at meteorites.com.au> > Subject: [meteorite-list] Happy Birthday > Murchison - 40th Anniversary > To: "Meteorite List" > <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> > Message-ID: > <8E863B20D57240CB9A5FFEA4E7B4D329 at JeffPC> > Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; > charset="iso-8859-1"; > reply-type=original > > Hi all, > > On this day 40 years ago in 1969, one of the > most famous meteorites fell to > Earth in a spectacular fashion. It was the > beautiful Murchison CM2 meteorite > which has been the subject of much scientific > interest over the last four > decades. It's this meteorite which sparked much > interest in the contained > amino acids and the burgeoning theories of > meteorites seeding life on Earth. > > Happy Birthday Murchison. > > http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&um=1&sa=1&q=murchison+meteorite > > Cheers, > > Jeff Kuyken > Meteorites Australia > www.meteorites.com.au > Director - I.M.C.A. Inc. > www.imca.cc > > > P.S. A friend of mine was in Murchison today and > no one had any idea it was > the 40th Anniversary even though there was a big > celebration for the 30th! > ;-) > > > > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 11 > Date: 28 Sep 2009 10:37:46 UT > From: bernd.pauli at paulinet.de > Subject: [meteorite-list] Happy Birthday > Murchison - 40th Anniversary > To: Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > Message-ID: <DIIE.000000870000406F at paulinet.de> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" > > Jeff wrote: > > "On this day 40 years ago in 1969, one of the > most famous meteorites fell to > Earth in a spectacular fashion. It was the > beautiful Murchison CM2 meteorite > which has been the subject of much scientific > interest over the last four > decades. It's this meteorite which sparked much > interest in the contained > amino acids and the burgeoning theories of > meteorites seeding life on Earth." > > http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&um=1&sa=1&q=murchison+meteorite > > Hi Jeff and List, > > and Friday, 12 Sep 1997, Ron Baalke posted this: > > Amino acids have been found in Murchison and > other carbonaceous meteorites. > There are two types of amino acids, one group > which is characterized as being > "left-handed" and the other group > "right-handed". Amino acids can be formed > from biological and non-biological means. > However, it is interesting to note that > all life known thus far produce the left-handed > amino acids. No one really knows > why life has a preference for left-handed amino > acids. Murchison has been observed > to have an excess of left-handed amino acids. Is > this an indication of life in the > Murchison meteorite? Under normal circumstances, > you would expect an equal number > of left-handed and right-handed amino acids to > form if they were formed from non- > biological means. Some people speculated that > this is a sign of life in Murchison. > However, the excess of left-handed amino acids > alone is not an indication of life, > as such an excess can be explained by > non-bioligical means. The excess of left-handed > amino acids in Murchison is rather small, with > the excess ranging from 2.8% to 10.4%. > In a paper titled "Distinguishing the Chiral* > Signature of Life in the Solar System and > Beyond" given by Alexandra MacDermott at the > SPIE conference in July 1997, she > explains how amino acids could be formed from > non-biological means and show an > excess of either left-hand or right-handed amino > acids. It has been clearly shown in > the laboratory that circular polarized light > exposure can be used to force the selection > of which hand amino acids will be. MacDermott > proposes that early in the formation > of the the solar system, it was exposed to > circularly polarized raditaion of a passing > neutron star. Which pole of the neutron star > facing the solar system would determine > which hand the pre-solar dust cloud would have > an excess of. MacDermott concluded > that the excess of left-handed amino acids in > Murchison was not due to biological means, > and an excess of amino acids on its own does not > necessarily imply life. MacDermott > also remarked that if Richard Hoover's paper on > finding possible microfossils in Murchison > (which was also presented the day before at the > same SPIE conference) bears out to be true, > then she would have to rethink the conclusions > from her paper." > > * chiral / chirality = (of a molecule) not > superimposable on its mirror image. > > See also: > > Cohen B.A. et al. (1998) Racemization of > meteoritic amino acids (MAPS 33-4, 1998, A033). > > > Best wishes from late Summer > sunny Southern Germany, > > Bernd > > > > > > ------------------------------ > > _______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > > End of Meteorite-list Digest, Vol 72, Issue 79 > ********************************************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nessun virus nel messaggio in arrivo. Controllato da AVG - www.avg.com Versione: 8.5.409 / Database dei virus: 270.13.113/2400 - Data di rilascio: 09/28/09 05:51:00 Received on Mon 28 Sep 2009 07:47:29 AM PDT |
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